So Much for NFL Ratings Decline Being About Racism

False accusations of racism is the bedrock for the mental midges who can’t come up with anything of intellectual value to articulate any argument of merit.

Support Trump- Racist
Support The Wall- Racist
Support Christianity (I am not religious)- homophobe
Support Extreme Vetting- xenephobe
Support Republicanism- Bigot

^^^ Liberalism is the AIDS of political ideologies and those two who harbor its tenets suffer from a disease of the mind.

Some of the most vitriolic racism on this Board comes from the Blacks who summarily conclude without any basis that anyone who opposes Kapernick and national anthem proststs is a KKK member who hates all minorities. This type of thinking is why the liberals are a disgusting political group of human beings- They seek to roboticize everyone into uniformity of thought speech and conduct, and everyone who doesn’t subscribe to this cesspool ideology is every named label that I referenced.
You mean like ,”snowflake”. There’s too much anger in your post. I don’t support Trump because he’s a nasty, selfish person.
It was a huge counterpoint presented by the Kaepernick supporters. They said the anger about the anthem protests were veiled racism because the players kneeling were primarily black.

The NFL product is bad, but there are a lot of people, myself included who would be watching if the kneeling stuff had not happened.

If they want to fix the NFL, they need to apologize overtly for the disrespect to the flag. They need to change some of the rules back, if your hand grazes the helmet of a QB it doesn't need to be a personal foul. They need to get some common sense on what is a catch. And they need to limit the time in reviews and keep the game moving.

cush... I rarely agree with you my friend but this time you are the voice of wisdom
Good, concise stuff...Thanks
Specifically Marshawn Lynch has sat on and off his entire career. I'm having trouble finding the article but in that it said that some players have sat before 2016 but it was never covered or made a story of. That's where my issue with the whole thing lies. I just think everyone is overly worked up about something we never cared about before. I love this country, respect the military, etc but I never thought of the anthem as something to get worked up about. I always stand if I'm at my seats but countless times I've not been at my seats to go piss or get a beer before kickoff. There's tons of people doing the same or not even in the stadium because they're still tailgating but no one thinks of them as disrespecting the flag......Do I actively support the kneeling? No. Does it bother me? No.....what does bother me is having to listen to the bullshit from both sides of the aisle about it.

1983... If the bullshit bothers you... Why do you insist on offering your on version... ?!
You mean like ,”snowflake”. There’s too much anger in your post. I don’t support Trump because he’s a nasty, selfish person.

JMac... You must know Mr. Trump very well to make this observation
of his character or you have formed this opinion while listening to
someone who has a negative opinion formed just like yours...
Lol people mad at African Americans protesting an anthem that wasn’t meant for them in first place. You can take that last line out all you want but facts remain the origin of that song was not meant for any race other than Whites.


So are you referring to this as Horseshit:

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,

That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth waveO’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

This is what Francis Scott Key wrote