Bidens speech was a total FLOP... hagaha

Didn’t watch. Tired of a guy who ran around was friends with a Kleagle and KKK recruiter lecturing and telling me I’m white, I’m racist. I don’t know anyone in or associated with the KKK or any white supremacist group. Then he’ll go on to tell me he’s healing the country. The press fawns all over it to the point it’s obvious they are propagandist, very sad state of affairs.
That’s you with Donald Trump.
I respond about the former president when his name is brought up and/or when a direct compare and contrast is warranted. I don't start threads targeting him. This thread was literally created to compare a viewership of a speech. Frankly it's indicative of a small percentage of his supporters who are less concerned with substance than performance. The number of Biden specific threads that are started daily is proof that so called "trump derangement syndrome" was a projection.

From what I've seen in the lounge over the last 8 years, whatever party is in power gets a constant barrage of posts from the party not in power. Hell, Trump if anything, played up to the aggrieved white anger, and "poor us" rhetoric. Folks went from calling people snowflakes for being upset to literally throwing fits in public for mask regulations, from yelling 1st amendment to actual shoe burnings.

So keep posting about Biden, all day, and keep denying that you are obsessed with him. I'll keep adding factual information time to time (when I damn well feel like it), ignoring folks who just want to agitate (refreshing like a lemonade on a summer day) and posting random non political shit that we can actually discuss, occasionally.

Rent free is kinda socialist, maybe charge him something.
1st thing you learn in stats and bio-stats is that its fraud ie a lie. Why do you think research uses Blinds and power to determine the amount of bias in their study. LOL Only small brained idiots claim or site stats to fortify an argument or point, unless you compiled the stats correctly yourself, but its Friday don't let truth sideline your agenda 😂 😆🤣
Haha , no one was watching except the far left..
Only 27 Milion... 🤡🤡🤡🤡
That polls means SQUAT..!!!

The only reason trump had so many watch was the comedy show he put on. Lies. Degrading people, making up stories, saying stupid things. Need I go on.
Trump the hurricane forecaster.
Internal cleaning
Gas people to hold up a Bible he knows nothing about
Looking into the eclipse
Pure comedy. That fool was being laughed at. That’s what most people were watching. The others were the brainwashed lunatics who thinks he told the truth about everything he said. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jesus why do you always try discredit everything that disagrees with your peabrain point of view. It’s hilarious how much truth you guys run away from.

Ask the guy who posted the pointless link in response to the post debate poll I threw up.
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Pointless as in pointing out the fact it was overwhelmingly politically one sided. That was not an opinion.

Incorrect. The tweet was from a producer at Fox News, which is a right wing political outlet. The poll itself was fine.
Incorrect. The tweet was from a producer at Fox News, which is a right wing political outlet. The poll itself was fine.
Who cares who tweeted it. It’s the substance and specific demographics of the vote lmao. Just because you don’t like who stated it doesn’t mean it’s not a valid point. Stop running from the truth.
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Who cares who tweeted it. It’s the substance and specific demographics of the vote lmao. Just because you don’t like who stated it doesn’t mean it’s not a valid point. Stop running from the truth.

Exactly. It has no substance what so ever. It’s just a desperate, flailing attempt to discredit a mainstream poll because a vast majority of American liked what they heard from Biden.
He drew only 27 million viewers vs Trumps 1st speech drew 48 million..

Yea this dumb-ass got 81 million votes...
However Biden’s Economy is killing it and Biden’s Vaccination Distribution plan is beyond anyone’s expectations and is only 96 million doses from reaching Herd Immunity...
However Biden’s Economy is killing it and Biden’s Vaccination Distribution plan is beyond anyone’s expectations and is only 96 million doses from reaching Herd Immunity...
Yea its Bidens economy .. Laughable tell me exactly want he’s done to stimulate the economy.
Waiting on ur answer...
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However Biden’s Economy is killing it and Biden’s Vaccination Distribution plan is beyond anyone’s expectations and is only 96 million doses from reaching Herd Immunity...
Thank DJT for warp-speed and the vaccine...
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Looks like the honeymoon is over for Joe, the fake news can only do so much.


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