Meanwhile........and you wonder why conservatives are fighting back


Gold Member
Jun 2, 2007
As you Libs continue to PUSH PUSH PUSH the needle on every freaking topic expecting little to no pushback.
It's absurd to think people won't fight like hell against craziness.

The bigger issue is the normalization of depravity , as least as it pertains to minors. This is compounded by the attempt to attack any criticism as bias and prejudicial . You are transphobic!!
It has gone from it being ok to be reasonably tolerant of others perversions, ( yeah that’s my view ) to being attacked if you don’t support the proselytizing of these abnormal actions
The medical community is complicit .
It is most populated by progressives who impose their political views on the science involved
It’s a social phenomenon , not a medical one
Some how in our permissive world it’s become “ cool “ to be able to choose your gender . Like it’s a decision on what brand of sneakers you wear
The data supports that .
This psychological disease, the dysfunctional behavior was extremely rare until recently
Now it’s proliferated. Why ?
Because it the latest fad
It’s no wonder that those few who are afflicted, like this fake admiral/ doctor, want to spread the word and seek converts , while clinging to our free speech rights.

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