Way to keep it Classy, Obummer

@Allied2651 Another indication of no restraint by the Israeli govt is a day or 2 after the slaying of Al Jazerra Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh her funeral procession was interrupted by Israeli forces beating, harassing Palestinian Christians in the procession. You always hear followers of the Zionist regime claim we are gods chosen people. What god permits, encourages this type of behavior to disrupt a funeral????!!!! It proves the Zionist regime are running out of options. More power to the Palestinian people.
As long as the Palestinians perpetrate terrorism, their will be continued bulldozing of their homes, along with further casualties. The Palistinians are a people without a country and will likely stay that way as long as they are continue being led by violence. Oh well...
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As long as the Palestinians perpetrate terrorism, their will be continued bulldozing of their homes, along with further casualties. The Palistinians are a people without a country and will likely stay that way as long as they are continue being led by violence. Oh well...
And as long as Americans keep donating to Israeli Jews donation programs the $$$ will be used to illegally seize destroy Palestinian homes. There are Jewish Americans assisting with this. Most notably Haim Silberstein and Rabbi Baker of Virginia. Once again NO RESTRAINT