What We Know And Don’t Know About January 6th.

Violent mobs? And the only person murdered was a unarmed protester. This "mob' more resembled a HS field trip at this point calmly entering and staying between the velvet ropes.

Protesters receive tour of Capitol

How many field trips force their way into the U.S. Capitol with the intent of capturing, kidnapping, and/or murdering members of Congress ?

Let's call it what it is - Domestic Terrorism.

How many field trips force their way into the U.S. Capitol with the intent of capturing, kidnapping, and/or murdering members of Congress ?

Let's call it what it is - Domestic Terrorism.

Look I don't support or condone what occurred on 1/6, but it has been vastly over blown, and used to quiet conservative voices. It absolutely pales in comparison to the ALL SUMMER long destruction of our major cities, which I personally witnessed while elected officials not only stood by but encouraged such behavior. We had elected officials promising bond money! That is what I would call domestic terrorism as well as traitorous support.

As a comparison the link to the affidavit above estimated property loss at the Capitol as $1000, Varisk a national claims adjuster estimates this summers riots as "catastrophic" which means it is expected to exceed $25 Billion in damages. That doesn't begin to measure the loss from fleeing of residents and businesses from cities that will permanently change the economic landscape.

Apparently it is just fine to burn our cities down, just don't protest when it happens. And they are directly related.
An article from American that’s funny. 🤪

If all you read is right wing nut job propaganda there’s not much hope for you.

Blind cult

Ok soft serve, you were afraid to say who you were voting for before the election, now you’ve come out of the closet so to speak.
Idiotic comment as usual. They shot and killed an Air Force veteran for trespassing? Is that ok? Some Capitol Police were aiding and abetting rioters entering the building.
What an idiotic response. That woman was B&E and was about to threaten the lives of many. Frankly, I'm surprised more didn't get shot. I can guarantee you that person will not be charged.
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Are you posting this as an alternate point of view or is this your view of the situation as well?Here's my POV-Imho utter bullsh!t plain and simple. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but to dismiss and minimize what happened is reckless. I hope those emboldened try and again and force Capitol police hand and get slaughtered.

As they should of during the senseless riots and burning..
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What an idiotic response. That woman was B&E and was about to threaten the lives of many. Frankly, I'm surprised more didn't get shot. I can guarantee you that person will not be charged.

Another 🤡🤡🤡 post
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What an idiotic response. That woman was B&E and was about to threaten the lives of many. Frankly, I'm surprised more didn't get shot. I can guarantee you that person will not be charged.

"Unarmed Protester Shot and Killed" how would that headline have played last summer? Think we would know the name of the officer by now? Would he have been indicted? DC would have been burned to the ground by now.
You do realize the Capitol is open to the PUBLIC 6 days / week, closed only for Inauguration Day?

Here are some quotes from The Capitol web page;

-the design of this building is rooted in an ideal ages old; that citizens can build a government driven not by the whim of a dictator, king or tyrant, but based on the consent of the governed.

-And, in the shadow of the dome, the grounds are the nation's most public platform. From lone orators to masses of demonstrators, people come here to be heard. No other building so strongly symbolizes the freedom to speak one's mind. Today the Capitol reigns as a monument to freedom and a reminder of the power of the people.

It's The Peoples House, and a reminder that as stated above government is only there with OUR consent.
Are you that naive to think it's normal to have thousands of angry and racist people storm the Capitol?
I'm thankful for the insight provided by this forum. As stated before by the FBI white supremacist are the most imminent threat to national security and I concur. To equate the riots with what happened at the Capitol is ridiculous.Good thing is y'all will be emboldened enough to try again and will be dealt with accordingly.
Ok soft serve, you were afraid to say who you were voting for before the election, now you’ve come out of the closet so to speak.
Registered to vote as an Independent in 2000. I’ve never changed still an Independent for multiple reasons.

You had to ask who I voted for 🤔 😂. You didn’t notice my incessant battering of trumper all this time. No I didn’t vote for the life long swindling con man porn ho bang’n narcissist. I guess I had to spell it out for you.

You and your ilk post far right propaganda drivel and because most sensical normal people like me laugh at it that makes me a liberal. GTHOOH!

You are blinded
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Registered to vote my as an Independent in 2000. I’ve never changed still an Independent for multiple reasons.

You had to ask who I voted for 🤔 😂. You didn’t notice my incessant battering of trumper all this time. No I didn’t vote for the life long swindling con man porn ho bang’n narcissist. I guess I had to spell it out for you.

You and your ilk post far right propaganda drivel and because most sensical normal people like me laugh at it that makes me a liberal. GTHOOH!

You are blinded

They are the true definition of radical and snow flake. Sh!t is sad as hell. Most people are in the middle and both far sides of these parties keep me firmly here. But I'll be honest and say the far right is the worst to me. Dont get me wrong the far left ain't far behind but most far left have tendencies that align with outdated bigoted ideas imho. Really wish more people would actually study this sh!t before speaking on it. Amazing how most people talk about people getting welfare but are ignorant to the millions paid and given to midwest farmers to NOT farm their land. Like it or not this government has been socialist in a lot of principles for a long time. It's just blended in well also most are too busy fighting about party lines and ignorant of the fact.
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They are the true definition of radical and snow flake. Sh!t is sad as hell. Most people are in the middle and both far sides of these parties keep me firmly here. But I'll be honest and say the far right is the worst to me. Dont get me wrong the far left ain't far behind but most far left have tendencies that align with outdated bigoted ideas imho. Really wish more people would actually study this sh!t before speaking on it. Amazing how most people talk about people getting welfare but are ignorant to the millions paid and given to midwest farmers to NOT farm their land. Like it or not this government has been socialist in a lot of principles for a long time. It's just blended in well also most are too busy fighting about party lines and ignorant of the fact.
Spot on. I feel the same way as an Independent
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Registered to vote as an Independent in 2000. I’ve never changed still an Independent for multiple reasons.

You had to ask who I voted for 🤔 😂. You didn’t notice my incessant battering of trumper all this time. No I didn’t vote for the life long swindling con man porn ho bang’n narcissist. I guess I had to spell it out for you.

You and your ilk post far right propaganda drivel and because most sensical normal people like me laugh at it that makes me a liberal. GTHOOH!

You are blinded

Wrong again, you were too chicken shit to say who you would vote for before the election, you were asked point blank. You’re as far left as they come, you just don’t have the spine to say what you stand for, unless you know as much of what’s going on as Biden does.
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The hate in the “Lounge” mirrors that on the streets and should concern everyone regardless of their political leanings.

We all are on this site as we share a passion, the Canes! This is a microcosm of America, it is not our beliefs that are tearing us apart, it’s the politicians.

Regardless of your political beliefs, ask yourself; what are the three or four most important issues facing America? Most will probably share at least a couple concerns. Now, ask yourself regardless of political affiliation; Have our representatives on either side tried to put forth a solution? Are they working on our behalf?

What I would consider the most important issues are; SS, deficit, healthcare and education. I’m conservativ.e. Not one F’ing representative has put forth even an attempt to solve the same issues this country has faced for almost forty years! None, nada zilch. They are all failing us. We are pawns being pitted against each other on irrelevant social issues to deflect politicians ineptitude to address the real issues.

My senior year at UM I chose a one on one course with a professor on the Federal budget. Dissected it, evaluated needs and choices; the waste is beyond words. Forty years later and nothing has been done, it’s only gotten worse. Not one politician in forty + years has attempted to address a REAL common issue. They all have one common goal; re-election. Wake the F$CK up America!
Have you heard of breaking and entering or maybe trespassing? That was the reason this person was killed.

Because you asked. My question is how come we don’t know anything about the cop who shot her, or even the identity.

The hate in the “Lounge” mirrors that on the streets and should concern everyone regardless of their political leanings.

We all are on this site as we share a passion, the Canes! This is a microcosm of America, it is not our beliefs that are tearing us apart, it’s the politicians.

Regardless of your political beliefs, ask yourself; what are the three or four most important issues facing America? Most will probably share at least a couple concerns. Now, ask yourself regardless of political affiliation; Have our representatives on either side tried to put forth a solution? Are they working on our behalf?

What I would consider the most important issues are; SS, deficit, healthcare and education. I’m conservativ.e. Not one F’ing representative has put forth even an attempt to solve the same issues this country has faced for almost forty years! None, nada zilch. They are all failing us. We are pawns being pitted against each other on irrelevant social issues to deflect politicians ineptitude to address the real issues.

My senior year at UM I chose a one on one course with a professor on the Federal budget. Dissected it, evaluated needs and choices; the waste is beyond words. Forty years later and nothing has been done, it’s only gotten worse. Not one politician in forty + years has attempted to address a REAL common issue. They all have one common goal; re-election. Wake the F$CK up America!

Yep,yep and yep! But then they couldn't steal the way they do if they did. It's so much money being made they find all type of creative ways to steal it legally. 90% of the issues can be fixed with financial literacy and fiscal responsibility by the government. Homelessness, education and inequality. And instead of uniting and making them accountable we continue to promote racism by ignorance and divisiveness. People really need to wake up.
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Yep,yep and yep! But then they couldn't steal the way they do if they did. It's so much money being made they find all type of creative ways to steal it legally. 90% of the issues can be fixed with financial literacy and fiscal responsibility by the government. Homelessness, education and inequality. And instead of uniting and making them accountable we continue to promote racism by ignorance and divisiveness. People really need to wake up.

Agree, but politicians prefer to devide us, while they end a day of media dissent having drinks together.
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Because you asked. My question is how come we don’t know anything about the cop who shot her, or even the identity.

So those right wing crazies that invaded the Capitol can kill him?
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Raoul you realize there are people who can agree that busting into the Capital that day was wrong and at the same time also understand that they weren't there to harm representatives or kill everyone. Both could be true.

You were saying ?

Raoul you realize there are people who can agree that busting into the Capital that day was wrong and at the same time also understand that they weren't there to harm representatives or kill everyone. Both could be true.

Are you surprised that your attempt at intelligent and logical discussion was responded to with DNC talking point #8416?
The hate in the “Lounge” mirrors that on the streets and should concern everyone regardless of their political leanings.

We all are on this site as we share a passion, the Canes! This is a microcosm of America, it is not our beliefs that are tearing us apart, it’s the politicians.

Regardless of your political beliefs, ask yourself; what are the three or four most important issues facing America? Most will probably share at least a couple concerns. Now, ask yourself regardless of political affiliation; Have our representatives on either side tried to put forth a solution? Are they working on our behalf?

What I would consider the most important issues are; SS, deficit, healthcare and education. I’m conservativ.e. Not one F’ing representative has put forth even an attempt to solve the same issues this country has faced for almost forty years! None, nada zilch. They are all failing us. We are pawns being pitted against each other on irrelevant social issues to deflect politicians ineptitude to address the real issues.

My senior year at UM I chose a one on one course with a professor on the Federal budget. Dissected it, evaluated needs and choices; the waste is beyond words. Forty years later and nothing has been done, it’s only gotten worse. Not one politician in forty + years has attempted to address a REAL common issue. They all have one common goal; re-election. Wake the F$CK up America!
Agreed. For me its the extremist. The folks who, because Rove, Romney or flake would dissent, would call that lifelong GOPer a RINO, or the folks who, because Manchin, Cinema and Hickenlooper would dissent, would call that lifelong DNC a DINO, and each supporting the other's centrist as an ideal, right up until that centrist actually did vote with the party.

On this board, if your not of the extreme your treated as an extremist. The cult of personality behind Trumpism is particularly disturbing, and Bernie bros are not very far behind, just not very prevalent here.

The anonymity of this board shows the ugliest parts. There are many folks here who wouldn't want the majority of the things they type made public.

This board is definitely a radicalization portal, literally.
Agreed. For me its the extremist. The folks who, because Rove, Romney or flake would dissent, would call that lifelong GOPer a RINO, or the folks who, because Manchin, Cinema and Hickenlooper would dissent, would call that lifelong DNC a DINO, and each supporting the other's centrist as an ideal, right up until that centrist actually did vote with the party.

On this board, if your not of the extreme your treated as an extremist. The cult of personality behind Trumpism is particularly disturbing, and Bernie bros are not very far behind, just not very prevalent here.

The anonymity of this board shows the ugliest parts. There are many folks here who wouldn't want the majority of the things they type made public.

This board is definitely a radicalization portal, literally.
And yet my dear friend Ellu you jumped right in with both feet. The response required no talk of Trump nor Bernie, no talk of left versus right. Kevinf57 post is sadly very accurate about politicians and process as a whole. I for one find it refreshing that we can debate issues so long as there is a modicum of honesty about the issue. I understand that when discussing a particular hot button issue folks will see it through the lens of their party point. I do wish people would TRY to understand the other point of view. We could all use more of that myself included.

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