WrongHaha you just cucked yourself with this definition. By your own definition, Trump can’t be tried or impeached by the Senate because he is no longer a civil official. Lolololol!
Having spent 4 years with nothing but Trump derangement syndrome which led to illegal spying, political prosecutions, fake impeachments and election fraud the Democrats actually have to put their deranged policies in action. With Obama leftovers really running the government it won't take long for their insane policies to raise gas prices, lead to increased minority unemployment and destroy American industry.
The post election fascism displayed by the media and their democrat colleagues has been on display. Any American who values free speech has to be appalled. As Dems pander to 20 percent of the voters which is the radical left , their platforms run counter to what the majority of Americans want as has been shown in recent polls.
Trump was elected because of Obama's miserable record .It took massive fraud to defeat him. Watch an learn how inept these Democrats are at governing. The blue states are trash heaps after BLM riots and police cutbacks. with a marked exodus to red states.
Meanwhile Trump is having a ball and will troll these leftists and RINOS as his popularity continues to rise.
Just watch Dems govern and because of it will maintain control of the House and Senate. Your side didn't govern instead only bent over for Putin and allowed Trump and his cronies to fleece this country.Listen, the FBI and the Justice Department has a transcript of Trump's speech. If charges are not brought forth then on what grounds should there be an impeachment. The only reason that the stupid Democrats want to impeach Trump is so he doesn't run in 2024. It's obvious to both Democrats and Republicans. So, CD Wrong and the rest of you POS libtards, sweat it out. I would be more concerned with the Republican Party regaining the House and the Senate in 2022 than wasting energy on former President Trump's second try at an impeachment.
That's not how the process works. Keep up.CD does it bother you he was impeached without allowing Him any defense in the House ?
I am pretty confident in light of all the events taken place during his presidency it was more than warranted. I love America. Sue me! I don't take kindly to people who bring indicted criminal nut jobs to do our countries work. I don't like when our president ask other countries to announce fake investigations. I don't like our president promoting death and terrorism at our capital...and I don't like him calling our state officials to "find" votes. You may turn a blind eye to this stuff...I Don't!WOW CD just WOW ,,,,,,,,
That you, one of the most intolerant people who accused, slandered, and ridiculed the last administration from before his election to present day, would accuse ANYONE of vitriol is beyond rich, beyond shameless, beyond a joke, brother you live in a world of self delusion. WOW
You should be specific.Please see HJ and borrow some of his pain meds. Your delusions are deep. Get some help.
You are literally incapable of conjuring an original thought .... you are why the media does what it does ... must truly suck to be youBogus impeachment trial? So you think a president can direct people to our capital for an insurrection? That resulted in killing 5 people including a police officer? Please tell us because honestly makes the rest of your post disagreeable. What is it that a president can do if he can't get impeached for this? Go on national TV and shoot someone?
This is just not having any accountability. That doesn't bring us together. That further divides us. So if Biden told everyone to go to the capital and kill republican leaders he should never account for this?
Keep dreaming morons in the cult go drinHaving spent 4 years with nothing but Trump derangement syndrome which led to illegal spying, political prosecutions, fake impeachments and election fraud the Democrats actually have to put their deranged policies in action. With Obama leftovers really running the government it won't take long for their insane policies to raise gas prices, lead to increased minority unemployment and destroy American industry.
The post election fascism displayed by the media and their democrat colleagues has been on display. Any American who values free speech has to be appalled. As Dems pander to 20 percent of the voters which is the radical left , their platforms run counter to what the majority of Americans want as has been shown in recent polls.
Trump was elected because of Obama's miserable record .It took massive fraud to defeat him. Watch an learn how inept these Democrats are at governing. The blue states are trash heaps after BLM riots and police cutbacks. with a marked exodus to red states.
Meanwhile Trump is having a ball and will troll these leftists and RINOS as his popularity continues to rise.