The most important issue is people are being wronged by state govt officials and the way it is being handled is people who are wronged wont have any recourse & this new law will seal the deal and parents of transgendered children wont know who to approach for help. For these folks redress of any greivance will have little effect.
The sad fact is govt officials will circle the wagons & exclude those who are not part of the "In Crowd."They will protect their interests with corruption & greed.
Transgendered kids and their families are getting taxation without representation. The taxes that are collected to fund this new law and folks are not going to get answers. Local and state govt are nolonger accountable to its citizens. People that are transgendered and their families are no longer citizens; they are subjects, i,e., second class citizens.
Part of the 1st amendment is aboiut when you cant get redress from the govt, you have every right to expose the govt, humiliate the govt to do the right thing. That is the framework of the 1st amendment .
Men in power, 9 times out of ten will not do the noble thing. Thats the way its been through out history and we would be naive to think it doesnt happen in the USA.
When we look at Benjamin Franklins address to Congress he said "gentlemen, history has shown that all mankind is predisposed to two things: power and money." When people get power they use it to acquire money. They then use their new found money to acquire more power. The original intent goes completely out the window. Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely corrupts.