Nope just comparing the job that Trump did compared to Barry. 60 million infected with H1N1 is Barry's legacy.Deflecting at its finest. Take a break. So sad.
Nope just comparing the job that Trump did compared to Barry. 60 million infected with H1N1 is Barry's legacy.Deflecting at its finest. Take a break. So sad.
A bit racist to think that all low income housing residents are "colored" don't you think?You're missing the point as usual. This was about Trump's lie that he wanted to spare the American people from panic about the virus. Instead, he felt it was ok to panic the suburbs into thinking the Coloreds were coming . Like he panicked the country into thinking we had a Latin invasion at our southern border. GTFOH!!
Have a great time, cems. Looks like it will be 2 years in a row of no Miami games for me. To hard to plan a trip when you are not sure if they will even be playing in late Oct at this time. Go Canes.Gotta get ready and go to the game. Peace!!
YepA bit racist to think that all low income housing residents are "colored" don't you think?
Now you making up shzt. SmhNope just comparing the job that Trump did compared to Barry. 60 million infected with H1N1 is Barry's legacy.
OkIf you lived in reality you would understand the sleepy joe campaign is sinking like the titantic
That is absolutely BS you people make up anything.He downplayed the virus because he didn't want to create a national panic. Which he clearly states. That is smart.
But he immediately put a travel ban on China, which Biden called racist and xenophobic. Then he put a travel ban on Europe. Both of these bans early on saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Even Fauci said that Trump's early response to the virus was "impressive".
Folks you can't take anything that Raoul2 says about Trumps seriously. I've never seen one human being hate another with such fervor.
Ignorance at its best. 🙄Guess he didn’t have to downplay a virus that’s sole responsible for less than 10,000 deaths.
The recordings speak for themselves. Unfortunately trumpers can’t understand reality. Trump is an idiot liar cheater and disgrace plain and simple. Trump do not even look at the facts they believe the liar in office. True ignoranceNY Times says Woodward’s book is a big nothing burger. Wonder how long till this person is fired?
In Bob Woodward’s ‘Rage,’ a Reporter and a President From Different Universes (Published 2020)
In this follow-up to “Fear,” Woodward continues applying old-school theories and lines of questioning to a deeply unorthodox
That is absolutely BS you people make up anything.
Read your own post! Congrats you’ve beat him!At least he is consistent. Every single time. Bar none. I say there is not a bigger dumbass. Let alone president. Trump says "Hold my beer"
Yes the recordings speak for themselves he was trying to prevent panic and encourage calm. Like FDR & Churchill did during World War II. This story is just about dead just like the fake Atlantic story. Fauci even said Trump never mischaracterized anything. Keep trying guys maybe the next one will really take Trump down. Hahahaha. 4more years boys get ready to be very sad. Oh btw Trump nominated for 2 Noble Peace Prize this week. How’s that for realityThe recordings speak for themselves. Unfortunately trumpers can’t understand reality. Trump is an idiot liar cheater and disgrace plain and simple. Trump do not even look at the facts they believe the liar in office. True ignorance
The way Trump is going he'll end up like the Micheal Phelps of those Nobel Peace Prize things with how many he's going to stack up.Yes the recordings speak for themselves he was trying to prevent panic and encourage calm. Like FDR & Churchill did during World War II. This story is just about dead just like the fake Atlantic story. Keep trying guys maybe the next one will really take Trump down. Hahahaha. 4more years boys get ready to be very sad. Oh btw Trump nominated for 2 Noble Peace Prize this week. How’s that for reality
How much earlier? As of March 2 there were about 100 Americans infected. On March 3 the Director General of the WHO was still downplaying COVID compared to the flu in his press conference. What exactly would the justification have been to lock down the country in Jan?
Yes the recordings speak for themselves he was trying to prevent panic and encourage calm. Like FDR & Churchill did during World War II. This story is just about dead just like the fake Atlantic story. Fauci even said Trump never mischaracterized anything. Keep trying guys maybe the next one will really take Trump down. Hahahaha. 4more years boys get ready to be very sad. Oh btw Trump nominated for 2 Noble Peace Prize this week. How’s that for reality
tuna all these guys suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. They just can't help themselves.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is exclusively for people who follow Trump no matter what he does.
No TDS is a sickness for guys like you who hate Trump no matter what he does. He just got nominated for a 2nd Nobel Peace Price for bringing peace between Israeal and Bahrain. That's 2 in less than 1 month.
How much earlier than March 3, when the WHO was still downplaying COVID compared to the flu, should Trump have shut down the USA? Keep in mind that on March 2 there were just over 100 cases in the whole USA.what’s the point in lying about it..... continuously????
Normal people don't like authoritarian con artists like Trump, so criticizing him is completely rational and necessary to preserve the nation from his brand of crony-capitalist demagoguery.
You can criticism all you want. Knock yourself out. Much better than the Socialism that's coming if Biden gets elected. First thing he's gonna do is raise your taxes by quite a bit.
How much earlier than March 3, when the WHO was still downplaying COVID compared to the flu, should Trump have shut down the USA? Keep in mind that on March 2 there were just over 100 cases in the whole USA.
You are a deranged individualwhy are you bringing the WHO into this. Clearly our intelligence agencies already had briefed him a month before joe dangerous this was. Instead for the next 6 months he denied and lied about what was going on. Why was he pushing reopening when cases were still on the rise and people were dying by the Thousands. He has blood on his hands. He knew this was spread via the respiratory system yet told people it to wear masks.
if you know someone who’s lost their job, lost their home/apt, kids who are not going to school, someone who’s been hospitalized, someone who’s died... it’s all trumps fault!
What a crock of BS to dance around the question. How much earlier than March 3 should we have closed down our country? Why bring the WHO into this? Maybe because they are the World Health Organization. As for closing down the country, we should have never closed down a thing over a virus that kills much less than .5% of those that get infected and is less deadly than the flu for most of us.why are you bringing the WHO into this. Clearly our intelligence agencies already had briefed him a month before joe dangerous this was. Instead for the next 6 months he denied and lied about what was going on. Why was he pushing reopening when cases were still on the rise and people were dying by the Thousands. He has blood on his hands. He knew this was spread via the respiratory system yet told people it to wear masks.
if you know someone who’s lost their job, lost their home/apt, kids who are not going to school, someone who’s been hospitalized, someone who’s died... it’s all trumps fault!
I hope he raises taxes on the wealthy by a lot. We need that money to rebuild the country.
If he gets elected he's gonna raise taxes on EVERYBODY Even the middle class. He said he would raise taxes by trillions of dollars over a 10 year period. Plus he has to pay for the New Green Deal, which he adopted from AOC.
This will destroy the economy. He has adopted the Far Left policies of Bernie Sanders and AOC. That's why I'm saying Socialism is coming if he gets elected. And he will sell out to China as he did when he was VP. He will change this country for the worse. Perhaps forever. Depending if the Dems also win both Houses of Congress.
Trump may have his flaws but he's no Socialist.
Ya keep believing that lie that only those that make above 400k are getting taxed. Guess what when my small business gets taxed guess who’s not getting and pay raises for the next 4 years. All my employees will actually be paid less to compensate for the hit the business takes. Even liberal economist know that a 4trillion tax hike in a recession will be a disaster for our economy. The middle class and poor will suffer the most. Wake up400k and up and reversing the Trump tax cuts. This money is badly needed to reinvest into infrastructure, healthcare, keeping the DoD budget strong etc.
If you think keeping the country strong is socialist then you may want to do some more research. Its a standard objective all normal leaders have.
Ya keep believing that lie that only those that make above 400k are getting taxed. Guess what when my small business gets taxed guess who’s not getting and pay raises for the next 4 years. All my employees will actually be paid less to compensate for the hit the business takes. Even liberal economist know that a 4trillion tax hike in a recession will be a disaster for our economy. The middle class and poor will suffer the most. Wake up
Before the Chinese virus the middle class and poor were seeing their best financial situation that they had seen in the past 20 years. Lowest unemployment of all time amongst Blacks and Hispanics. Wages were going up more than they had in many years. Trump will win man. You might wanna start preparing yourself for the disappointment.The middle class and poor are in need of healthcare, affordable housing, education, infrastructure, and higher paying jobs. All of these things have suffered under Trump and need to be revitalized, which is why we need a change in the WH.
Before the Chinese virus the middle class and poor were seeing their best financial situation that they had seen in the past 20 years. Lowest unemployment of all time amongst Blacks and Hispanics. Wages were going up more than they had in many years. Trump will win man. You might wanna start preparing yourself for the disappointment.
Again that’s a flat out lie. WowIf he gets elected he's gonna raise taxes on EVERYBODY Even the middle class. He said he would raise taxes by trillions of dollars over a 10 year period. Plus he has to pay for the New Green Deal, which he adopted from AOC.
This will destroy the economy. He has adopted the Far Left policies of Bernie Sanders and AOC. That's why I'm saying Socialism is coming if he gets elected. And he will sell out to China as he did when he was VP. He will change this country for the worse. Perhaps forever. Depending if the Dems also win both Houses of Congress.
Trump may have his flaws but he's no Socialist.
What a crock of BS to dance around the question. How much earlier than March 3 should we have closed down our country? Why bring the WHO into this? Maybe because they are the World Health Organization. As for closing down the country, we should have never closed down a thing over a virus that kills much less than .5% of those that get infected and is less deadly than the flu for most of us.
Ya keep believing that lie that only those that make above 400k are getting taxed. Guess what when my small business gets taxed guess who’s not getting and pay raises for the next 4 years. All my employees will actually be paid less to compensate for the hit the business takes. Even liberal economist know that a 4trillion tax hike in a recession will be a disaster for our economy. The middle class and poor will suffer the most. Wake up
You are so inundated with fake news and group think you have no clue of the reality. All of your opinions are so obviously formed from the extremely biased and distorted hate Trump media. There were caravans of illegals headed for our boarders that was a reality even though you didn’t see the truth from the fake news media. once again you fall for all the propaganda the activist media fed you. Do you know how many females and children are raped on those caravans? Do you know there are many violent illegals coming into our country and committing Horrible crimes Against Innocent American victims. I pray it doesn’t happen to you and your family. Maybe you would have a different opinion then? He is the only president that brought the illegal immigration problem to the forefront and is trying to secure our border unlike the many president before him. You have such a typical liberal worldview. Wake up man. Antifa is in Kenosha in fact illegal immigrants commit 100s of thousands of crimes in the US each year. Not including the crime of being in our country illegally. BTW the wall is over 300miles and counting. 500 by the end of the year. Illegal crossings are down big time. Thank you Mr President. You Obviously let the media get away with deceiving you. Wake up dudeTiv,
The notion that Trump downplayed the Pandemic to avoid public panic is absurd on its face.
* he’s treating his followers like rubes who cant handle the truth. Wouldn’t you want to know the truth so that you can protect your family? Trump is so condescending to his voters.
* Trump loves it when people panic. He trades in panic. Ex.
In 2016, he created the image of Brown people coming north to the border in caravans ready to invade our country. Rapists and drug dealers on our doorstep. Build the Wall...and Mexico will pay for it. He wanted voters to panic.
In 2020, its violent protesters leaving Democrat run cities to invade your suburbs. Corey Booker will lead Dem efforts to upset your safe and perfect life in the suburbs. We have to defend our home just like that brave couple in St. Louis who brandished weapons at the protesters. He wants suburbanites to panic.
Such a liar and charlatan. Yet, his supporters let him get away with it.
What does the CDC say about it now days and do you always go to Trump for medical advice? Back to the question, what date do you think that Trump should have shut down the country? At least he didn't wait 6 months to declare a National Emergency with COVID the way that Barry and Plantation Joe did with H1N1. 60 million infected Americans is Barry's legacy when it comes to dealing with pandemics.trump himself said the death rate was much higher than flu. The estimated death rate he quoted in feb was 5%. The president said it’s much more dangerous than the flu.