Big Special Election Tonight In Ohio For House Seat.

November going to be a important election but Big Balls Trump will campaign hard and win.
Lets hope he does campaign. Lol
Cems as long as your party continues to run on hate and not policy that great pick you have of the blue wave is going to disappear. When a conservative black lady gets attacked by white antifa activists at a coffee shop and the liberals are quite as crickets all the left does is give President Trump more votes. Accountability does not exist among liberals.
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Cems as long as your party continues to run on hate and not policy that great pick you have of the blue wave is going to disappear. When a conservative black lady gets attacked by white antifa activists at a coffee shop and the liberals are quite as crickets all the left does is give President Trump more votes. Accountability does not exist among liberals.

Admit it. Trump is a cancer for the Republican Party? Check out the results in the 12th district of Ohio. The blue wave will hit right wingers in the mouth.
But it’s ok for you to use the word Hoe when describing women.

Got it Mr Hypocrite
Did she get paid for sex? If so what exactly is your problem? She's is a hoe cake. Don't shoot the messenger. Now if we can provide a shred of evidence these congresswomen are what they are being called then you can call me a hypocrite....until then please SU! Learn the meaning of the words you use like Hypocrite.
Did she get paid for sex? If so what exactly is your problem? She's is a hoe cake. Don't shoot the messenger. Now if we can provide a shred of evidence these congresswomen are what they are being called then you can call me a hypocrite....until then please SU! Learn the meaning of the words you use like Hypocrite.

Mr. Moral Policeman. She is a woman first. She is someone’s daughter. Someone’s mother. She has made bad decisions in her life just like all of us. Unless you’re CDhypocrite. I’m glad you find satisfaction in calling a woman a hoe. I’m sure your wife and kids are proud of you.
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Mr. Moral Policeman. She is a woman first. She is someone’s daughter. Someone’s mother. She has made bad decisions in her life just like all of us. Unless you’re CDhypocrite. I’m glad you find satisfaction in calling a woman a hoe. I’m sure your wife and kids are proud of you.
I am a moral policeman because I know what a hoe is? So, now you are worried about someone's daughter being called a hoe? You didn't seem too worried about the congresswoman's parents daughter because called a c**nt when she obviously is not. You can't have it both ways...which is why I told you....don't even come at me. Learn what the word hypocrite means. If you get paid for sex, you are a hoe. If you don't want your mamma worried you are being called a hoe...then don't be a hoe. You sound ridiculous and getting ready to be blocked. That's what I do when people sound this way.

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