Rudy: he now is infected with Covid-19

Your energy and optimism astound me. Yes, I still believe that SCOTUS will not review these cases.

Dershowitz used to be a liberal. But he became buddies with his client, Jeffrey Epstein, and then led Trump’s anti impeachment legal effort. He has no street cred with liberals anymore. Epstein was a serial sexual predator and Trump was.....(you fill in the blank). Ted Cruz is just grabbing headlines with the Trump base in preparation for his own run in 2024. He is very smart. But, he is universally hated in the Senate by colleagues in both parties.

Trump doesn’t drink and his wine venture used Virginia grapes. Should I be a bit scared? 🍷🍷
There’s another one headed for the supreme court
1. No. Pelosi has no power over shutdown rules in any state. As a Governor and Mayor, Newsome and Garcetti have substantial emergency powers in matters of Public Health emergencies. I would have preferred a unified national emergency approach by the federal government. But, Trump abdicated a federal role and pushed the problems on state and local governments, resulting in decentralized, uncoordinated chaos. In those circumstances, Newsome and Garcetti did not exceed their powers.

2. No. Fauci does not profit from tests. The testing companies are not infallible and don’t promise 100% perfection. No medical supplier can do that. So, no reimbursement for costs or distress. I’d be much more afraid of a false negative than a false positive. If I get a positive test, I’d go immediately to a new tester and try again like Nick Saban. If I got a false negative, I’d go home and be naively thankful even though I was quite ill and didn’t know it.

FYI. Rudy has been hospitalized.

Thank you for your response.

I am curious to know how you think that Newsome, Pelosi and Garcetti did not violate their own edicts. Newsome said no indoor dining, then dines indoors. Garcetti said no outdoor seating to a restaurant but allows a movie studio to set up the same tents as the restaurant nextdoor had to feed their employees. Pelosi supported no salons being open indoors, then gets her hair done indoors. Remember she would always go bat shit crazy every time Trump did not wear a mask. A true leader never asks more of their team than they are willing to do themselves. If Manny demanded the team watch film while he went to dinner, he would lose all respect of the team. How can anyone seriously have respect a leader that says do as I say - not as I do?

As to the COVID test's, my small sample size says they have a 30% false rate. If a car company exagerated its MPG by 30% to the government, they would be in a heap of trouble. If a business or individual fails to report 30% of their income, Mr. IRS is going to be up their A%#. But you see no problem with a 30% fraud rate on COVID tests. Or to maybe put into into perspective, how would you feel if a 100% Napa Cabernet you purchased was actually 30% Georgia Muscadine grapes?

Thank you for your response.

I am curious to know how you think that Newsome, Pelosi and Garcetti did not violate their own edicts. Newsome said no indoor dining, then dines indoors. Garcetti said no outdoor seating to a restaurant but allows a movie studio to set up the same tents as the restaurant nextdoor had to feed their employees. Pelosi supported no salons being open indoors, then gets her hair done indoors. Remember she would always go bat shit crazy every time Trump did not wear a mask. A true leader never asks more of their team than they are willing to do themselves. If Manny demanded the team watch film while he went to dinner, he would lose all respect of the team. How can anyone seriously have respect a leader that says do as I say - not as I do?

As to the COVID test's, my small sample size says they have a 30% false rate. If a car company exagerated its MPG by 30% to the government, they would be in a heap of trouble. If a business or individual fails to report 30% of their income, Mr. IRS is going to be up their A%#. But you see no problem with a 30% fraud rate on COVID tests. Or to maybe put into into perspective, how would you feel if a 100% Napa Cabernet you purchased was actually 30% Georgia Muscadine grapes?


I understood your question 1 to be whether Newsome, Garcetti and Pelosi had exceeded their regulatory authority. Answer was “no.” Newsome clearly used terrible judgment eating with friends at The French Lundry. He set.a horrific example. I don’t know what Garcetti did. Pelosi was set up and filmed by an angry salon owner.

as to Q2, Inaccuracy does not have to equal fraud. A normal flu shot has 60% effectiveness. Fraud? federal regulations say wine labeled as Cabernet Sauvignon must have at least 75% Cab Sauvignon, not 100%. Fraud? Similarly, wine labeled as Napa Valley must be 85% from Napa Valley, not 100%. Fraud?
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Your energy and optimism astound me. Yes, I still believe that SCOTUS will not review these cases.

Dershowitz used to be a liberal. But he became buddies with his client, Jeffrey Epstein, and then led Trump’s anti impeachment legal effort. He has no street cred with liberals anymore. Epstein was a serial sexual predator and Trump was.....(you fill in the blank). Ted Cruz is just grabbing headlines with the Trump base in preparation for his own run in 2024. He is very smart. But, he is universally hated in the Senate by colleagues in both parties.

Trump doesn’t drink and his wine venture used Virginia grapes. Should I be a bit scared? 🍷🍷
Ok you were right brother I was wrong on this one.
It’s OVER brother ED....let’s focus that energy on Miami beating UNC this weekend! Who knows, it could net a surprise stud recruit or two
Haha. I can multi task. Ain’t OVA yet. Let see what the forensics show on the Dominion Machines. Let’s see how quick SCOTUS takes up TX VS PA GA MI WI 😆
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Haha. I can multi task. Ain’t OVA yet. Let see what the forensics show on the Dominion Machines. Let’s see how quick SCOTUS takes up TX VS PA GA MI WI 😆
On January 21st, DT will become a civilian again...It really is what it is and whether you accept it now, then or won’t change it bro! LOL
I understood your question 1 to be whether Newsome, Garcetti and Pelosi had exceeded their regulatory authority. Answer was “no.” Newsome clearly used terrible judgment eating with friends at The French Lundry. He set.a horrific example. I don’t know what Garcetti did. Pelosi was set up and filmed by an angry salon owner.

as to Q2, Inaccuracy does not have to equal fraud. A normal flu shot has 60% effectiveness. Fraud? federal regulations say wine labeled as Cabernet Sauvignon must have at least 75% Cab Sauvignon, not 100%. Fraud? Similarly, wine labeled as Napa Valley must be 85% from Napa Valley, not 100%. Fraud?

Pelosi was set up and filmed by an angry salon owner.
Waaah, Poor Nancy. That is like the if someone leaves their front door unlocked it is not theft when the thief carriess out their jewelry. Nancy knew she was breaking the rules and didn't care.

And try that not reporting 30% of your income. Please post when you get the results and let us know how it works out for you..
I know you all will be happy to hear this 😃
Rudy Giuliani says he is out of hospital, 'better than ever,' after coronavirus diagnosis

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Glad Rudy is out of the hospital. I read that he too got the “secret sauce” given to Trump and other political celebrities. Chris Christie and Ben Carson got the same stuff which has not yet been approved for mere mortals.

Ed, if you or I got the Covid, there will be no secret sauce for us. Protect yourself!
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Glad Rudy is out of the hospital. I read that he too got the “secret sauce” given to Trump and other political celebrities. Chris Christie and Ben Carson got the same stuff which has not yet been approved for mere mortals.

Ed, if you or I got the Covid, there will be no secret sauce for us. Protect yourself!
I’ve got a prescription of hydroxychloroquine so I’m good 😆
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Glad Rudy is out of the hospital. I read that he too got the “secret sauce” given to Trump and other political celebrities. Chris Christie and Ben Carson got the same stuff which has not yet been approved for mere mortals.

Ed, if you or I got the Covid, there will be no secret sauce for us. Protect yourself!
If it's the Regeneron cocktail (secret sauce), the FDA approved it in November and 300,000 doses will be available to the US in January. Until then, Vitamin C, chelated zinc, and vitamin d3. You'll be fine. Just don't tell your Governor as he'll lock your ass down.
Regenoron? Wasn’t that available on trial emergency basis? Right to try?
that’s crazy that the public can’t have access to life saving drugs

Through Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. government has committed to providing these 300,000 doses at no cost to patients, although healthcare facilities may charge fees related to administration. Regeneron will immediately begin shipping REGEN-COV2 to Amerisource Bergen, a national distributor, which will distribute the therapy as directed by the government, the company said.
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Glad Rudy is out of the hospital. I read that he too got the “secret sauce” given to Trump and other political celebrities. Chris Christie and Ben Carson got the same stuff which has not yet been approved for mere mortals.

Ed, if you or I got the Covid, there will be no secret sauce for us. Protect yourself!

Nor can mere mortals dine inside (Newsome) or have their hair done inside (Pelosi) when there are Gov't restrictions against it.. Now shouldn't health be more important than finest dining while those put out of work by Newsome's lockdowns and targeting (without scientific evidence) of certain industries are having to wait in line at food banks?

To throw rocks at Rudy for getting the best care is really throwing them from a glass house.
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Nor can mere mortals dine inside (Newsome) or have their hair done inside (Pelosi) when there are Gov't restrictions against it.. Now shouldn't health be more important than finest dining while those put out of work by Newsome's lockdowns and targeting (without scientific evidence) of certain industries are having to wait in line at food banks?

To throw rocks at Rudy for getting the best care is really throwing them from a glass house.

Settle down 17. I did not throw rocks at Rudy for getting ill or getting the best medical available. (I do throw rocks at him for being an absolutely terrible lawyer.). If I get the Covid, I want the special sauce and the antibody treatment as well. But, I’m not a Trump insider. So, no sauce for me....or you. Trump’s team is bragging that it is soon to make 300k of the antibody treatment available to the public. 15 million people have contracted the Covid. Got a ways to go

Newsome used terrible judgment having dinner with friends In a semi enclosed spot in a restaurant. Not a technical violation of the lockdown at that time. But, a stupid and needless error. Political gaffe.

Nancy did not wear her mask as she transferred from the hair washing sink to the hair cutting chair. The angry owner of the hair salon filmed it and then released the photo to the hungry press. Set up to make a political point. Get over it.
Settle down 17. I did not throw rocks at Rudy for getting ill or getting the best medical available. (I do throw rocks at him for being an absolutely terrible lawyer.). If I get the Covid, I want the special sauce and the antibody treatment as well. But, I’m not a Trump insider. So, no sauce for me....or you. Trump’s team is bragging that it is soon to make 300k of the antibody treatment available to the public. 15 million people have contracted the Covid. Got a ways to go

Newsome used terrible judgment having dinner with friends In a semi enclosed spot in a restaurant. Not a technical violation of the lockdown at that time. But, a stupid and needless error. Political gaffe.

Nancy did not wear her mask as she transferred from the hair washing sink to the hair cutting chair. The angry owner of the hair salon filmed it and then released the photo to the hungry press. Set up to make a political point. Get over it.

In that we are on a Rudy-COVID 19 thread, we are going off topic.
But IMO onto a very important topic.
Over the next couple days I will post a new thread with a title similar to: "Neighbors; we're all in this together - COVID 19"?

I look forward to your and others review and response. I don't know you or your background. But I think you will find it very indictative of how a lot of Conservative/Libertarian American's feel about the COVID situation and more importantly, Governmental response. and actions towards its "mere mortal" citizens..
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Your energy and optimism astound me. Yes, I still believe that SCOTUS will not review these cases.

Dershowitz used to be a liberal. But he became buddies with his client, Jeffrey Epstein, and then led Trump’s anti impeachment legal effort. He has no street cred with liberals anymore. Epstein was a serial sexual predator and Trump was.....(you fill in the blank). Ted Cruz is just grabbing headlines with the Trump base in preparation for his own run in 2024. He is very smart. But, he is universally hated in the Senate by colleagues in both parties.

Trump doesn’t drink and his wine venture used Virginia grapes. Should I be a bit scared? 🍷🍷

Keep holding your SCOTUS hopes on Roberts and Epstein Island.

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