Yeah, I find this to be pretty stupid. Not very cool. I have nothing against citizens arrest when warranted.....or time is a major factor. This is NOT cool at all. There is absolutely no need to lower yourself to.. the level of a common criminal. There just is no need for you to confront him. IT's a waste of time and placing such a high value over material assets that are easily replaced with insurance if necessary just is not smart. It is stupid. Having said that I am glad she got her car back. It's just a car though. That's all it is.
Oh, and slicing her own tires is priceless. Let me guess? You were here mocking people who want to defund the police right? SMDH. The police were NOT defunded in this story. So, if you are impressed by this why would you mock defunding them? This is the thinking on the right. Let's take our country back to the days of the wild west in 1869 where we have Marshall law. It's dumb. People dying over a car? Not everyone that steals cars has this persons stature. Some will straight bust a cap in your ass and over what? A stupid car?
Your life has no more value than a car? It figures you would find this cool.