For libtard of the week. These rankings are compiled from a formulaic system taking into account delusion, racism, ignorance, cuckolding, being a pvssy, lack of grasp on reality, and numerous other factors that make libtards the pieces of crap that they are. Without further adieu, let’s get to the rankings:
5) hawaiiancane - a libtard who normally isn’t as vocal as his counterparts, he decided to throw his hat in the ring this week and removed all doubt as to how ignorant he is. As the old saying goes, it’s better to be thought a fool and remain silent, than open your mouth and remove any doubt.
4) Florida1969 - this douche is definitely related in some way to former poster and credit card connoisseur Flea. With perhaps the worst writing ability in Board history, he also takes the cake with his lack of ability to count. Has also been known to drop the “n-word” when he’s high on crack. You’ll find this posters picture in the dictionary when you look up the term “hood rat”.
3) cems52 - one of the most racist posters on the board, this cumstain is also the biggest liar. A libtard mainstay, with no ability to put together a good rebuttal if his life depended on it.
2) dmatt - coming in at the second spot, one must wonder that the d stands for in posters screen name. Douchebag? Delusional? Dweeb? All could be logical fittings in terms for this poster.
1) cdwright - and at the top spot we have the queen of the cucked. Cd has been the laughing stock of both the Lounge and War Room for years now. Often has much to say, but little of substance. Ranks very high in all of the qualities that makes a libtard, and has actually been cucked by Loretta Robinson. Put it all together and it earns him the top spot in the rankings and not likely to relinquish it anytime soon.
Well that does it for this week. Stay tuned to see how the libtards’ TDS plays out this week, and how it will possibly shake up the rankings. Perhaps some of the boards’ other libtards will start to make their climb, or if one of this week’s top 5 will attempt to challenge CD at the top. Have a great week to all, and remember...Trump 2020, Keep America Great!
5) hawaiiancane - a libtard who normally isn’t as vocal as his counterparts, he decided to throw his hat in the ring this week and removed all doubt as to how ignorant he is. As the old saying goes, it’s better to be thought a fool and remain silent, than open your mouth and remove any doubt.
4) Florida1969 - this douche is definitely related in some way to former poster and credit card connoisseur Flea. With perhaps the worst writing ability in Board history, he also takes the cake with his lack of ability to count. Has also been known to drop the “n-word” when he’s high on crack. You’ll find this posters picture in the dictionary when you look up the term “hood rat”.
3) cems52 - one of the most racist posters on the board, this cumstain is also the biggest liar. A libtard mainstay, with no ability to put together a good rebuttal if his life depended on it.
2) dmatt - coming in at the second spot, one must wonder that the d stands for in posters screen name. Douchebag? Delusional? Dweeb? All could be logical fittings in terms for this poster.
1) cdwright - and at the top spot we have the queen of the cucked. Cd has been the laughing stock of both the Lounge and War Room for years now. Often has much to say, but little of substance. Ranks very high in all of the qualities that makes a libtard, and has actually been cucked by Loretta Robinson. Put it all together and it earns him the top spot in the rankings and not likely to relinquish it anytime soon.
Well that does it for this week. Stay tuned to see how the libtards’ TDS plays out this week, and how it will possibly shake up the rankings. Perhaps some of the boards’ other libtards will start to make their climb, or if one of this week’s top 5 will attempt to challenge CD at the top. Have a great week to all, and remember...Trump 2020, Keep America Great!