President Trump has now announced that Rudy is infected with the virus.
Your comment transcends basic humanity. You are a complete fu--ing asshole. You are a fool and an idiot.Rudy is an alien( my god have you seen him lately). Let’s see how the virus effects an alien form
President Trump has now announced that Rudy is infected with the virus.
Rudy = alien who is nuttier than a fruit cakeYour comment transcends basic humanity. You are a complete fu--ing asshole. You are a fool and an idiot.
F--k you. Your an asshole. Your scumRudy = alien who is nuttier than a fruit cake
You are fruitier than a nut cake
Biden is President
Trump a con man his entire life
Get lost lol
Fake NewsHe's apparently in the hospital. 76 years old...can't be good.
Got a detailed briefing on the PA lawsuit today. Mail in ballot laws were changed in 2019 illegally. The dismissal from the PA Supreme Court was done as a political favor to Wolf. Waiting for SCOTUS in intercede as the law was changed improperly and unconstitutionally. They didn’t follow the legislative rules in doing it. PA Supreme Court also tried to pull a quick one with stating they better not show back up in their court with the lawsuit as it would be “locked”. Meaning they should’ve filed prior to the election. Only problem with that is there is no damages prior to election so it would’ve definitely been thrown out. Lol intimidation is a funny thing. SCOTUS Alito has already mentioned it.Let's hope this puts and end to all the frivolous lawsuits.
Interesting..this may get them motivated. So far, it's been crickets from them.Got a detailed briefing on the PA lawsuit today. Mail in ballot laws were changed in 2019 illegally. The dismissal from the PA Supreme Court was done as a political favor to Wolf. Waiting for SCOTUS in intercede as the law was changed improperly and unconstitutionally. They didn’t follow the legislative rules in doing it. PA Supreme Court also tried to pull a quick one with stating they better not show back up in their court with the lawsuit as it would be “locked”. Meaning they should’ve filed prior to the election. Only problem with that is there is no damages prior to election so it would’ve definitely been thrown out. Lol intimidation is a funny thing. SCOTUS Alito has already mentioned it.
Let's hope this puts and end to all the frivolous lawsuits.
Why because it upsets u pathetic Dens... Boo-Hoo.. Get over it...
Because they are frivolous and make a mockery of our democratic system of governance, and are only being done because the current occupant of the WH is acting like spoiled toddler because he can’t deal with losing. Is it clear now?
Like it or not he has rights..!!! Oh thats right it only applies to the left...
He also has a responsibility to behave professionally and not like a drunken senior citizens who can't deal with defeat. He has already cancelled out any good he did by jumping on the Trump train and is now making things even worse for himself.
So don’t worry about it.. Its he’s decision his right...
Why does the left always think u know best...
Its apparently his decision to needlessly damage voter confidence to protect Trump. He knows what he is doing and is doing it anyway, which is why Giuliani will always be remembered as the unhinged charlatan who proactively spent his time running interference for a lawless demagogue.
President Trump has now announced that Rudy is infected with the virus.
Its also apparently his decision to needlessly damage voter confidence to protect Trump. He knows what he is doing and is doing it anyway, which is why Giuliani will always be remembered as the unhinged charlatan who proactively spent his time running interference for a lawless demagogue.
Raoul, your post basically says you know what Trump is thinking. If you have psychic powers, please send the winners of next weeks CFB games so I can make some quick cash. If you are just making it up or repeating a BS narrative from MSLSD, please give them editorial credit. Or have Donald tweet that Raoul2 is his BFF.
Thank you,
And a neighbor of mine has a Common Cold. My neighbor is not in ICU and neither is Rudy. So what exactly was your point. Virus's have been around since prior to the Dinosaurs
Also had three friends test for COVID and received false positives. They had to test twice again each. $300 each to prove they were negative. They wore masks! Is little Fauci gonna reimburse them for COVID Testing Fraud?
Cortez, I expect more from you than hit and run headline posts.
And a neighbor of mine has a Common Cold. My neighbor is not in ICU and neither is Rudy. So what exactly was your point. Virus's have been around since prior to the Dinosaurs
Also had three friends test for COVID and received false positives. They had to test twice again each. $300 each to prove they were negative. They wore masks! Is little Fauci gonna reimburse them for COVID Testing Fraud?
Cortez, I expect more from you than hit and run headline posts.
I opted just to put the news out there about Rudy without editorial input. A bit of restraint on my part.
IMO, Rudy is a sad and diminished version of his prior self. He was an outstanding US Attorney and Mayor. I met him about 35 years ago at a law enforcement meeting when he was a prosecutor of the mafia. He was the ”Capo di tutti cappi” among the law enforcement community.
Now, he would be immediately fired by any respectable law firm. All bluster. Untethered to fact or evidence. Unfamiliar with court procedures or regulatory rules. Embarrassing for the legal community (as his colleague, Chris Christie said).
Did you see SNL’s parody of Rudy Saturday night? Devastating.
You can tell what he's thinking be simply observing the things he is doing. He has spent much of his Presidency tearing down democratic institutions such as federal law enforcement, the media, the intelligence community and beyond. Each time they didn't suit his personal needs, he delegitimized them to his supporters - which in the long term hurts the country. Therefore it should come as no surprise that he's once again doing the exact same thing to our system of democratic governance by attempting to discredit his election loss. If there's one thing Trump does consistently, its attack anyone or anything that doesn't suit his personal ambitions - even if doing so hurts the country. He is the biggest national security threat we have seen from within since the civil war.
You are a legend in your own mind.
OK Cortez,
Asking for a little intellectual honesty on your part. And I will remind you that I have previously put in print on this forum that it is time for Rudy to ride off into the sunset.
Now asking you to truly answer the two below questions, with a Yes or No and then a rationale. But please do not avoid my question and give a prerecorded Media matters talking point to questions not asked.. Like Warnock did last night.
1) Do you believe that Newsome, Pelosi and Garcetti have been proven to have violated at least the spirit of what edicts that they have imposed on other US citizens and therefore by their willful violation and their third world use of the government's power against others they should immediately resign?
2) Do you believe Fauci, Testing companies and any other party that profits from COVID testing should have to reimburse all costs, including time and emotional distress to victims of False COVID positive tests.
While disagreeing with you, I have always respected your intelligent opinions. I don't think your answering yes or no to two simple questions would a unreasonable part of an intelligent debate?
Thank you,
Lol. Trump was hospitalized too remember?1. No. Pelosi has no power over shutdown rules in any state. As a Governor and Mayor, Newsome and Garcetti have substantial emergency powers in matters of Public Health emergencies. I would have preferred a unified national emergency approach by the federal government. But, Trump abdicated a federal role and pushed the problems on state and local governments, resulting in decentralized, uncoordinated chaos. In those circumstances, Newsome and Garcetti did not exceed their powers.
2. No. Fay I does not profit from tests. The testing companies are not infallible and don’t promise 100% perfection. No medical supplier can do that. So, no reimbursement for costs or distress. I’d be much more afraid of a false negative than a false positive. If I get a positive test, I’d go immediately to a new tester and try again like Nick Saban. If I got a false negative, I’d go home and be naively thankful even though I was quite ill and didn’t know it.
FYI. Rudy has been hospitalized.
Lol. Trump was hospitalized too remember?
For some reason, I don’t think our Cane brother Ed gives a shyt about any of those other ppl...ONLY Jim Jones 🍷Yes, I remember, Ed. Did you think I forgot? I particularly remember his joy ride outside the hospital exposing his Secret Service detail to his Covid infection.
Chris Christie was hospitalized as well. He recovered also. Ben Carson, I believe, was also hospitalized and recovered. Herman Cain was hospitalized. He died.
Yes, I remember, Ed. Did you think I forgot? I particularly remember his joy ride outside the hospital exposing his Secret Service detail to his Covid infection.
Chris Christie was hospitalized as well. He recovered also. Ben Carson, I believe, was also hospitalized and recovered. Herman Cain was hospitalized. He died.
Yes unfortunately the great Herman Cain died. He was awesome success story and a great man. I don’t know if you knew his story but he beat cancer some years ago and elderly people with Comorbidity don’t fair as well as others with the China Virus.
Rudy will be just fine and thankfully we have great skilled constitutional lawyers ready to step up in SCOTUS like Ted Cruz. The liberal professor Alan Dershowitz from Harvard has said many times Ted was his best student.
I believe the tide is getting ready to turn but we shall see. Are you still confident that SCOTUS won’t take up many of these cases that are heading there way? I believe one in AZ goes to there State Supreme Court soon as well. Sydney and Lin Wood have cases headed for SCOTUS as well. I’m still excited the Truth of this massive fraud and crime will come to light. Anyways cheers. Hope you are surviving the Lockdown in NAPA. When Trump prevails I will send you a bottle of the Finest TRUMP Wine. 😃
Trump didn't go for under age girls like Epstein did however lets not forget about the 20 some odd trips that slick willie Clinton took to pedophile island. What an incredibly f--ked up family the Clintons are.Your energy and optimism astound me. Yes, I still believe that SCOTUS will not review these cases.
Dershowitz used to be a liberal. But he became buddies with his client, Jeffrey Epstein, and then led Trump’s anti impeachment legal effort. He has no street cred with liberals anymore. Epstein was a serial sexual predator and Trump was.....(you fill in the blank). Ted Cruz is just grabbing headlines with the Trump base in preparation for his own run in 2024. He is very smart. But, he is universally hated in the Senate by colleagues in both parties.
Trump doesn’t drink and his wine venture used Virginia grapes. Should I be a bit scared? 🍷🍷