Raoul - If you read the Forbes article and if you believe it he has 2.5 billion in net assets. NET...Except in Trump's case, a majority of his investments go bust because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
Raoul - If you read the Forbes article and if you believe it he has 2.5 billion in net assets. NET...Except in Trump's case, a majority of his investments go bust because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
Another New York liberal who is projecting his fantasies because Hillary wasn’t elected in 2016. Literally nothing stated there is factual in any way shape or form. Nothing
Don't waste your time with stupid people. It's no challenge. Again, the libtards personally attack when they are without an answer. Can't fix stupidity.Another New York liberal who is projecting his fantasies because Hillary wasn’t elected in 2016. Literally nothing stated there is factual in any way shape or form. Nothing
Another New York liberal who is projecting his fantasies because Hillary wasn’t elected in 2016. Literally nothing stated there is factual in any way shape or form. Nothing
Then provide actual facts of those criminal violations. I’ll wait because you can’t. You really think I’d make that statement unless I already knew the answer? I’ve got 24 years in the field man. I know bullsh-t when I see it. People who make generalized statements with a motive to write hit pieces are completely full of grade-A bullshit! If he had actual facts you don’t think he being writing about the actual details??? Lmao gullible assEverything in the article is factual. You just happen to not believe in objective facts, especially those that indict your morally bankrupt leader.
Lmfao again politico, give me facts I’ll wait!
Then provide actual facts of those criminal violations. I’ll wait because you can’t. You really think I’d make that statement unless I already knew the answer? I’ve got 24 years in the field man. I know bullsh-t when I see it. People who make generalized statements with a motive to write hit pieces are completely full of grade-A bullshit! If he had actual facts you don’t think he being writing about the actual details??? Lmao gullible ass
If that’s what you think I do for a living then you’re as stupid as I thought you were.Running speed traps and pulling people over for burned out tail lights in rural TN don't make you a legal scholar.
You can find a mountain of information about Trump's legal problems on most news sites since they have been widely covered for the past four years.
Raoul - look at CD's article. It's a Forbes article from a fairly reputable magazine. His net worth is 2.5 billion. Not the richest guy in the world but wealthier than 99.9% of the population. He has been a successful businessman. He has had his bankruptcy and came out of it very strong. Look how many times Chrysler went bankrupt. I'm referring to the man. Eventually, the smart experienced businessmen make it happen.
You mean like selling your influence to China? Lmfao!!!I didn't say he would go bankrupt - just that he was carrying a lot of debt, at least some of which is foreign debt, which is incredibly problematic if you're the President of the United States and are supposed to be acting in the interests of your country, at time when you're potentially working with foreign governments in countries where the debt was loaned. People like to make a big deal about asking to see his taxes before he was elected, well this is why they wanted to see them. Unlike your average generic Presidential candidate, Trump has a lot of foreign entanglements and we need to see who he owed money to in order to make sure there were no conflicts of interest.
The debt issue aside, he has legal issues he will be facing at the federal level, with the Manhattan DA, and with the State of New York AG. These should keep him tied up for the rest of his life.
Yep and these Republicans pretend this isn't reality. This isn't a concern. These rat sap suckas come here and like the question where did I see Trump owes so much and money and then like you saying he is a security risk. I don't understand people like this. This is serious business at a very high level. You mention Kushner and I see how Trump runs his businesses. Anyone that even went to a community college business school should be able to ascertain Trump shouldn't run a 20Trillion dollar economy. Every business just about he has every run including Trump University was a shit show.....he is still answering for. Why would I want him running America?Over a billion in debt and no way to pay it off. No wonder he's been sucking up to Putin and MBS for the past four years. Kushner is in a similar predicament as well.
Lots of words only to be wrong in totality.Yep and these Republicans pretend this isn't reality. This isn't a concern. These rat sap suckas come here and like the question where did I see Trump owes so much and money and then like you saying he is a security risk. I don't understand people like this. This is serious business at a very high level. You mention Kushner and I see how Trump runs his businesses. Anyone that even went to a community college business school should be able to ascertain Trump shouldn't run a 20Trillion dollar economy. Every business just about he has every run including Trump University was a shit show.....he is still answering for. Why would I want him running America?
You need to learn some basic business principles. All money is not good money. Nobody cares if el chapo is worth 5 billion dollars. He stole robbed and murdered for it. These things will never impress a decent business man. Being work 2.5 Billion and owing over a billion does not impress anyone that even went to community college business school. He is making money off not paying people obviously. I wonder if you would be so impressed if you owned one of these businesses he blew off?Raoul - look at CD's article. It's a Forbes article from a fairly reputable magazine. His net worth is 2.5 billion. Not the richest guy in the world but wealthier than 99.9% of the population. He has been a successful businessman. He has had his bankruptcy and came out of it very strong. Look how many times Chrysler went bankrupt. I'm referring to the man. Eventually, the smart experienced businessmen make it happen.
I didn't say he would go bankrupt - just that he was carrying a lot of debt, at least some of which is foreign debt, which is incredibly problematic if you're the President of the United States and are supposed to be acting in the interests of your country, at time when you're potentially working with foreign governments in countries where the debt was loaned. People like to make a big deal about asking to see his taxes before he was elected, well this is why they wanted to see them. Unlike your average generic Presidential candidate, Trump has a lot of foreign entanglements and we need to see who he owed money to in order to make sure there were no conflicts of interest.
The debt issue aside, he has legal issues he will be facing at the federal level, with the Manhattan DA, and with the State of New York AG. These should keep him tied up for the rest of his life.
Not really sure what legal issues he has or which will be ultimately pursued. Long time to go and 2024 is two years away from starting the Presidential run. Mid -terms in 2022 could get interesting. I predict that in the next two years, little will be accomplished unless the Senate goes Democratic. 2024 comes around and Trump may want to run again. If not, the Republican party is stacked with capable politicians.
CD- quit backtracking on your mistaken statements and be on time tomorrow for your McDonald shift. You really don't know what you are talking about.You need to learn some basic busienss principles. All money is not good money. Nobody cares if el chapo is worth 5 billion dollars. He stole robbed and murdered for it. These things will never impress a decent business man. Being work 2.5 Billion and owing over a billion does not impress anyone that even went to community college business school. He is making money off not paying people obviously. I wonder if you would be so impressed if you owned one of these businesses he blew off?
Lol he never does. Now if you start talking about non-technical computer sales watch out.CD- quit backtracking on your mistaken statements and be on time tomorrow for your McDonald shift. You really don't know what you are talking about.
Thanks for the warning!Lol he never does. Now if you start talking about non-technical computer sales watch out.
Funny you call dems welfare recipients. Have you had a chance to look at the trump cult. 🤣🤣🤣Welfare recipients..all of them. Just give it to me so I don't have to work. That's their direction in life.
Here u go again Clown Star... Your mother must of dropped u on that coconut head of urs...
Trump lives in ur head... LOL
It is incredible how brilliant cd isActually it isn't hard to find. Why do you need to ask me for a source. Just Google Trump owes 1.1 Billion. This is what Forbes estimate he owes and during a second term as president this makes him a national security risk.
Listen, you are asking for things you do not want to see. If you wanted to see them you would google to get the information. You aren't an invalid. Took all of 10 seconds to find.
Donald Trump Has At Least $1 Billion In Debt, More Than Twice The Amount He Suggested
The president’s liabilities are spelled out in dozens of documents, published here.www.forbes.com
Sounds like he lives in yours!! Well at best at the end of your puckered lips!
I'll join in.The band of Clown brothers on this post..
Lets see who else shows up...
I wonder if cd has ever bought a ticket and attended a Cane Game. He Is the most fake person on this site. Take cems52 a die hard communist that drinks boon farms wine 🍷 😂😂😂😂 but nothing fake about him. Big difference. That is what cd does not get.
4 more years in federal prison.4 more years lmao
Why haven't Republicans used their dirt on Sleepy Joe? I'll answer for you. They have none!!!!What garbage. What now? You really had to stretch to find this site.
Please find better material to put on the Lounge.
Let's just say that the big real estate moguls like Trump play the real estate gains and losses this way to minimize their taxes. Let's say the Democrats get every female he has screwed to step forward and sue him , this is still a nothing video. Do you think for a second that the Republicans do not have dirt on Sleepy Joe and his son?, or Hillary, or Barak Hussain Obama or Pocahontas or the squad ? An action will cause a reaction.
Please get better material , this is all rinse and repeat.
Lol...lolNobody has explained to you guys the long game here. It’s going to be ugly when it’s announced
You sound like a lunatic.Smh stop watching your fake news networks. This has been one giant concerted effort to oust him for the last four years. Hasn’t worked yet and won’t work even though unprecedented cheating was used to “win” this election. These aren’t civilians litigation cases by the way. They are stepping blocks to a criminal case again the center of this network. It sounds unbelievable and crazy but I’m telling you to trust OL’ Cash on this one. There are witnesses who have already testified against these people in hearings you haven’t seen nor heard of yet. When I say Joe Biden lost by a considerable margin, he got skunked!!!
By the way it is not just democrats, there a few republicans in on it too. They took payments from the Chinese govt as a payoff. There were also Other foreign entities involved in influencing the election other than the Chinese.
He gave you evidence and this is your response?Hey CD what does it cost to build Trump tower? F’ing idiot!
Mr Financial guru, please explain?This is exactly how I know you food stamp babies don’t understand wealth management.
Please share.You’re so caught up in your own bullsh-t you don’t even know he’s won 3 more this week. Dumbasses
CD gave you facts about the billions Trump owes and you still deny it. WTF???Says who? He owns over 100 companies! Back up what you say! I want to hear actual facts.
It is incredible how brilliant cd is
He did say that POS Trump was going to lose by a landslide. He hit that dead on. No lie there. you said Trump was going to win. Who is the liar here?He’s a habitual liar so don’t expect one.
I am sure he has money now. All you Cult Members are still sending him money. Dumb F**ks.Hey CD what does it cost to build Trump tower? F’ing idiot!