BET CEO Robert Johnson going with Trump

Just because your black doesnt make you right either. Thats was my point ellu.
Your point of Deblasio is well taken, he truly is a terrible mayor and will go down as worst ever
Trump is Trump you dont have to like a personality to like his policies.
His policies are pretty bad to me. He’s great at self promotion. Folks lap it up. He tells you he’s a spin doctor and then when he spins folks ignore it. The man will call CNN fake news and run to Fox but if CNN has a poll in his favor he’ll champion it while ripping fox. He’s a master of media manipulation and the sycophantic following is chilling.

Tireless as a self promoter his inarticulate eloquence is attractive to the anti intellectual crowd.

As a fiscal conservative who believes in free market economies his policies don’t please me at all. I don’t measure the economy by the DOW or S&P. Tax and spend liberals were never my favorite. Deficit spending even less. Cutting revenue while raising expenses 🤮

Space force was a gratuitous waste of resources and a vanity project.

Not a fan of his handling of Syria and Afghan. I am hawkish however. I concede that I’ve always liked the way GOP has traditionally used our military and have zero issue with the so called industrial military complex that the left Hates (and apparently Trump hates).

His green energy policy is myopic. It’s a chance to lead the world in tech and make $$$$. Letting Asia take the lead is not good policy.

There are a few.
Majus, the facts don't bear out your assertion that "smart people" vote Trump. Quite the contrary. Mostly low education White men vote Trump. Why is that?
Blue collar small business people of all colors drive the economic engine of this country.
Silly silly man.

Like I said tell me specific platforms, you mention topics, yet biden hasn’t presented a platform with agendas that address anything you mentioned.
Screw you with forgiving student loans, douchebag never paid yours back assuming you even went to college.
I PAID mine back, screw an millennial donk ass pussy that doesnt. Maybe they’ll learn that dropping 80k a year for a MEANINGLESS “liberal arts degree”
Obamacare, eliminating 180 MILLION private insurers ce holders
Criminal justice???? Where was he during 100 days and counting in Portland????
Global reputation??? We have the best in the last 12 years, wake up.
Trump created Largest, best National testing in world.

Politicians rarely speak in granular specifics since going deep into the weeds doesn't resonate with voters. What does resonate are broad policy ideas that people can relate to, which is exactly what Biden is proposing.
The thread was about an extremely successful business person with a knowledge of economics saying Biden didn't have a coherent economic plan- not race.

He's a TV guy with an MA in Public Affairs. He has no special knowledge of economics.
Years ago I saw Johnson at the Hard Rock in Hollywood playing Blackjack. He had a hot young lady with him who I think became his wife. Nice what $$$ can do for you.
He's a TV guy with an MA in Public Affairs. He has no special knowledge of economics.
At all. And one candidate has been beneficial to his tax bracket and one promises to not be. Self interest is real. As a fiscal conservative and a guy whose dad thought Eisenhower was a GOAT (dad was WW2, I like Ike was my dads jam) I’m good with Biden’s idea.
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Years ago I saw Johnson at the Hard Rock in Hollywood playing Blackjack. He had a hot lady with him who I think became his wife. Nice what $$$ can do for you.
Dude might have game to tho. Can’t assume it’s the loot. For all we know Stephen Mnuchin packing a .50cal and blowing backs out may have nothing to do with his paper.
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You know that, right? It's hard to believe he doesn't know more than Biden.

Biden has a battalion of top economists informing him, so yeah, I guess they would collectively know more someone who runs a TV channel.
Politicians rarely speak in granular specifics since going deep into the weeds doesn't resonate with voters. What does resonate are broad policy ideas that people can relate to, which is exactly what Biden is proposing.
Thats one way of looking at it.
Usually candidates speak in specifics.
Trump did in 2016,
Biden no matter how you feel about him, talks vaguely. He seriously didnt answer one question that Wallace asked him specifically. When he does make a statement he changes his mind.
Green New Deal, said he didnt support it during debate, however it;s on his home page. Harris his VP co authored it
My point Raoul, you cant be every thing to everybody,
Thats Joe’s gameplan.
We will see if it works
You're wrong about Hillary being up as much as Biden is.
Robery Johnson
-Wants reparations for slavery
-Supports Black Lives Matter organization specifically
-Supports the more general Black Lives Matter movement
-Wants to form a Black Lives Matter Party
-Founded Black Entertainment Televison (so many say what about a WET)

But because he’s willing to support Trump he’s someone y’all like now? Hmmmm 😂
I didn’t say I like him but I think he is influential and could bring more votes to Trump from black folk. Imo
The Republican Party lost all credibility when it jumped on the Trump train. It's now officially the party of lies, racism, and corruption.

lol also the party that will control the highest court in the land
lol also the party that will control the highest court in the land

.... and will result in Biden and the Dems reclaiming the Senate, making Puerto Rico and DC states, adding four more Dem Senators and four new Dem nominated SCOTUS judges when they raise the number to 13.
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