unreal what happened in Orlando

I think China has $1.2T of our debt

If China says pay up, then we stop buying from them and build it here, which is what we should do anyway. Either way they go broke. This whole debt to crap is a joke. We have more control over them than you think.
This was a lone wolf inspired and motivated by ISIS. The FBI has already made that connection.
The school shootings WERE NOT carried out by Christians. Christ forbade any type of violence. Remember "turn the other cheek"? They were carried out by atheists and agnostics.

Also, muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet too
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What are they going to do? Stop selling us shit? We are the worlds largest consumer. It's like debo taking your candy. Are you going to whoop his a$$? No, you just going to tell your self in your mind that he owes you. Lol at you or anybody else believing this debt crap. The only way we have to pay up is if we lose the fact that we are the strongest military power in the world. If we lose that, we might be in trouble but until then. Na!

It's very simple. If we default then our economy tanks like never before. If we default then you think it'll be easy to borrow in the future? If we can't borrow then we CAN'T fund our government. If you can't see why that would be a massive problem then I don't know what to tell you.
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By the way, I dont see anyone standing up for gay rights here relating to
north carolina condemned by christian politicians!

I stand up for gay rights and I'm a practicing Catholic. I attended Mass this morning and prayed for the victims and their families of the tragedy in Orlando.
I believe the Constitution and the Bill of Rights should apply to every American.
The law in North Carolina is more complex than you think.
If China says pay up, then we stop buying from them and build it here, which is what we should do anyway. Either way they go broke. This whole debt to crap is a joke. We have more control over them than you think.
Yea China is in big trouble financially. Their shadow banking system is way overleveraged and I just hope they do not cause a cacading financial collapse around the world. They have no leverage.
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It's very simple. If we default then our economy tanks like never before. If we default then you think it'll be easy to borrow in the future? If we can't borrow then we CAN'T fund our government. If you can't see why that would be a massive problem then I don't know what to tell you.

That's a big if. Again, who controls the banking system. We're all tied in. Are you going to force your biggest consumer into poverty? Get real man! They sure as hell aren't going to come take it.
Yes, but they don't follow the teachings of Jesus. The prophet Mohammed rules. It's his word that they follow.

They follow all teachings of every prophet, you are wrong.

Also, no disrespect but to say one religion is right or wrong, thats your
opinion, but to say they dont follow Jesus and Abraham, do your research.
prayers going out to those in the hospital now fighting for their lives. Hopefully, this won't turn into another partisan issue & we can all unite against Islamic extremism.
Horrible the loss of innocent lives and the suffering of the relatives and friends left behind. I think you might have meant well, but bringing up islamic extremism does politicize it. This guy may be islamic and an extremist, but he targeted gays and his dad said the kid lost it with rage when he saw two guys kissing on a trip to Miami. The issue here is not Islamic. He is a native born American citizen who has lived in America his whole life. If he would have been a baptist would it have made this any less preventable with how our laws are set up? Our country can't seem to have any discussion, much less solutions to gun violence when the rest of the western world seems to be doing quite fine not following the American model. I am a multiple gun owner and a Democrat. I would not stand for the government banning guns altogether. That said finding some common sense reform to our current gun culture and gun laws that would set some reasonable rules in place seems to be impossible in our country (citizens don't need access to any mega capacity ammo clips for any weapon like is needed for military use as one example). It should not matter if you are Republican or Democrat; reforming our laws and culture so that crazy people like this guy (who had been investigated twice by the FBI prior to this mass murder!) don't have access to any gun ownership should not be something we all disagree on! Sadly the American solution seems to be to do nothing or as one segment of our population suggests as a solution, everyone should be packing guns everywhere they guy, clubs, theaters, supermarket... I own guns and if the society I live in requires me to do that I will be staying home instead!
That's a big if. Again, who controls the banking system. We're all tied in. Are you going to force your biggest consumer into poverty? Get real man! They sure as hell aren't going to come take it.

It's not just about China man. As a country we would not be solvent without borrowing capabilities. If we default all hell would break loose. Do you seriously believe that a US debt default will not have a huge global economic impact?
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Who said this? Who says they are the "only" problem? Christian fundamentalists have been known to blow up a few abortion clinics over the years. They are the same type of scum. They pay with their lives and get the chair if caught. In the case of the Islamic extremists, they are often backed by groups that are bold and in the public view, to a degree, doing these vile attacks in the name of their religion.

Protect the Homeland! Kill 'em all, and let God sort them out!
Jesus, you don't think that the Bible belt has any influence in US foreign policy, forget abortion clinics dude? They're backed by giant lobbyist groups.
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Please understand if you are Gay, a woman, a Jew, a Christian, these people want you dead. That is a fact that people can't seem to understand.
Not true, hatred is the one that don't like living souls, nor living at all.. So when we say these people lets be mindful to put it in sets.. THESE PEOPLE WHOS HEARTS ARE FILLED WITH HATRED AND PURE EVIL..
It's very simple. If we default then our economy tanks like never before. If we default then you think it'll be easy to borrow in the future? If we can't borrow then we CAN'T fund our government. If you can't see why that would be a massive problem then I don't know what to tell you.
Our credit rating would go in the tank like never before, and our access to cash to pau our bills quickly would be compromised.. we depend on our credit rating to keep current and be the best. Don't even get me started on the loss of faith from our own citizens to pay US debt.. When you invest in US debt, you are risking your family's money, you don't want to think that your own government can simply default on a whim. Default to China would have an awful trickle dow effect to us.
Our credit rating would go in the tank like never before, and our access to cash to pau our bills quickly would be compromised.. we depend on our credit rating to keep current and be the best. Don't even get me started on the loss of faith from our own citizens to pay US debt.. When you invest in US debt, you are risking your family's money, you don't want to think that your own government can simply default on a whim. Default to China would have an awful trickle dow effect to us.

No doubt. Clearly this dude and canerob have no clue what defaulting on our debt would do. Unbelievable ignorance.
In this country common sense applies to government involvement in most things. If you want a pet lion you have to meet certain criteria and register it. The government has the legal right to tell you no, your situation will not allow you to own a lion. Motor vehicles which can harm others all be accidently most of the time, can be used in committing of a crime and to flee from legal persecution must be registered. The government has legal rights to strip you of your vehicle and legal rights to prevent you from operating a motor vehicle if you fail to meet certain criteria. But when it comes to guns our population can't apply similar common sense allowance of government regulation. It makes no sense. America is the least tyrannical country in modern history. We protect individual's rights better than any country. Yet gun obsessed people are convinced the government storm troopers are going to knock on every door and take your guns. I can't understand the mind that sees that as a real scenario and refuses to allow any gun laws that make our culture anything less that the wild west of the 1800's. A fear of one extreme stops us from changing what we have in place now to a better middle ground. Result: Incidents like Orlando. And I am a multiple gun owner. The same way we live with common sense regulation of animals, cars, etc.... we should be taking steps to do the same with guns.
In this country common sense applies to government involvement in most things. If you want a pet lion you have to meet certain criteria and register it. The government has the legal right to tell you no, your situation will not allow you to own a lion. Motor vehicles which can harm others all be accidently most of the time, can be used in committing of a crime and to flee from legal persecution must be registered. The government has legal rights to strip you of your vehicle and legal rights to prevent you from operating a motor vehicle if you fail to meet certain criteria. But when it comes to guns our population can't apply similar common sense allowance of government regulation. It makes no sense. America is the least tyrannical country in modern history. We protect individual's rights better than any country. Yet gun obsessed people are convinced the government storm troopers are going to knock on every door and take your guns. I can't understand the mind that sees that as a real scenario and refuses to allow any gun laws that make our culture anything less that the wild west of the 1800's. A fear of one extreme stops us from changing what we have in place now to a better middle ground. Result: Incidents like Orlando. And I am a multiple gun owner. The same way we live with common sense regulation of animals, cars, etc.... we should be taking steps to do the same with guns.
I don't own any guns, have always resisted. We have to have reasonable gun laws, and unfortunately, I"m not qualified to say if we should ban all assault weapons.. situations can always change. This situation isn't about gun laws, neither is it about "radical islam", it's about a disturbed individual living in the new world we live in. We are undeniably living with racial tensions with muslim countries, they have casualties and so do we, and most don't want to consider the damages to the other side. We can't throw away either our civil liberties or our rights, i.e. gun laws because of a mostly external political situation.. There are millions of Muslims in this country uninvolved with the war, they shouldn't be monitored or spied on, and we also shouldn't change our gun laws as long as they are reasonable. Coming from war torn country like El Salvador, I know how the powerful and the paranoid will take advantage of fear mongering to take people's rights away ad solidify their positions in society, it's just not a good idea.
What are they going to do? Stop selling us shit? We are the worlds largest consumer. It's like debo taking your candy. Are you going to whoop his a$$? No, you just going to tell your self in your mind that he owes you. Lol at you or anybody else believing this debt crap. The only way we have to pay up is if we lose the fact that we are the strongest military power in the world. If we lose that, we might be in trouble but until then. Na!
Of course I do. But it wouldn't be default. Please read.

I did read. You said we can erase our national debt by saying "f*ck you China. It was stupid statement in several ways but I won't get into those right now. If we tell China to f*ck off and don't pay our debt that we owe them you don't think that's a default?
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I did read. You said we can erase our national debt by saying "f*ck you China. It was stupid statement in several ways but I won't get into those right now. If we tell China to f*ck off and don't pay our debt that we owe them you don't think that's a default?
Nope. I said debts are paid after we showed they stole our IP. Big difference. It seems you hate America, gtfooh.
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Now all the Islamic groups are coming out and condemning this act. Where they he'll have they been the past 15 years? I call bullshit. They can't deny this one, and they don't want to get run off, can't take over if they do. And to all you idiots saying the Bible says kill like the Kuran does???! No where does the Bible say kill all those you don't submit to Christ. Unless they get rid of that book then their belief system is screwed! I do not trust none of them. Either they don't really believe the book or they are going to kill those who don't believe what they do. They already push Sharia law, and are being appointed as Judges here. You retards who want to vote for theDems/ liberals, better believe the very way of life we live now is at stake. You can keep your head in the sand if you want. If a Christan would have ran in there and killed a bunch of ******s you would have a different tone. Millions of people in the country better hope our Gov never fails, I'm gonna survive and I'm gone eat. Look forward to the clean up!
Unfortunately G town I feel our government is already there.
I don't own any guns, have always resisted. We have to have reasonable gun laws, and unfortunately, I"m not qualified to say if we should ban all assault weapons.. situations can always change. This situation isn't about gun laws, neither is it about "radical islam", it's about a disturbed individual living in the new world we live in. We are undeniably living with racial tensions with muslim countries, they have casualties and so do we, and most don't want to consider the damages to the other side. We can't throw away either our civil liberties or our rights, i.e. gun laws because of a mostly external political situation.. There are millions of Muslims in this country uninvolved with the war, they shouldn't be monitored or spied on, and we also shouldn't change our gun laws as long as they are reasonable. Coming from war torn country like El Salvador, I know how the powerful and the paranoid will take advantage of fear mongering to take people's rights away ad solidify their positions in society, it's just not a good idea.
The problem is America with gun laws is basically we have none! It is a an unregulated free for all with about the only nationwide rule I know of is no ownership of fully automatic weapons unless you have a government permit to own one. What you get is chaos with anyone, no matter how unqualified being able to buy as many guns of any type as they want and the government has no idea about who has what. And zero power to take common sense public safety measures. Each state makes it's own gun ownership laws and very few states have any good rules in place. Like I said I own multiple guns and you can't let fear of a tyrannical government threat, which has ZERO basis for being a rational fear in America, prevent you from allowing government to set laws to regulate and monitor guns the same way we allow government to do that with many things in all our lives. It makes no sense!!!! As far as islamic countries and tensions. The shooter in Orlando is an American born and raised in the USA! He may be muslim, but he is as American as anybody else born here. This event being possible had nothing to do with religion or immigration. Yet the religion angle obsesses as evidenced by a zillion comments about it in this shooting. The problem that allowed this to happen is our gun laws or lack thereof. That is what creates opportunities for events like this to happen in America.
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In this country common sense applies to government involvement in most things. If you want a pet lion you have to meet certain criteria and register it. The government has the legal right to tell you no, your situation will not allow you to own a lion. Motor vehicles which can harm others all be accidently most of the time, can be used in committing of a crime and to flee from legal persecution must be registered. The government has legal rights to strip you of your vehicle and legal rights to prevent you from operating a motor vehicle if you fail to meet certain criteria. But when it comes to guns our population can't apply similar common sense allowance of government regulation. It makes no sense. America is the least tyrannical country in modern history. We protect individual's rights better than any country. Yet gun obsessed people are convinced the government storm troopers are going to knock on every door and take your guns. I can't understand the mind that sees that as a real scenario and refuses to allow any gun laws that make our culture anything less that the wild west of the 1800's. A fear of one extreme stops us from changing what we have in place now to a better middle ground. Result: Incidents like Orlando. And I am a multiple gun owner. The same way we live with common sense regulation of animals, cars, etc.... we should be taking steps to do the same with guns.
Good post.

Absolutely nothing wrong with owning a gun. The issue is the inherent fear to regulate owning them appropriately. Because gun enthusiast believe it will lead to removing that right of ownership.

The solution is no more the need for more guns than it is for people on welfare to get more foodstamps when those are misused.

Regulation is a dirty word but the fact is we have over 320million people in this country. The people against regulation wouldn't even own a company with 40 people without regulation. It's so hypocritical.
Nope. I said debts are paid after we showed they stole our IP. Big difference. It seems you hate America, gtfooh.
Ok, they stole our intellectual property... We want them to make everything for us and sell it back to us and Europe, etc.. Just because you can go into a tent with blankets and by a "rolex" or a "Sponge Bob" T-shirt doesn't make you right, it doesn't even begin to compare at this point. Maybe 10 years ago, the biggest problem is the trade deficit and the government debt.
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But then again, his EX WIFE said he wasnt religious at all, what connection?
no proof of anything other than speculation because of his name, and yeah bro, justify however you want when anyone thats not WHITE AMERICAN is ghetto or a terrosit when it comes to mass shootings.
I guess we really know how you are
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They follow all teachings of every prophet, you are wrong.

Also, no disrespect but to say one religion is right or wrong, thats your
opinion, but to say they dont follow Jesus and Abraham, do your research.

They also believe that Christ was born of a virgin. That's 2 of the most sold books in the world that say that. Yet one says he died on the cross for our sin, the other says it wasn't him. Never mind the fact he was born buy some super natural power. Obviously Mohommed was something greater. They are on crack!
Well HurricaneShaun, it's odd because usually he is ready to pop off from the pulpit. Why the hold up today? Not till 1:30? Yeah, I hear U

Just another whiney moment. He made a statement, but but but it wasn't on my time frame. Lighten up.....this is a tragedy and your focus is on when a statement is made
I do care deeply about the politics of this. The coming election, though a cliche we hear to often, is the most important in my lifetime. I'm 62.

That said, right now I'm just thinking about those injured, and the families of those lost. My 24 year old daughter, who i have raised to be a caring conservative, is devastated. Her friend was tending bar there and shot three times and in bad shape. So, if you're one who prays, let's keep praying for all these folks. This is going to stick with my daughter a long time.
I do care deeply about the politics of this. The coming election, though a cliche we hear to often, is the most important in my lifetime. I'm 62.

That said, right now I'm just thinking about those injured, and the families of those lost. My 24 year old daughter, who i have raised to be a caring conservative, is devastated. Her friend was tending bar there and shot three times and in bad shape. So, if you're one who prays, let's keep praying for all these folks. This is going to stick with my daughter a long time.