BET CEO Robert Johnson going with Trump

Of course not, but then again I'm not a billionaire with ridiculous amounts of loopholes to exploit. Let's not pretend these people actually earn their money.
Tell me what Joe and Hunter Biden do to. earn their money. and how many jobs they have created compared to Robert Johnson.I'll wait.
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The Republican Party lost all credibility when it jumped on the Trump train. It's now officially the party of lies, racism, and corruption.

And your the head clown of the clown show...
When you have no intelligent argument except for talking points your nothing but a puppet of the hypocrites in your party..
Tell me what Joe and Hunter Biden do to. earn their money. and how many jobs they have created compared to Robert Johnson.I'll wait.

I'm not really concerned about how many jobs someone allegedly creates. I'm more interested whether or not they are contributing revenue to the system they exploited to get rich in the first place - that money is required to maintain basic services in the nation state that allowed them the privilege and opportunity to hire the workers that allowed him to become successful.
I'm not really concerned about how many jobs someone allegedly creates. I'm more interested whether or not they are contributing revenue to the system they exploited to get rich in the first place - that money is required to maintain basic services in the nation state that allowed them the privilege and opportunity to hire the workers that allowed him to become successful.
Are you at least curious why Hunter received 3.5 million from mayor of Moscow’s wife??
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Raouls fake poll?? Hahahaha. Gallup just came out today shows highest approval since May. Most think Trump will win most trust Trump witj economy. That and the vaccines coming 3 noble peace prize nominations. Your the ones who are FuUUUKKKED. Hahahhaa
We're not talking about approval polls. Who is winning in Pa, Wisky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, NC, Florida, Arizona and now Georgia?
Of course not, but then again I'm not a billionaire with ridiculous amounts of loopholes to exploit. Let's not pretend these people actually earn their money.
So, if there are loopholes and its legal, is it wrong? Billionaires didn't make money because the
I'm not really concerned about how many jobs someone allegedly creates. I'm more interested whether or not they are contributing revenue to the system they exploited to get rich in the first place - that money is required to maintain basic services in the nation state that allowed them the privilege and opportunity to hire the workers that allowed him to become successful.
The conflict you are having is Capitalism vs. Communism. Communism will spread and take the hard earned wealth you would have in a Capitalistic society. You might be happy in a Socialistic or Communistic society. I really think you need to decide where you want to be. Cuba isn't far if Capitalism isn't your thing.
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Of course not, but then again I'm not a billionaire with ridiculous amounts of loopholes to exploit. Let's not pretend these people actually earn their money.
You have no idea the skill sets that are required to be a CEO of a major corporation .
That's his opinion. See, people like yourself think all black people think in unison so if you throw a black guy out there that agrees with you that should mean something to the rest of us. it doesn't. It's just a black person who does not agree with me. So, if i show you a white person who does not agree with is that supposed to be meaningful for you? I doubt it. People can believe what they want. We don't all think alike just because we are black. Just like you don't all think alike as a white person.

I agree black are individuals like any other race. It seems as though Joe disagrees.
"If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
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So, if there are loopholes and its legal, is it wrong? Billionaires didn't make money because the

The conflict you are having is Capitalism vs. Communism. Communism will spread and take the hard earned wealth you would have in a Capitalistic society. You might be happy in a Socialistic or Communistic society. I really think you need to decide where you want to be. Cuba isn't far if Capitalism isn't your thing.

Its becoming clear by your posts that you little about capitalism, communism, or any other system. Nearly every western state is capitalist with varying degrees of social safety mechanisms built into the system. Healthcare, social security, and education are examples of this. That doesn't make them socialist or communist, it just makes them responsible to the needs of their citizens. When you allow extremely wealthy people to manipulate the system and hord all the capital for themselves, it deprives the nation of the necessary revenue it needs to continue growing and ultimately leads to social unrest (as we're seeing now) and occasionally even revolutions. I don't have a problem with Robert Johnson per say, but the argument that extremely wealthy people earn their money is pure nonsense. For starters, 60% of all wealth is inherited and passed down through the generations (again hording it away from the public) and all billionaires require the labor of workers to make money, so in the end its the workers themselves who are making the money.
We're not talking about approval polls. Who is winning in Pa, Wisky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, NC, Florida, Arizona and now Georgia?
Trump wins all those states. Hillary was up more at this time in 16 in all those polls as well. How’d that work out for you. Hahaha. Man this is gonna be great. It’s dejavu all over again. Haha
Its becoming clear by your posts that you little about capitalism, communism, or any other system. Nearly every western state is capitalist with varying degrees of social safety mechanisms built into the system. Healthcare, social security, and education are examples of this. That doesn't make them socialist or communist, it just makes them responsible to the needs of their citizens. When you allow extremely wealthy people to manipulate the system and hord all the capital for themselves, it deprives the nation of the necessary revenue it needs to continue growing and ultimately leads to social unrest (as we're seeing now) and occasionally even revolutions. I don't have a problem with Robert Johnson per say, but the argument that extremely wealthy people earn their money is pure nonsense. For starters, 60% of all wealth is inherited and passed down through the generations (again hording it away from the public) and all billionaires require the labor of workers to make money, so in the end its the workers themselves who are making the money.
Ok, assume I know nothing. Your comments stated that wealthy people exploited the work place to get wealthy in the first place.
The smart people with the ability to grow a business and get wealthy is part of what America is about.
Some people have the ab
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Of course not, but then again I'm not a billionaire with ridiculous amounts of loopholes to exploit. Let's not pretend these people actually earn their money.
Now that is the Obama I remember, he agrees with you with this statement. You may have a business but you didnt build it. LOL Retard leader he was.
Its becoming clear by your posts that you little about capitalism, communism, or any other system. Nearly every western state is capitalist with varying degrees of social safety mechanisms built into the system. Healthcare, social security, and education are examples of this. That doesn't make them socialist or communist, it just makes them responsible to the needs of their citizens. When you allow extremely wealthy people to manipulate the system and hord all the capital for themselves, it deprives the nation of the necessary revenue it needs to continue growing and ultimately leads to social unrest (as we're seeing now) and occasionally even revolutions. I don't have a problem with Robert Johnson per say, but the argument that extremely wealthy people earn their money is pure nonsense. For starters, 60% of all wealth is inherited and passed down through the generations (again hording it away from the public) and all billionaires require the labor of workers to make money, so in the end its the workers themselves who are making the money.
Knock knock knock, ALERT ALERT ALERT, in case you dont know wall street overwelmingly supports Biden.
Actually the billionaires thrived under Obama Biden. The middle class and low wage earners suffered under Biden Obama. Median household grew over $6500 in Trumps first 3 years especially in the AA and Hispanic communities. Over Obama Biden whole 8 years median Houshold income grew about $1000 for the WHOLE 8 years. In 2019 alone Trumps economy grew median household income over $4300 in 1 year.
those damn pesky facts
Trump wins all those states. Hillary was up more at this time in 16 in all those polls as well. How’d that work out for you. Hahaha. Man this is gonna be great. It’s dejavu all over again. Haha
You're wrong about Hillary being up as much as Biden is.
Sad, how you ignore reality.
Smart people vote Trump.
Emotional losers defend bumbling joe

Only in the alternative sheep universe where you apparently dwell. No sane, patriotic American who actually cares about the country would even consider voting Trump.
Only in the alternative sheep universe where you apparently dwell. No sane, patriotic American who actually cares about the country would even consider voting Trump.
Yeah I gues all billionaires arent sane, funny coming from you, a jealous nobody.
Your ignorant to reality. You still have NEVER posted what platforms Biden’s socialism you endorse.
PS BET exec just did it in EVERYONE elses reality but yours
Thanks again for this mornings first laugh.
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Yeah I gues all billionaires arent sane, funny coming from you, a jealous nobody.
Your ignorant to reality. You still have NEVER posted what platforms Biden’s socialism you endorse.
PS BET exec just did it in EVERYONE elses reality but yours
Thanks again for this mornings first laugh.
Still waiting Raoul, give me your top 3 biden platforms that you endorse or agree with!!!
LOL you cant, because you sound like a teenager with your emotional diatribes.
Still waiting Raoul, give me your top 3 biden platforms that you endorse or agree with!!!
LOL you cant, because you sound like a teenager with your emotional diatribes.

LMAO - You are easily triggered this morning Majus. Cheer up and enjoy your day.
Of course not, but then again I'm not a billionaire with ridiculous amounts of loopholes to exploit. Let's not pretend these people actually earn their money.
What exactly bothers you about Robert Johnson? He's a man born into modest circumstances who worked hard, got an education, became wildly successful in business and is now an important philanthropist,particularly for black people.There's nothing to suggest he's a tax cheat like Al Sharton or Charles Rangel. Nobody gave him his money. He earned it.
One problem he has in some people's eyes- he does not let CNN and NYT do his thinking.
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What exactly bothers you about Robert Johnson? He's a man born into modest circumstances who worked hard, got an education, became wildly successful in business and is now an important philanthropist,particularly for black people.There's nothing to suggest he's a tax cheat like Al Sharton or Charles Rangel. Nobody gave him his money. He earned it.
One problem he has in some people's eyes- he does not let CNN and NYT do his thinking.

Nothing bothers me about Johnson specifically. My points in this thread are much broader and deal with imbalances in how most of the wealth in this country is coagulated in the top 1% to the detriment of the bottom 99 for reasons previously explained.
LMAO - You are easily triggered this morning Majus. Cheer up and enjoy your day.
Raoul, Most of my comments are made with a smile on my face or laughing. Not triggered.
however once again you Can’t or Failed to answer the simple question of naming 3 platforms of Biden’s you support???????
Robery Johnson
-Wants reparations for slavery
-Supports Black Lives Matter organization specifically
-Supports the more general Black Lives Matter movement
-Wants to form a Black Lives Matter Party
-Founded Black Entertainment Televison (so many say what about a WET)

But because he’s willing to support Trump he’s someone y’all like now? Hmmmm 😂
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Robery Johnson
-Wants reparations for slavery
-Supports Black Lives Matter organization specifically
-Supports the more general Black Lives Matter movement
-Wants to form a Black Lives Matter Party
-Founded Black Entertainment Televison (so many say what about a WET)

But because he’s willing to support Trump he’s someone y’all like now? Hmmmm 😂
Nice try spinning it. Robert Johnson will be VOTING FOR TRUMP!
Another black vote for the best President for blacks in history external to Lincoln.
Nice try spinning it. Robert Johnson will be VOTING FOR TRUMP!
Another black vote for the best President for blacks in history external to Lincoln.
What’s the spin? I stated he was voting for Trump.
Oh and when you write “best for blacks” I guffaw. Please do it more often. Thanks!
What’s the spin? I stated he was voting for Trump.
Oh and when you write “best for blacks” I guffaw. Please do it more often. Thanks!
Trying to lose weight eh????
Trump will take EVERY vote, and he will win in historic fashion.
Sorry ellu, dont play the black card with me, as I was married to a person of color for 21 years.
Tell me what Barry/ biden did in his 8 years
Raoul, Most of my comments are made with a smile on my face or laughing. Not triggered.
however once again you Can’t or Failed to answer the simple question of naming 3 platforms of Biden’s you support???????

I'll give you more than 3 of Biden's platforms I support.

Biden supports a national Coronavirus testing and tracing program - I agree

Biden supports raising the minimum wage and investing in green energy - I agree

He supports criminal justice reform - I agree

He supports rejoining the Paris climate accords - I wholeheartedly agree (we should've never left it).

He supports restoring our global reputation - I agree

He supports expanding Obamacare and creating a public option for healthcare - I agree

He supports expanding tuition free colleges and student loan debt forgiveness - 100% agree

The more you go down the list of his policy positions, the harder it is to actually find anything that doesn't make a lot of sense.
Trying to lose weight eh????
Trump will take EVERY vote, and he will win in historic fashion.
Sorry ellu, dont play the black card with me, as I was married to a person of color for 21 years.
Tell me what Barry/ biden did in his 8 years
Black card 😂 your the one championing “best for black” in a post about a. Black billionaire, b. who owned a black network, c. called black entertainment television because d. he is a black voter for Trump.

but I’m playing the race card. 😂

what’s a person of color have to do with black? Was she black? And does that mean if you are married to a black person you can’t be wrong on a subject? So Candace and Kamala husband’s are on the same footing? Should I never question the idiot mayor of NYC on his incompetence when it comes to the black community cuz his wife and son are people of colo...err black?
Nice deflection and I’m still full guffawing. As Pac said, you are appreciated 😂.

Keep it coming please and thank you.
I'll give you more than 3 of Biden's platforms I support.

Biden supports a national Coronavirus testing and tracing program - I agree

Biden supports raising the minimum wage and investing in green energy - I agree

He supports criminal justice reform - I agree

He supports rejoining the Paris climate accords - I wholeheartedly agree (we should've never left it).

He supports restoring our global reputation - I agree

He supports expanding Obamacare and creating a public option for healthcare - I agree

He supports expanding tuition free colleges and student loan debt forgiveness - 100% agree

The more you go down the list of his policy positions, the harder it is to actually find anything that doesn't make a lot of sense.
Silly silly man.

Like I said tell me specific platforms, you mention topics, yet biden hasn’t presented a platform with agendas that address anything you mentioned.
Screw you with forgiving student loans, douchebag never paid yours back assuming you even went to college.
I PAID mine back, screw an millennial donk ass pussy that doesnt. Maybe they’ll learn that dropping 80k a year for a MEANINGLESS “liberal arts degree”
Obamacare, eliminating 180 MILLION private insurers ce holders
Criminal justice???? Where was he during 100 days and counting in Portland????
Global reputation??? We have the best in the last 12 years, wake up.
Trump created Largest, best National testing in world.
Black card 😂 your the one championing “best for black” in a post about a. Black billionaire, b. who owned a black network, c. called black entertainment television because d. he is a black voter for Trump.

but I’m playing the race card. 😂

what’s a person of color have to do with black? Was she black? And does that mean if you are married to a black person you can’t be wrong on a subject? So Candace and Kamala husband’s are on the same footing? Should I never question the idiot mayor of NYC on his incompetence when it comes to the black community cuz his wife and son are people of colo...err black?
Nice deflection and I’m still full guffawing. As Pac said, you are appreciated 😂.

Keep it coming please and thank you.
Just because your black doesnt make you right either. Thats was my point ellu.
Your point of Deblasio is well taken, he truly is a terrible mayor and will go down as worst ever
Trump is Trump you dont have to like a personality to like his policies.
Robery Johnson
-Wants reparations for slavery
-Supports Black Lives Matter organization specifically
-Supports the more general Black Lives Matter movement
-Wants to form a Black Lives Matter Party
-Founded Black Entertainment Televison (so many say what about a WET)

But because he’s willing to support Trump he’s someone y’all like now? Hmmmm 😂
The thread was about an extremely successful business person with a knowledge of economics saying Biden didn't have a coherent economic plan- not race.

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