No, you clearly are too delusional with TDS to see I said I wanted those here illegally with “criminal records” gone, not all illegals, although, our current laws state they should be deported. What you said is racist insinuating that all illegal brown people are criminals. Not true, but stats say illegals commit 2x more violent crime per capita than citizens.
Along with closing the border to prevent future illegal crossings, I am a fan of giving kids, “Dreamers,” previously brought in here illegally who have lived here most of their lives contributing to our society, not committing crimes, the chance to be given a path to citizenship. Not future kids brought here Illegally because it incentives illegal behavior. I also want the law followed. It doesn’t matter what color illegals are either. Way to make everything about race.
BTW, just remember in 2018 Trump proposed to give nearly 2 million dreamers citizenship as part of his immigration policy, including the wall to prevent future illegal crossing, and Pelosi shot it down. Why?