Other countries got the same info and acted on it. Had confidence and trust in it's people to the truth the situation. When you start with lies truth becomes bad words. In over his head the moron is!
Only cruelty was #KILLERCUOMO and other Libertard Governors killing nursing home residents with their idiotic policies.Breaking now.
In case anyone was on the fence about the depths incompetence and cruelty, there is now audio to prove it.
I’m just interested in you locking in your story.. What was the lie? he said to downplay the virus? Is that what you’re saying is a lie?Reading these defense responses are hysterical. There is no logical way to excuse this but these Trumpers are steadfast lol. He fuxked up admit it and move on but to deny his part in the collapse of the countries economy for mishandling the situation is laughable. I dont know if he's gonna be reelected but anyone that reads that article all the way thru and is comfortable with him leading this country is plain stupid. The audio proof is just confirmation that he's unfit for the job. It's a reason he's the first and only president that hasn't been commended by former presidents.
These Trump supporters (not good Republicans) aren't stupid. They are truly despicable, depraved individuals who will say anything to rationalize and defend his behavior no matter how outrageous and abhorrent it is. Saying that John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was captured? No problem, grab em by the pvssy? Who cares, mock a disabled reporter? That sh*t was funny!, Attacked a Gold Star family and call a Gold Star widow a liar? So what. Withhold taxpayer funded military aid in exchange for another country digging up dirt on a political opponent? That was a witch hunt. Call veterans who died in combat losers and suckers? He didn't say that. Downplay the severity of a pandemic while lying to the public? It was a smart move. "I could shoot someone in the head in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters"Reading these defense responses are hysterical. There is no logical way to excuse this but these Trumpers are steadfast lol. He fuxked up admit it and move on but to deny his part in the collapse of the countries economy for mishandling the situation is laughable. I dont know if he's gonna be reelected but anyone that reads that article all the way thru and is comfortable with him leading this country is plain stupid. The audio proof is just confirmation that he's unfit for the job. It's a reason he's the first and only president that hasn't been commended by former presidents.
He told quite a few lies. In public he said that it was like the flu but in his interview with Woodward said it was worse than the flu. He said during his interview that COVID-19 affected both young and old people but said the opposite to the public. He said this is deadly stuff to Woodward but said it would disappear back in February. Smdh.I’m just interested in you locking in your story.. What was the lie? he said to downplay the virus? Is that what you’re saying is a lie?
I’m just interested in you locking in your story.. What was the lie? he said to downplay the virus? Is that what you’re saying is a lie?
People like ADM Mike Mullen(former Chief of Naval Operations, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff), General James Mattis(former SECDEF), ADM William S. McRaven(Planned, directed the raid that killed UBL)ADM James Stavridis( who many on this board want to take Dr. Frenk's place) and many more senior military officers are all full of shit, anti American liberal scumbags who don't know anything compared to Trump.Find the word lie anywhere in my post. Reading is fundamental officer....but I'm always down to help a officer in distress so here you go so you can have my "story"....He grossly mishandled covid. He said one thing and all the while ineffectively doing his job. Its one thing to keep panic down but to fail to mobilize properly is on him. As a result you have the current situation. If he was accountable and not passing the blame i could respect it more. How do you dismiss the generals remarks about him in the article which by the way is accompanied with audio? Senior officers words aren't good enough? The draft dodger is right and its fake news? Obama got killed for saying he would talk with North Korea and Trump gets applauded for becoming Kim Jongs pen pal?Its pathetic is what it is. Politics shouldn't trump(pun intended) the greater good for this country.
Let me start by saying many of the deaths counted as Covid weren’t. I have an autopsy sheet of a “victim” who died of respiratory arrrst / pneumonia and then was listed as COVID. This is part of the 94% of these cases that were total bullsh-t! The motivation here is for the hospitals to get more federal funds so they committed fraud in many instances. This was also advantageous politically for those in heavily dem controlled areas like NYC, who are responsible for thousands of th deaths. The proof has started coming out which is why your party has started all this misinformation bullsh-t like the Atlantic story.Find the word lie anywhere in my post. Reading is fundamental officer....but I'm always down to help a officer in distress so here you go so you can have my "story"....He grossly mishandled covid. He said one thing and all the while ineffectively doing his job. Its one thing to keep panic down but to fail to mobilize properly is on him. As a result you have the current situation. If he was accountable and not passing the blame i could respect it more. How do you dismiss the generals remarks about him in the article which by the way is accompanied with audio? Senior officers words aren't good enough? The draft dodger is right and its fake news? Obama got killed for saying he would talk with North Korea and Trump gets applauded for becoming Kim Jongs pen pal?Its pathetic is what it is. Politics shouldn't trump(pun intended) the greater good for this country.
What specifically did he do "ineffectively" in regards to the covid response and how did he fail to mobilize properly?
The testing thing is strange to me. Seems like we test far more than any other place in the world and it's not close. Quarantines, we stupidly shut the whole country down and everyone was locked in their house for weeks/months. Mask have been forced down the throat of everyone even though they have a minimal impact.
What specific policies did he delay that would have saved thousands of lives? And how do you know?
Why are you not critical of people like Coumo who purposely infected the old and sick?
This is all purely political. Coumo is evidence that you dont care, you just want to scream about Trump. Coumo is further evidence that if Trump did nothing different but happen to be a Democrat, you and the media would be fawning over his response.
Ultimately, its the President's responsibility to protect the people in public health pandemics. Governor's have a limited role in this given that the virus doesn't care about geography and is constantly moving across states as people travel. Its therefore the President's responsibility to create a national level strategy that brings an all of government approach to resolving the COVID 19 situation. Now that Trump has admitted he knew how deadly the virus was in the beginning, he is directly culpable for his own inactions that have led to nearly 200k deaths across the country.
Let me start by saying many of the deaths counted as Covid weren’t. I have an autopsy sheet of a “victim” who died of respiratory arrrst / pneumonia and then was listed as COVID. This is part of the 94% of these cases that were total bullsh-t! The motivation here is for the hospitals to get more federal funds so they committed fraud in many instances. This was also advantageous politically for those in heavily dem controlled areas like NYC, who are responsible for thousands of th deaths. The proof has started coming out which is why your party has started all this misinformation bullsh-t like the Atlantic story.
Yet here you are here to gobble it up!
The rest of what you states are right out of the cnn talking points. Pretty funny how each day there’s a storyline & I can come on here and it’s verbatim in the new posts lol.
Hunter BidenThese Trump supporters (not good Republicans) aren't stupid. They are truly despicable, depraved individuals who will say anything to rationalize and defend his behavior no matter how outrageous and abhorrent it is. Saying that John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was captured? No problem, grab em by the pvssy? Who cares, mock a disabled reporter? That sh*t was funny!, Attacked a Gold Star family and call a Gold Star widow a liar? So what. Withhold taxpayer funded military aid in exchange for another country digging up dirt on a political opponent? That was a witch hunt. Call veterans who died in combat losers and suckers? He didn't say that. Downplay the severity of a pandemic while lying to the public? It was a smart move. "I could shoot someone in the head in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters"
Also norm McCain would have been scratched if not for his Admiral daddy . He should have never been in a airplane. Your destroying your credibility with Saying President Trump Calling combat veterans losers and suckers That has been exposed again as a liberal lie. Your rants on Trump supporters as being despicable, deprived individuals is really telling as you have a huge liberal rant with this post. But of course that’s ok .These Trump supporters (not good Republicans) aren't stupid. They are truly despicable, depraved individuals who will say anything to rationalize and defend his behavior no matter how outrageous and abhorrent it is. Saying that John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was captured? No problem, grab em by the pvssy? Who cares, mock a disabled reporter? That sh*t was funny!, Attacked a Gold Star family and call a Gold Star widow a liar? So what. Withhold taxpayer funded military aid in exchange for another country digging up dirt on a political opponent? That was a witch hunt. Call veterans who died in combat losers and suckers? He didn't say that. Downplay the severity of a pandemic while lying to the public? It was a smart move. "I could shoot someone in the head in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters"
Let me start by saying many of the deaths counted as Covid weren’t. I have an autopsy sheet of a “victim” who died of respiratory arrrst / pneumonia and then was listed as COVID. This is part of the 94% of these cases that were total bullsh-t! The motivation here is for the hospitals to get more federal funds so they committed fraud in many instances. This was also advantageous politically for those in heavily dem controlled areas like NYC, who are responsible for thousands of th deaths. The proof has started coming out which is why your party has started all this misinformation bullsh-t like the Atlantic story.
Yet here you are here to gobble it up!
The rest of what you states are right out of the cnn talking points. Pretty funny how each day there’s a storyline & I can come on here and it’s verbatim in the new posts lol.
How much earlier? As of March 2 there were about 100 Americans infected. On March 3 the Director General of the WHO was still downplaying COVID compared to the flu in his press conference. What exactly would the justification have been to lock down the country in Jan?- Playing down the impact of the virus (which we now have him admitting on the Woodward tape).
- Not having a national strategy in place to deal with testing, quarantines, mask wearing, etc.
- Delaying and stalling on policies that could saved tens of thousands of lives had he implemented them earlier.
52 more months kid!U truly sound like the damn Lamb. Trump is the Shepard.
Lol. You say have a blessed day after saying vile and disgusting things. How noble of you.
The dem platform is the exact opposite of being self sufficient. That's a fact.
Speaking of downplaying a virus, do you remember when Barry and Plantation Joe waited 6 months to declare a National Emergency with H1N1? By that time there were millions of Americans infected and thousands dead. In the end there were over 60 million Americans infected with H1N1 due to the incompetence of Barry and Joe, and that was before Barry told the CDC to stop counting.
Deflecting at its finest. Take a break. So sad.
Always gratifying to know "Barry" still lives rent free in some people's minds.
Obama is all the things Trump wants to be. So sad.
You are so pathetic it’s laughable. President Trump has all but expunged all of Obama’s administrations actions. History will show Obama was a colossal failure as our first African American President. He totally blew it. His Legacy is the Election of Donald Trump. Thank you very much. With 4 more years 3-4 more Supreme Court justices finishing the wall building our economy once again to the best its ever been. Trade deals that will last for next 30 years. Trumps legacy will live in for 100years. Obama’s will be remembered kind of like Jimmy Carters disaster but worse. Obama worst President in History. No doubtObama is all the things Trump wants to be. So sad.
Big Yawn swing voters won’t be swayed by these BS hit piece ads. The debates will be the main factor to land swing votes. My $$$ is on Trump in the debates and the electionDevastating ad from The Lincoln Project. Trump followers will never waiver from their cult-like devotion to him. But, voters still on the fence could be influenced by this stunning admission by DJT to Woodward.
I guess it makes you feel good to be the internet tought guy. I can see you need it. So go ahead. Speak your "tough" words. I guess I can pretend its intimidating or makes an impact for you. If you put something on the board its everyone's business...doesnt matter who you are speaking to. Adios.
Lol. Your funny. Well, as in a couple of weeks I will live in Idaho. People that talk the most always have the most to prove. That's what I have found spending most of my adult life as an infantryman. The talkers stop when shit gets real and then keep talking after. The quiet professionals always rule the firefight. I have done enough fighting for my lifetime. I have seen the charging elephant and know exactly what I'm made of. So, I guess if we are ever in the same place at the same time you can prove how tough you are. I have never been afraid of taking a beating, so win or lose I win have fun. Good luck in life . This is really pointless isnt it?
You are so pathetic it’s laughable. President Trump has all but expunged all of Obama’s administrations actions. History will show Obama was a colossal failure as our first African American President. He totally blew it. His Legacy is the Election of Donald Trump. Thank you very much. With 4 more years 3-4 more Supreme Court justices finishing the wall building our economy once again to the best its ever been. Trade deals that will last for next 30 years. Trumps legacy will live in for 100years. Obama’s will be remembered kind of like Jimmy Carters disaster but worse. Obama worst President in History. No doubt
Keep dreaming bro. We shall see if your man enough to come back to the lounge after Biden gets his ass kickedThere's no doubt Trump will go down as the most corrupt president, EVER. Only you and a few right wing nutjobs don't see it. A majority of Congress saw it along with 48/100 US Senators when Trump was impeached. The man is a threat to our democracy. Republicans and Democrats agree. America will send this lying POS packing on November 3rd.
He has larger hands and more Twitter followers, so that may have something to do with it.
You make no sense. No one thinks this but people like you. No one is panicking that the "coloreds" are coming. The point is you just make stuff up and put words and thoughts into people minds and we must believe what you say. Got it.
Gotta get ready and go to the game. Peace!!
If you lived in reality you would understand the sleepy joe campaign is sinking like the titanticOr you after Trump gets his knuts pounded by Uncle Joe.