Roy Moore

I support Roy Moore. I don't believe the accusations. Dishonest media trying to steal the election. Supposedly they had this info during the primary, why didn't they reveal it then? It's a political play.

No I don't have a daughter.

I support Roy Moore. I don't believe the accusations. Dishonest media trying to steal the election. Supposedly they had this info during the primary, why didn't they reveal it then? It's a political play.

No I don't have a daughter.


I always thought you were a level headed right winger. I was wrong. If you had a teenage daughter that said, "Dad, Roy Moore asked me out for a date". What would you say?
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Yeah beacuse liberals in the Democratic Party are such exemplaries of moral behavior. F your moral high ground liberals. Many Politicians on BOTH sides are pervs, sexual predators, and horn dogs. If character is a bedrock standard for you then stay home in your safe space and stop complaining. I hope Roy Moore wins in a landslide, walks into DC wearing a cowboy hat and tells that limp wristed puss loser Chuckie Schumer to go F himself.
#metoo is very dangerous to men in general.

I hate Al Franken. Let me repeat that, I hate Al Franken. Nothing would make me happier than to see him go up in flames in the PC culture the libs have created. That said, I heard an interview yesterday with one of his "victims". This stupid bitch was on some debate show with him. After the show she said he was confrontational and aggressive toward her continuing the argument. Then over the next 6 months he or someone who works for him phoned her three times asking for a date. She then said he should be fired for that behavior. These broads are losing their minds and the poor victims of rape or assault will be the ones who pay the price when society becomes so numb to the phrases that accusations will mean little to nothing.
Yeah beacuse liberals in the Democratic Party are such exemplaries of moral behavior. F your moral high ground liberals. Many Politicians on BOTH sides are pervs, sexual predators, and horn dogs. If character is a bedrock standard for you then stay home in your safe space and stop complaining. I hope Roy Moore wins in a landslide, walks into DC wearing a cowboy hat and tells that limp wristed puss loser Chuckie Schumer to go F himself.
Your hatred for people who diagree with u is pathetic. Obviously you dont have a daughter. If some day u r lucky enough wonder if you would be okay with a conservative raping them.
Your hatred for people who diagree with u is pathetic. Obviously you dont have a daughter. If some day u r lucky enough wonder if you would be okay with a conservative raping them.
I don't think anyone would be ok with anyone raping their daughter. Liberal or conservative.

Why is this even coming up? Your OP is about Roy Moore and as far as I know no one has even alleged he raped anyone. Do you know something we don't?

Question : Why won't Gloria Allred let an FBI calligraphy expert determine whether the handwriting on that yearbook from all those years back actually is Roy Moore's handwriting? Aren't democrats interested in the truth , or are they just interested in winning by any means necessary even if it means destroying an innocent man?
I don't think anyone would be ok with anyone raping their daughter. Liberal or conservative.

Why is this even coming up? Your OP is about Roy Moore and as far as I know no one has even alleged he raped anyone. Do you know something we don't?

Question : Why won't Gloria Allred let an FBI calligraphy expert determine whether the handwriting on that yearbook from all those years back actually is Roy Moore's handwriting? Aren't democrats interested in the truth , or are they just interested in winning by any means necessary even if it means destroying an innocent man?
Better question. Why does not the man that wants to have the privilige to be in the senate take a polygraph?
By the way there are numerous qualified Republicans that can win a senate seat that is not attracted to fourteen year old girls.
Better question. Why does not the man that wants to have the privilige to be in the senate take a polygraph?
It's not a better question. She accused him and claims to have proof. Why won't she let the evidence be analyzed? You claim to be a lawyer, since when is the burden of proof on the accused?
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By the way there are numerous qualified Republicans that can win a senate seat that is not attracted to fourteen year old girls.
I’d say the same however are male Democrats attracted to females of any age anymore? Or does gender not matter to Libs regarding attraction anymore either?
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By the way there are numerous qualified Republicans that can win a senate seat that is not attracted to fourteen year old girls.

Yeah but these are the new tribal standards where morality takes a back seat to your team winning. This is how one can justify voting for an accused paedo over a "normal" candidate who happens to be on the opposing team.
Yeah but these are the new tribal standards where morality takes a back seat to your team winning. This is how one can justify voting for an accused paedo over a "normal" candidate who happens to be on the opposing team.
Come on, you have to be joking. You couldn't sound any more "tribal " as you accuse others of being "tribal".

If @canesrule21'ships accuses you of being a rapist or a pedo does that make it so? Wouldn't it be fair that he have to present some evidence of your misdeeds before you are convicted as you just convicted Roy Moore?
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Yeah but these are the new tribal standards where morality takes a back seat to your team winning. This is how one can justify voting for an accused paedo over a "normal" candidate who happens to be on the opposing team.
As a matter of fact I just got word from @e_cushing that he is accusing you of raping him in 1995 . That's it, you're a rapist and off to jail you go. That's how it works right?
Come on, you have to be joking. You couldn't sound any more "tribal " as you accuse others of being "tribal".

If @canesrule21'ships accuses you of being a rapist or a pedo does that make it so? Wouldn't it be fair that he have to present some evidence of your misdeeds before you are convicted as you just convicted Roy Moore?

Not particularly. I'm completely fine with the likes of Franken, Conyers, and anyone else on the left getting shown the door. Cases where there are upwards of 5, 10 or more accusers have to be taken seriously. If it happened in a corporate setting they would be fired on the spot and their careers would be finished. The only place where this is apparently still acceptable is in tribal politics where certain groups of voters are happy to look the other way so that their political persuasion of choice can remain in power.
Not particularly. I'm completely fine with the likes of Franken, Conyers, and anyone else on the left getting shown the door. Cases where there are upwards of 5, 10 or more accusers have to be taken seriously. If it happened in a corporate setting they would be fired on the spot and their careers would be finished. The only place where this is apparently still acceptable is in tribal politics where certain groups of voters are happy to look the other way so that their political persuasion of choice can remain in power.
There are pictures of Franken doing it and he has apologized hence admitted it. Conyers paid off his victims hence admitted it. Moore has denied accusations and no proof has been presented.
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Liberals are the most hate filled group of intolerant, ignorant, and insufferable people this country has offer. Calling everyone who is not a flaming liberal, a racist. Calling evey Republican a rapist at the slightest accusation without any proof.

Nobody called you a racist or rapist just warped
There are pictures of Franken doing it and he has apologized hence admitted it. Conyers paid off his victims hence admitted it. Moore has denied accusations and no proof has been presented.

Yes I know all of that. However denying something doesn't change the perception of the allegation, and when there are in some cases well over a dozen people making similar accusations and the candidate is seeking the public trust, they should do the right thing and bow out to preserve the integrity of the office.
Yes I know all of that. However denying something doesn't change the perception of the allegation, and when there are in some cases well over a dozen people making similar accusations and the candidate is seeking the public trust, they should do the right thing and bow out to preserve the integrity of the office.
Wasting time with these guys. Lets all be happy a child molestor going to senate and our political divisions make that alright.
Yes I know all of that. However denying something doesn't change the perception of the allegation, and when there are in some cases well over a dozen people making similar accusations and the candidate is seeking the public trust, they should do the right thing and bow out to preserve the integrity of the office.
Honest question : why is Gloria Allred refusing to allow an FBI calligraphy expert to determine whether that is in fact Roy Moore's handwriting in that yearbook ? Seems reasonable to me, does it not seem reasonable to you ? We could settle this once and for all.
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Wasting time with these guys. Lets all be happy a child molestor going to senate and our political divisions make that alright.
There you go again. No one has even accused him of being a child molester . First you called him a rapist above, no one has ever accused him of being one but you convicted him of being such . I thought you were an attorney. No?
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Honest question : why is Gloria Allred refusing to allow an FBI calligraphy expert to determine whether that is in fact Roy Moore's handwriting in that yearbook ? Seems reasonable to me, does it not seem reasonable to you ? We could settle this once and for all.

I honestly have no idea. She's a notorious grandstander and is probably attempting to squeeze more press out of this by trying to get Moore to testify under oath. Allred's antics aside however, I think its very hard to look the other way once you get into numerous accusers, all or most of whom don't know one another, making very similar accusations about similar things. Its obviously political motivated since its so close to the election, but once the allegations are out there then the candidate's integrity has been sufficiently impugned to where they should do the right thing and bow out gracefully instead of making blanket denials that only make him look worse each time a new story drops.
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Nobody called you a racist or rapist just warped

Please you and your gang of liberals falsey accuse me and about 20 other people racists so offen a tacomoter couldnt keep track of it. Spare me shit.

You liberals are incapable of constructive, inteligent, critical thinking. Liberals seek to roboticoze society into uniformity of thought, speech, and conduct, and anyone who doesn’t subscribe to that AIDS ridden worthless ideology is a racist, bigot, xenephobe, homophobe blah blah blah...
I honestly have no idea. She's a notorious grandstander and is probably attempting to squeeze more press out of this by trying to get Moore to testify under oath. Allred's antics aside however, I think its very hard to look the other way once you get into numerous accusers, all or most of whom don't know one another, making very similar accusations about similar things. Its obviously political moticated since its so close to the election, but once the allegations are out there then the candidate's integrity has been sufficiently impugned to where they should do the right thing and bow out gracefully instead of making blanket denials that only make him look worse each time a new story drops.
Thing is the media is so tilted to the left and has proven to be so partisan and dishonest that they can drop a million stories and until they show some proof none of us believe them.

I honestly think its fair that the standard be that some amount of proof is required not just X number of accusations, none who offer any kind of proof.
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There you go again. No one has even accused him of being a child molester . First you called him a rapist above, no one has ever accused him of being one but you convicted him of being such . I thought you were an attorney. No?
If you honestly believe this guy belongs in senate sleep easy tonight and feel good about your guy. If Moore did to your daughter what is alleged by alleged victims you would think he was a child molestor. And by the way nobody is saying he should be charged or convicted without proof. Truly wonder if your concern with due process would be same for democrat. Like I said we have right to disagree
If you honestly believe this guy belongs in senate sleep easy tonight and feel good about your guy. If Moore did to your daughter what is alleged by alleged victims you would think he was a child molestor. And by the way nobody is saying he should be charged or convicted without proof. Truly wonder if your concern with due process would be same for democrat. Like I said we have right to disagree
I'll sleepy easy tonight then.

@Tim1977 told me @honeyiv groped him in the parking lot outside the stadium in Charlotte.
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Do you support Conyers and Franken?
No. They both should resign. What about you? My point is sexual predators suck whether dem or rep. Not a poltical issue. But you guys will never agree. So be happy that a potential sexual predator who was attracted to fourteen year old girls will be in the senate.
No. They both should resign. What about you? My point is sexual predators suck whether dem or rep. Not a poltical issue. But you guys will never agree. So be happy that a potential sexual predator who was attracted to fourteen year old girls will be in the senate.

Cool. Then I think Moore should resign, too. Guess what? Neither of the three are going to resign anyway.
Cool. Then I think Moore should resign, too. Guess what? Neither of the three are going to resign anyway.
Your right
Cool. Then I think Moore should resign, too. Guess what? Neither of the three are going to resign anyway.
your are so right. Political division in this country so bad that persona poltical views gets in way of normal decency.
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Seriously. Show me proof the allegations are true , until then I don't believe anything the media reports.
Today, another woman came forward and said Roy Moore dated her when she was 17. She said no sex but they kissed. He was 34. Did you try to date 17 year olds when you were 34?