Harris..... Great pick

We’ve got a President who’s known for his past locker room talk regarding women. We’ve also a candidate for the job who reminds us of the guy in the office where we worked who when passing by a woman would find a way to cop a feel of a butt or a hug while ‘inadvertently’ rubbing a breast. A ‘god you smell good’ guy. In other words, a creep.
We have a VP who’s really religious, thankfully, he manages to keep that to himself and it only shows through his morality. Now there’s a VP candidate who has publicly shamed herself through an improper relationship with the Mayor of San Francisco.
Choose your poison! I’ll take the guy who puts the economy in our hands rather than in the politicians’ pockets. People who complain about how the President got to where he is financially totally ignore how the candidate gained his and the rest of his family’s fortune totally while in the ‘service’ of his country.
I’m optimistic about realizing 4 more years of wiping out the Democratic infestation of government.

First use of my new avatar, which is a picture of the sign in front of my home.
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So, you claim Trump is racist with zero evidence, your lone bad example is to bring up the Central Park 5, where he said nothing racist, only incorrectly prejudged a conviction for a crime in his backyard, and now you dismiss Heels Up Kamala Harris implying his actions and comments on “my kids will go to school in a jungle.. if busing is allowed...” for Biden being racist. Your ilk goes to no ends, just like your defense of the VA governor wearing blackface, which is OK so long as he remains in power.

Democrats say and do anything that they feel will gain them power. They have absolutely no moral compass and change their positions on any issue depending on what they can gain!
@6882 He’s not. Let me give you exhibit A, Loretta Robinson. CD went on a tirade against Trump one night, likening him to his child’s mother named Loretta Robinson. Was a very nasty tirade. CD is apparently very bitter toward her and does not pay his child support. Very likely a huge reason he’s racist toward white people, as well.


How would you know about CD and his child support or the lack thereof? This alone would discredit anything that this person claims to stand for. This would make him lower than whale chit.
How would you know about CD and his child support or the lack thereof? This alone would discredit anything that this person claims to stand for. This would make him lower than whale chit.
He released far too much info in that rant. Combine that with some TMB Google search skill, we could have all added him to our Christmas card list in his real name and address with donations to pay the baby momma. Didn’t take it that far, but he still deleted the post immediately to try to hide his hypocrisy and added a few more of us that exposed him to his ignore list.
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Trump, just this morning, sent a tweet full of racist tropes. Trump implied a sitting federal judge could not be objective because of where his parents were born, thats racism. Trump's racism is on its face, he embraces it. Biden and Trump are both institutional racist, one of the two at least tries (or feigns to try) to get better the other asks an American citizen for proof of his birth certificate (a racist trope steeped in the "show me your papers" tradition.". No need to reply I stumbled into the Lounge, I'll be exiting and not a chance in hell I'll ever see whatever lies others respond with.

Here's Joe McCarthy at his tail-gunner best, 'No need to reply...'
But just in case you stumble back into The Lounge...

When a guy is raised in a foreign country with two foreign fathers, it's improper to question their papers, you imply! GTFOOH!

The expression is, 'you can't make this stuff up'! Wrong, the Liberals do.
That one went right over your thick skull. Another missed opportunity by a low IQ Trump supporter.
Nah, I just refused to acknowledge another one of your homoerotic fantasies about me. Instead, I turned into an opportunity to remind you of your beginnings.
Nah, I just refused to acknowledge another one of your homoerotic fantasies about me. Instead, I turned into an opportunity to remind you of your beginnings.
Speaking of beginnings, how did your visit to French Town go? I heard you were there to pick up your weekly crack fix. Remember, crack makes you more wackier.
I didn't know this clown was formerly known as Canerob?
It's true. He was banned and came back with a new name, trying to outrun his past. He gave himself away when he referred to a conversation we had in prior years.
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@6882 He’s not. Let me give you exhibit A, Loretta Robinson. CD went on a tirade against Trump one night, likening him to his child’s mother named Loretta Robinson. Was a very nasty tirade. CD is apparently very bitter toward her and does not pay his child support. Very likely a huge reason he’s racist toward white people, as well.

I never realized how much Loretta Robinson looks like a POOR MANS Sarah Huckabee Sanders - maybe cds a closet Trumper -or maybe he has a Sarah Sanders fantasy

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