

Gold Member
Jan 22, 2007
After weeks of being skewered by a left wing press for their no-lockdown approach, a press who typically lauds the Swedish Government for their socialist policies, Sweden might TRULY be seeing the provoberial light at the end of the tunnel:

The country's chief epidemiologist said the strategy appears to be working and that "herd immunity" could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.
"In major parts of Sweden, around Stockholm, we have reached a plateau (in new cases) and we're already seeing the effect of herd immunity and in a few weeks' time we'll see even more of the effects of that. And in the rest of the country, the situation is stable," Dr. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden's Public Health Agency, told CNBC on Tuesday.
After weeks of being skewered by a left wing press for their no-lockdown approach, a press who typically lauds the Swedish Government for their socialist policies, Sweden might TRULY be seeing the provoberial light at the end of the tunnel:

The country's chief epidemiologist said the strategy appears to be working and that "herd immunity" could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.
"In major parts of Sweden, around Stockholm, we have reached a plateau (in new cases) and we're already seeing the effect of herd immunity and in a few weeks' time we'll see even more of the effects of that. And in the rest of the country, the situation is stable," Dr. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden's Public Health Agency, told CNBC on Tuesday.

This is the only reasonable approach, everything worthwhile in life has risk. The death rate is getting lower and lower, don’t even get me started on the fraudulent numbers hospitals are reporting, so they can get federal funding.

This country was started on a risk, and settled on a risk, remember the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

All we have to do is get out of the fetal position, and go back to work.

We don’t even have to worry about scurvy.
This is the only reasonable approach, everything worthwhile in life has risk. The death rate is getting lower and lower, don’t even get me started on the fraudulent numbers hospitals are reporting, so they can get federal funding.

This country was started on a risk, and settled on a risk, remember the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

All we have to do is get out of the fetal position, and go back to work.

We don’t even have to worry about scurvy.
Could not have been said better! Amazing post!
This is the only reasonable approach, everything worthwhile in life has risk. The death rate is getting lower and lower, don’t even get me started on the fraudulent numbers hospitals are reporting, so they can get federal funding.

This country was started on a risk, and settled on a risk, remember the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

All we have to do is get out of the fetal position, and go back to work.

We don’t even have to worry about scurvy.
Very well said grb...
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After weeks of being skewered by a left wing press for their no-lockdown approach, a press who typically lauds the Swedish Government for their socialist policies, Sweden might TRULY be seeing the provoberial light at the end of the tunnel:

The country's chief epidemiologist said the strategy appears to be working and that "herd immunity" could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.
"In major parts of Sweden, around Stockholm, we have reached a plateau (in new cases) and we're already seeing the effect of herd immunity and in a few weeks' time we'll see even more of the effects of that. And in the rest of the country, the situation is stable," Dr. Anders Tegnell, chief epidemiologist at Sweden's Public Health Agency, told CNBC on Tuesday.
Unfortunately, we DO NOT have the best doctors or the smartest ppl in this country anymore. Thanks to loose immigration policies and letting illegal animals into this country.
KRV, Honey and friends.

The per capita mortality rate in Sweden from Covid is even worse than the dismal performance of the US. Why are you guys so admiring of a socialist country that screwed the pooch on handling the pandemic?
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This is the only reasonable approach, everything worthwhile in life has risk. The death rate is getting lower and lower, don’t even get me started on the fraudulent numbers hospitals are reporting, so they can get federal funding.

This country was started on a risk, and settled on a risk, remember the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

All we have to do is get out of the fetal position, and go back to work.

We don’t even have to worry about scurvy.
Yes I read they get between 19-39k per reported case -that's why everyone was dying cf covid that 1st 60 days & #s skyrocketed. - Ppl that had heart attacks & strokes even w/o autopsies were getting stamped Covid. I've been bored for 3-4 months & researched everything. Here's what I found out that if a family did not ask for an autopsy, especially those states that sent old ppl positive back to nursing homes, U died of Covid even if U didnt happen. The more crooked the hospital, the more $ they got............ Problem is if we were in a real pandemic, there would be no INCENTIVE to label it COVID to get extra $$$, lie about deaths, falsify cases. Once I saw all that happening (40 testing centers got busted in FL for not reporting ANY negative cases). - I asked my self, why would they do this?? And the only logical thinking was to increase the #'s of cases positive to keep panic & fear going. Cases mean squat, its mortality rate. And thats low............lower then the Flu if U take out initial nursing home deaths that were singed by EO from 5 governors
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Honey is back throwing 98 mph fastballs... Co
LOL. I told you! I have a doctor client who wants to give me cialis. I told him "i dont need it man. So he says to me, "How fast do you throw?" I said 100. He says "well how would you like to throw 120?? The bottom line is there IS NO FUVCKING REASON for a young kid to do this. I want a NATURAL HARDON
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This is the only reasonable approach, everything worthwhile in life has risk. The death rate is getting lower and lower, don’t even get me started on the fraudulent numbers hospitals are reporting, so they can get federal funding.

This country was started on a risk, and settled on a risk, remember the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

All we have to do is get out of the fetal position, and go back to work.

We don’t even have to worry about scurvy.
Well said
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KRV, Honey and friends.

The per capita mortality rate in Sweden from Covid is even worse than the dismal performance of the US. Why are you guys so admiring of a socialist country that screwed the pooch on handling the pandemic?
Because the virus is virtually gone in their society, they never locked down, dont wear masks, no longer socially distance and their kids are back in school and have been for some time. They can resume full economic activity and have no issues with travel both in and out of their country without any further consequence. This cannot be said for any nation that has done any substantial lockdown as the second they open they will spike again at some point if herd immunity is not reached. They basically crushed what we should have done from the jump, but politics got in the way. The funny irony is that even after shitting the bed for weeks on end, Cuomos and Murphys bungled response has likely caused NY and the NE US to achieve herd immunity. What kind of dipshit thinks it's a good idea to put nursing home patients with a highly infectious respiratory virus back in nursing homes. Way to go Fredo.

You seem comfortable with death due to the pandemic. Here are the current Covid-related deaths per population of 1million:

582 Italy
566 Sweden
508 US
452 France
242 Canada
117 Germany

Rather than saluting Sweden, I’ll take Canada and Germany.
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You seem very comfortable with death due to the pandemic. Here are the current mortality rates per population of 1million

582 Italy
566 Sweden
508 US
452 France
242 Canada
117 Germany

Rather than saluting Sweden, I’ll take Canada and Germany.
Where's the UK? I'll still take Sweden. Good to see us kicking France's ass, as usual.
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You seem very comfortable with death due to the pandemic. Here are the current mortality rates per population of 1million

582 Italy
566 Sweden
508 US
452 France
242 Canada
117 Germany

Rather than saluting Sweden, I’ll take Canada and Germany.
We are likely nearing a herd immunity and the case fatality has been plummeting in recent weeks. Canada and Germany have no societal immunity and if they open there borders to any significant travel they will have a massive spike. The other countries on the list have achieved a great deal of societal immunity and will not have any large spikes moving forward. Their economies and societies will move forward much more quickly. Further if a vaccine comes online later this year the countries with wide spread infection will be able to achieve herd immunity even with a vaccine that is only 50-60% effective, Germany and Canada on the other hand will have to have almost their entire population inoculated for herd immunity since the virus has barely spread through their society. This will not be achievable within the first dosages available and they will have to wait months if not a year for more vaccine to come to market and will further destroy their economies while the US, Sweden, France and others begin full societal function.

As for the death, yes, I am perfectly comfortable with it, doesn't mean I cheer for it. As an adult you have to weigh risks in life, I think this is up to each individual and should not be left to the government. This virus has only killed about 15k healthy individuals and on that level is much the same as the flu. At worst the virus will kill .1% of the population that is not a reason to destroy the lives of 30-40%, many of whom are the least capable of handling the economic fallout. Being an adult means making tough decisions, in a perfect world this would not happen, however this is a single event we will get through and by the end of the year I feel life will be mostly back to normal.
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Where's the UK? I'll still take Sweden. Good to see us kicking France's ass, as usual.

UK is bad at 699.

LOL, you do know that this is like golf....lower score is better. The US is better than the UK and Sweden, slightly worse than France and not nearly as good as Germany and Canada. Not sure how that equates To “kicking France’s ass, as usual.”
LOL. I told you! I have a doctor client who wants to give me cialis. I told him "i dont need it man. So he says to me, "How fast do you throw?" I said 100. He says "well how would you like to throw 120?? The bottom line is there IS NO FUVCKING REASON for a young kid to do this. I want a NATURAL HARDON
Take your doctor's advice. You'll no longer be the first one up in the morning!
UK is bad at 699.

LOL, you do know that this is like golf....lower score is better. The US is better than the UK and Sweden, slightly worse than France and not nearly as good as Germany and Canada. Not sure how that equates To “kicking France’s ass, as usual.”
C'mon cortez, that was tongue in cheek and you knew it. I think deep down you know no matter who the leader's are of any given Country, Mother Nature is gonna do what she does. I don't hear anyone trashing the leaders of the UK, Italy, Spain, etc...only Trump. But that is the way the game is played.
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C'mon cortez, that was tongue in cheek and you knew it. I think deep down you know no matter who the leader's are of any given Country, Mother Nature is gonna do what she does. I don't hear anyone trashing the leaders of the UK, Italy, Spain, etc...only Trump. But that is the way the game is played.


Sorry, I did not see your tongue in cheek given the wide support for Sweden’s policies and performance in the first parts of this thread.

There’s plenty of criticism in the UK of Boris Johnson’s handling of the pandemic, particularly early on. After he nearly died of the Covid, he sobered up a bit.

There’s been particular praise for the leadership in Canada and Germany for a job well done. New Zealand has also been a leader.

My beef with US leadership focuses on our non-uniform, local option approach to risk. A leading expert on the pandemic at the Univ of Minnesota used this analogy: Imagine if a technological virus infected our nationally coordinated air traffic control system causing chaos, accidents and death. Would we fix it by encouraging every state and local authority to come up with its own fix custom made to local circumstances? Of course not. This would be handled as a national emergency with a national strategy and fix accompanied by strong top down instructions to state and local authorities for them to strictly implement and enforce. No exceptions or local options.

For me, the pandemic is that kind of national emergency requiring centralized leadership. Didn’t happen. I don’t care if Trump or anyone else was the president at the time of the pandemic. Central leadership was greatly lacking.

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