i said i’d stay off the board for a little but couldn’t let this one slide. Not sitting on my ass like you ‘re previous post stated, quite the opposite. The commies that are, are sitting on their asses and that’s the problem and even more so the government that enables this current system that allows them to while still getting paid at the expense of the people willing to work and NOT sit on their asses. Again, communism 101.You whine about people making more from unemployment than work but you pay more than $15/hour? Alot more to be exact. Which is it?
Our employees are making A LOT more than $15 an hour as I stated and you acknowledged.
never said that servers, bt’s cooks, etc are making more off unemployment. Reread my post. I actually stated in detail that “they” the ones not working and getting paid to stay home and rely on the government could make more working for me than they can get from the government that’s paying them less but just enough to be satisfied
i’m literally about to shut the restaurant down for a day, throw the employees we do have that are killing them selves (making a shit ton of money but they’re tired and overworked) a sick ass non mandatory appreciation party. Sales are not the issue, money is not the issue. Getting capable people to work that just don’t want to work so that my guys that are working don’t have to work twice the hours twice as hard is the issue. Get it? If you don’t, you’re trying really hard not to.
peace out. I’ll be back in a week or two.