canesrule21ships you are sick

Lmao, ******ry has become common place.

It’s the hardest thing in the world to explain to kids.

What I find funny is most Muslims hate this shit too, and Dems are hell bent on bring them to the country, and they hate Christians because we don’t like gay marriage. Muslims are more likely to kill a ****** or out law gay marriage.
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Why were you watching gay smooching? On CNN? Are you deeply in closet? Not that there's anything wrong with it. Just come out man. Shame is sad.
He isn't in the closet. He's out and proud and I have no issue with his gay lifestyle. I just think it's sad that he is so conflicted that he is lashing out with homophobia toward you. I'm not sure I've ever been on team rerun in the lounge but there is a first time for everything. I hope trump interrupts Canada's Internet access so we can be rid of this retarded piece of human garbage.
He isn't in the closet. He's out and proud and I have no issue with his gay lifestyle. I just think it's sad that he is so conflicted that he is lashing out with homophobia toward you. I'm not sure I've ever been on team rerun in the lounge but there is a first time for everything. I hope trump interrupts Canada's Internet access so we can be rid of this retarded piece of human garbage.
I think we need to support him. He's obviously struggled with gender identity issues for years. And the closet thing is sad.
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The only person destroying society is your stupid azz. Personally, I don't have an issue with gay folks. In fact you probably have gay people in your family. Look around fool and you'll see plenty in your family tree. Dumbazz!!
It turns out he's gay and is a self hating gay who may be in closet. Nothing sadder. It's like hating self because he has freckles. Totally irrational.
Who cares! That's life....Oh and if you don't want to explain life to your own children then maybe you shouldn't have kids...ijs
I new you and rerun were pal's
Who cares! That's life....Oh and if you don't want to explain life to your own children then maybe you shouldn't have kids...ijs
Interesting how every post you tell people how they should live! Yet you want everyone to be free? Maybe these weirdos should stay in a closet so normal people don’t have to explain what a freak is! CD you are such a hypocrite
This is dangerous game you are playing with CD, Cems, and the rest of the Democratic Party.


They believe in power absolutely and they believe their ilk should have all the power.

They should have the power to say...

Abortion is ok, because the baby can’t feel.

They believe there should be gun control because law abiding citizens can not make good decisions.

They believe there is no illegal immigration is because these are just people looking for a safe place to live. Why should anyone have to go through the process and become a legitimate citizen and contribute to the cause. Why should we be able to choose who we allow into our country?

They believe a baker should have not have religious freedoms to say no to the government requiring them to bake a cake.

In other words, people should be free only to do those things that they say people are free to do.

This is a dangerous game you are playing.

Democrats are not your friend.

Ask the folks that died in Behghazi, the North Korean’s that have no food and who Clinton, a Democrat, negotiated with directly, and the Iranians, whom Obama negotiated, gave money to, and looked the other way with Hezbollah, whom the Democrat leadership is shaming us to “Stay Quiet” because we support Freedom! (Thanks Susan Rice for the advice, but you should be in jail).

At what time are you going to say we are free, thankfully because a bunch of selfless people came up with a beautiful document called the Constitution and because our Creator made us that way!

Fools Gold I say...

Still here!

The sky is blue!

Trump is still YOUR President!