The Case Against Trump

We do, liberals such as yourself only hear and think what your told to!! And again your to stupid to think for yourself! You've been programmed your entire life so it's not going to change. You know what they say: can't teach a Mutt new tricks!

Bro, you just described a Trump voter. Sad.
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Your a total and absolute DOPE, Snowden hauled ass and Imam Obama couldn't catch him. You make it sound like Obama shipped him off to prison. Your both an idiot and full of shit!!

Yep, he hauled ass because Obama didn't allow treasonous people in his WH or other parts of government.
There are a lot of people blindly following this bafoon because of party or money or race or whatever....selfish nonsense you can make up.

When someone tells you to your face he fired the person investigating him because of russian ties and you are here asking us for proof? There is definitely something wrong with you.

If he tells you to your face he is giving classified information to our sanctioned enemy and you are asking for cold hard facts? You must be a retard.

.....and need to stop. You sound ridiculous from this point forward.
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There are a lot of people blindly following this bafoon because of party or money or race or whatever....selfish nonsense you can make up.

When someone tells you to your face he fired the person investigating him because of russian ties and you are here asking us for proof? There is definitely something wrong with you.

If he tells you to your face he is giving classified information to our sanctioned enemy and you are asking for cold hard facts? You must be a retard.

.....and need to stop. You sound ridiculous from this point forward.

These guys have no credibility. As the idiot in the WH once said, he could kill someone on 5th Avenue in NY and not be charged. There's something wrong with these "stepford wives" who support this moron blindly.
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I read the article and there is a lot of speculation but the writer says he was told the intel came from Israel by an unnamed source, he repeats it and that is OK? Politics aside, it seems that there is a witch hunt going on.
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These guys have no credibility. As the idiot in the WH once said, he could kill someone on 5th Avenue in NY and not be charged. There's something wrong with these "stepford wives" who support this moron blindly.
I read the article and there is a lot of speculation but the writer says he was told the intel came from Israel by an unnamed source, he repeats it and that is OK? Politics aside, it seems that there is a witch hunt going on.
always an "unnamed source" that's code for bullshit! Should be on record or not reported
I read the article and there is a lot of speculation but the writer says he was told the intel came from Israel by an unnamed source, he repeats it and that is OK? Politics aside, it seems that there is a witch hunt going on.

Politics is a witch hunt. What else did you think it was?

There was a witch hunt for Obama when Republicans met after he won the election and stated the goal. Make sure he was a one term president. Then walked lock step to oppose any and everything associated with him or his presidency. Don't be naive. These people don't like each other plain and simple.

Tax payer money was wasted on Hillary Benghazi hearings to conclude nothing is there.

Your job if you want to play this game? Don't slip up!

Trump is not a politician and these politicians eat thier own. The road to hell is paved with outsiders claiming to drain the swamp. It aint you better lean to survive.

The tail don't wag the dog in Washington. It is what it is.
Politics is a witch hunt. What else did you think it was?

There was a witch hunt for Obama when Republicans met after he won the election and stated the goal. Make sure he was a one term president. Then walked lock step to oppose any and everything associated with him or his presidency. Don't be naive. These people don't like each other plain and simple.

Tax payer money was wasted on Hillary Benghazi hearings to conclude nothing is there.

Your job if you want to play this game? Don't slip up!

Trump is not a politician and these politicians eat thier own. The road to hell is paved with outsiders claiming to drain the swamp. It aint you better lean to survive.

The tail don't wag the dog in Washington. It is what it is.
The people have spoken, you need to get back in your cubicle! Take a jog at lunch you got some fat around that ass of yours too!!
So I've been programmed by a guy who's never run for office and Cane on scene a year ago? Get in your minivan and go check on all your real estate holdings! You need sone fresh air! That motor home has you thinking goofy

These are some corny azz jokes. Please update.
always an "unnamed source" that's code for bullshit! Should be on record or not reported

Haven't you heard of Deep throat? Now don't get excited. Deep Throat was at the time an unknown source for the dirt on Nixon's crimes. Unnamed sources are good to have. Period!

Hall of Fame indictment. I think he should be hung from the nearest tree for deplorably high treason. After a fair trial before the good people of D.C. But that's after impeachment. His passport should be revoked for now as a precaution to flight from justice.

Nobody cares. Still waiting for name of your Ivy League school.

I would agree with declassifying this Intel if we were talking about any other president and a different country. A country that is an ally not our enemy. This administration has been under close scrutiny about Russian collusion and interference in our election for months. Why would Trump put himself in this position knowing the possible backlash? For me this makes no sense.

Sounds like you're getting nervous.

The good people of DC? That will get his azz locked up. lolol

Focus on the topic moron.

Yeah my guess is maybe 4 voted for him. They work in Supreme Court but probably live in Virginia-burbia.

Wrong. There is a process to declassify. Trump failed to follow it. He's too dumb to know when to hold them. Also he put lives of sources at risk. Dumbest Prez ever. Not surprised St. Thomas law grad admires Dummy in Chief.

Fixed auto correct typos.

The people speak by way of impeachment for federal officials (President, VP, judges, etc). You should know that dumbazz.

You are getting dumber by the hour. Your posts are getting more and more stupid. Not worth my time responding to your nonsensical dribble.

Why do you need others to support your pathetic positions?

Thanks for reminding us what a real president does with Russian spies. Send their ass packing. Thanks Obama.

Your welfare talk is getting old. Do you have newer material?

I wish we had a real president in the WH. A person with strong leadership, competence and a progressive vision. Comrade Trump is none of those things. Sorry!!

Listen up Rook. Here's the deal. The concern is whether that loud mouth Trump divulged methods and procedures used to obtain this intel. If he did, that could put undercover folks at risk and cut off future intel. This article will provide greater insights.

Bro, you just described a Trump voter. Sad.

Yep, he hauled ass because Obama didn't allow treasonous people in his WH or other parts of government.

You spend your entire day on this message board. You have no friends or ability to support yourself. Get a life.

If you're interested I can teach you better writing skills. Your posts are becoming atrocious.

There are a lot of people blindly following this bafoon because of party or money or race or whatever....selfish nonsense you can make up.

When someone tells you to your face he fired the person investigating him because of russian ties and you are here asking us for proof? There is definitely something wrong with you.

If he tells you to your face he is giving classified information to our sanctioned enemy and you are asking for cold hard facts? You must be a retard.

.....and need to stop. You sound ridiculous from this point forward.

These guys have no credibility. As the idiot in the WH once said, he could kill someone on 5th Avenue in NY and not be charged. There's something wrong with these "stepford wives" who support this moron blindly.

Politics is a witch hunt. What else did you think it was?

There was a witch hunt for Obama when Republicans met after he won the election and stated the goal. Make sure he was a one term president. Then walked lock step to oppose any and everything associated with him or his presidency. Don't be naive. These people don't like each other plain and simple.

Tax payer money was wasted on Hillary Benghazi hearings to conclude nothing is there.

Your job if you want to play this game? Don't slip up!

Trump is not a politician and these politicians eat thier own. The road to hell is paved with outsiders claiming to drain the swamp. It aint you better lean to survive.

The tail don't wag the dog in Washington. It is what it is.

These are some corny azz jokes. Please update.

Haven't you heard of Deep throat? Now don't get excited. Deep Throat was at the time an unknown source for the dirt on Nixon's crimes. Unnamed sources are good to have. Period!

School boy jokes will get you nowhere.

I suspect you believe in the cookie monster.

