I literally cannot comprehend your ignorance and stupidity in this post … Yes , people died from Covid during Trumps time as president .., people also died of Covid under Biden’s 1st year … 1st mistake is ASSuming all those people died from Covid … 2nd mistake is blaming anyone other than the Chinese for any Covid death .. 3rd , Covid has shown to be lethal for the elderly , obese , and individuals w/.pre existing conditions ( meaning it was gonna do what It did regardless )… there is no individual in the history of mankind who could of stopped the spread of Covid , nor the deaths associated w/ the illness … you blaming Trump for any deaths is so insanely outrageous , that I truly feel sorry for you .. I would at least respect you if you just came out and said you hate Trump ( which is your God given right , as well as your freedom of speech granted by the men who drafted out Constitution )…. Really bad look when you feel the need to name names in order to provide self affirmation …I think Biden is perhaps the weakest, most corrupt , and inept president in the history of our country , but I would never blame him for Covid…. And on a side note , who do you blame for cancer , Parkinson’s , MS, Lou Gherigs , Diabetes , Heart disease , Alzheimer’s , etc ???? Again , weak as shit post … get over yourself