Raoul you realize there are people who can agree that busting into the Capital that day was wrong and at the same time also understand that they weren't there to harm representatives or kill everyone. Both could be true.
I think this can be true. I think there were folks that didn't plan on doing harm. I do know (confessions) there were folks that planned on doing harm. I also take issue with "busting into the Capital". You bust into a business, you bust into a bank. They stormed (their words before, during and after) the Capital and placed it under siege (their words, their plan, their result). This was a planned hostile takeover and they pulled it off, with the assistance of some complicit folks on the inside.
Whataboutisms be damned, our Capital hasn't been stormed by those looking to lay siege to it since the 1800's. There is zero value in whitewashing what happened. I really don't understand what is compelling folks to find ways to minimize it.