The notion that Trump downplayed the Pandemic to avoid public panic is absurd on its face.
* he’s treating his followers like rubes who cant handle the truth. Wouldn’t you want to know the truth so that you can protect your family? Trump is so condescending to his voters.
* Trump loves it when people panic. He trades in panic. Ex.
In 2016, he created the image of Brown people coming north to the border in caravans ready to invade our country. Rapists and drug dealers on our doorstep. Build the Wall...and Mexico will pay for it. He wanted voters to panic.
In 2020, its violent protesters leaving Democrat run cities to invade your suburbs. Corey Booker will lead Dem efforts to upset your safe and perfect life in the suburbs. We have to defend our home just like that brave couple in St. Louis who brandished weapons at the protesters. He wants suburbanites to panic.
Such a liar and charlatan. Yet, his supporters let him get away with it.
I completely disagree with you assessment. He didn't want more illegal immigrants crossing the border. And I agree with him. It has nothing to do with skin color. We should be able to control our borders. Almost every other country does. And we allow one million LEGAL immigrants into the country every year, more than any other country in the world.
I know what the truth is. And I can handle it. Can you? Trump isn't fooling anybody. He's a straight shooter. He tells you exactly what's on his mind. In fact he grants too many interviews and answers too many questions. Has he lied or exaggerated things at times? Yes. But so has every other president I've followed since I began following politics around 1970. Remember when Obama said regarding Obamacare, "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. And if your like health care plan you can keep it"? Both were bold faced lies.
And yes he downplayed the pandemic early one to avoid a national public. Even Fauci said what Trump did and said was right. And Fauci is no big fan of Trump. Just like FDR calmed the American people during the Great Depression and World War II. That's one of the reasons he's one of our greatest presidents.
Trump put into effect a travel from China about 10 days after the first known case of COVID in the U.S. Biden called him a racist for doing this. Then he did same for travel from Europe soon after. Fauci has said that these 2 moves saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Then Trump formed the Corona Virus Task Force. This informed the American people of exactly what was going on. The previous administration had left the cupboard bare. He then invoked the name of that act (I forget the name of it now) and got EVERY governor all they needed regarding masks, gowns, respirators, ventilators, testing kids and anything else they needed. Even Democratic Governors like Newsom and Cuomo heaped praise upon him.
And yes people are leaving cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City due to all the violent protests and riots. They are moving to smaller towns where they feel safe. And they are doing this on their own. I have friends who have moved from some of these cities.
And Trump is not scaring them into this. I have friends in New York and in the Los Angeles area who have had their businesses burned to the ground. They are regrouping and moving out. It's a shame what has happened to our country this summer. It is the violent protests and riots that have caused many Americans to panic, not Trump.
If you are looking for flaws in Trump you will find them. But even our greatest presidents, from Lincoln, Reagan, the 2 Roosevelts and Kennedy also were flawed. I can understand it if you don't like the man. But I'll take him over Hillary and Biden in a heartbeat.