Thank you for your response.
I am curious to know how you think that Newsome, Pelosi and Garcetti did not violate their own edicts. Newsome said no indoor dining, then dines indoors. Garcetti said no outdoor seating to a restaurant but allows a movie studio to set up the same tents as the restaurant nextdoor had to feed their employees. Pelosi supported no salons being open indoors, then gets her hair done indoors. Remember she would always go bat shit crazy every time Trump did not wear a mask. A true leader never asks more of their team than they are willing to do themselves. If Manny demanded the team watch film while he went to dinner, he would lose all respect of the team. How can anyone seriously have respect a leader that says do as I say - not as I do?
As to the COVID test's, my small sample size says they have a 30% false rate. If a car company exagerated its MPG by 30% to the government, they would be in a heap of trouble. If a business or individual fails to report 30% of their income, Mr. IRS is going to be up their A%#. But you see no problem with a 30% fraud rate on COVID tests. Or to maybe put into into perspective, how would you feel if a 100% Napa Cabernet you purchased was actually 30% Georgia Muscadine grapes?