OMG: Republican Senator unloads on Trump


Gold Member
Sep 14, 2004
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse absolutely unloaded on Trump today in a call with Sasse’s supporters in next month’s election. He said Trump:

* mishandled the pandemic totally
* kisses dictators’ butts
* flirts with white supremacists
* has done nothing to defend or help Hong Kongers or the Uygur minority in China who are in prison camps
* sells out our allies
* treats women terribly
* spends government funds like a drunken sailor
* mocks evangelicals behind closed doors
* treats the presidency like a personal business opportunity.

Wow! My gut reaction is that he is jumping off the Trump ship in an effort to distance Senate Republicans from a massive upcoming defeat at the ballot box. He wants to preserve Republican control of the Senate and is willing to throw in the White House towel.

What’s your reaction?
Read CNN’s article which you didn’t link, & it’s like a leftwing talking point! I then went to Sasse’s Twitter Acct & saw none of this. As a matter of fact he even complimented Trump in one tweet. Something smells like cnn here.

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CNN is just one of several media companies reporting this story. It is the Washington Examiner that reported that it has the audio of Sasse’s remarks.

If you google “Ben Sasse” you can now listen to the YouTube audio of his statements. I just did. His words on the audio are exactly as reported by CNN and every other news organization. I believe my summary of his comments in the OP are accurate.

In addition, Sasse’s office has not denied the accuracy of the reporting.

You’re right that Sasse has been a strong public supporter of Trump. That’s why these remarks are so shocking. Looks like he’s abandoning ship.

What’s your take?
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CNN is just one of several media companies reporting this story. It is the Washington Examiner that reported that it has the audio of Sasse’s remarks.

If you google “Ben Sasse” you can now listen to the YouTube audio of his statements. I just did. His words on the audio are exactly as reported by CNN and every other news organization. I believe my summary of his comments in the OP are accurate.

In addition, Sasse’s office has not denied the accuracy of the reporting.

You’re right that Sasse has been a strong public supporter of Trump. That’s why these remarks are so shocking. Looks like he’s abandoning ship.

What’s your take?
My take is if that’s his opinion then so be it. I don’t really care who likes who. My stopping point is when you start to mouth talking points which are or have been proven false. Trump is an egotistical and narcissistic bastard. I’ve said it numerous times but he gets the job done. He has also stood up against the system and took the heat from your crazy ass left in ProLife, cutting corporate taxes to revitalize the economy and killing Iranian asshole terrorists. Biden has literally done none of those things and frankly the whole sniffing fetish thing is so beyond weird I couldn’t get past it.
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse absolutely unloaded on Trump today in a call with Sasse’s supporters in next month’s election. He said Trump:

* mishandled the pandemic totally
* kisses dictators’ butts
* flirts with white supremacists
* has done nothing to defend or help Hong Kongers or the Uygur minority in China who are in prison camps
* sells out our allies
* treats women terribly
* spends government funds like a drunken sailor
* mocks evangelicals behind closed doors
* treats the presidency like a personal business opportunity.

Wow! My gut reaction is that he is jumping off the Trump ship in an effort to distance Senate Republicans from a massive upcoming defeat at the ballot box. He wants to preserve Republican control of the Senate and is willing to throw in the White House towel.

What’s your reaction?
Lmao typical cortez BS.
My gut reaction to you is laughter!
Lmao typical cortez BS.
My gut reaction to you is laughter!

Not sure of your point Majus.

Do you believe Sen Sasse said these things? Please listen to his audio. If so, do you believe it hurts Trump at all?

I believe Sasse said these things and conclude that some Republican leaders are now abandoning your guy.

Your take?
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse absolutely unloaded on Trump today in a call with Sasse’s supporters in next month’s election. He said Trump:

* mishandled the pandemic totally
* kisses dictators’ butts
* flirts with white supremacists
* has done nothing to defend or help Hong Kongers or the Uygur minority in China who are in prison camps
* sells out our allies
* treats women terribly
* spends government funds like a drunken sailor
* mocks evangelicals behind closed doors
* treats the presidency like a personal business opportunity.

Wow! My gut reaction is that he is jumping off the Trump ship in an effort to distance Senate Republicans from a massive upcoming defeat at the ballot box. He wants to preserve Republican control of the Senate and is willing to throw in the White House towel.

What’s your reaction?

Sasse is another Mitt... Typical snub .. fucck him and who cares , wont affec Trump at all..
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse absolutely unloaded on Trump today in a call with Sasse’s supporters in next month’s election. He said Trump:

* mishandled the pandemic totally
* kisses dictators’ butts
* flirts with white supremacists
* has done nothing to defend or help Hong Kongers or the Uygur minority in China who are in prison camps
* sells out our allies
* treats women terribly
* spends government funds like a drunken sailor
* mocks evangelicals behind closed doors
* treats the presidency like a personal business opportunity.

Wow! My gut reaction is that he is jumping off the Trump ship in an effort to distance Senate Republicans from a massive upcoming defeat at the ballot box. He wants to preserve Republican control of the Senate and is willing to throw in the White House towel.

What’s your reaction?
My reaction.....Trump fukked!
Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse absolutely unloaded on Trump today in a call with Sasse’s supporters in next month’s election. He said Trump:

* mishandled the pandemic totally
* kisses dictators’ butts
* flirts with white supremacists
* has done nothing to defend or help Hong Kongers or the Uygur minority in China who are in prison camps
* sells out our allies
* treats women terribly
* spends government funds like a drunken sailor
* mocks evangelicals behind closed doors
* treats the presidency like a personal business opportunity.

Wow! My gut reaction is that he is jumping off the Trump ship in an effort to distance Senate Republicans from a massive upcoming defeat at the ballot box. He wants to preserve Republican control of the Senate and is willing to throw in the White House towel.

What’s your reaction?
Are you worried about what else is on Hunters Lap Top? Pretty Incriminating already and totally proves what a total fraud Joe Biden is.. not a good week for your guy. He looks really old and tired tonight. I think you better start lowering your expectations
Are you worried about what else is on Hunters Lap Top? Pretty Incriminating already and totally proves what a total fraud Joe Biden is.. not a good week for your guy. He looks really old and tired tonight. I think you better start lowering your expectations


I have recorded both Town Halls and am not watching tonight. Will watch highlights over the weekend after reading reports.

As to Hunter, I don’t believe he’s on the ballot. I read my ballot today and noted that Kanye West is on my crazy Cali ballot as well as 3 other fringe party candidates. Hunter is a creep. Glad I’m not voting for him.


* do you believe Sen Sasse said the things attributed to him today? Cash says no and El says it doesn’t matter cuz he’s a creep like Romney. Majus is confused.

* if you do believe he said what he said, your assessment?

Thanks Ed.

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
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I have recorded both Town Halls and am not watching tonight. Will watch highlights over the weekend after reading reports.

As to Hunter, I don’t believe he’s on the ballot. I read my ballot today and noted that Kanye West is on my crazy Cali ballot as well as 3 other fringe party candidates. Hunter is a creep. Glad I’m not voting for him.


* do you believe Sen Sasse said the things attributed to him today? Cash says no and El says it doesn’t matter cuz he’s a creep like Romney. Majus is confused.

* if you do believe he said what he said, your assessment?

Thanks Ed.

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
I do believe Sasse could say things like this and he probably believes it. I put him in the Mitt Romney Bob Corker Jeff Flake Category. Never liked Sasse he’s got some swamp in him. Part of Nebraska believe it or not is a little left and liberal. Doesn’t make a difference. Sasse has zero influence just like that clown John Kaisic

I have recorded both Town Halls and am not watching tonight. Will watch highlights over the weekend after reading reports.

As to Hunter, I don’t believe he’s on the ballot. I read my ballot today and noted that Kanye West is on my crazy Cali ballot as well as 3 other fringe party candidates. Hunter is a creep. Glad I’m not voting for him.


* do you believe Sen Sasse said the things attributed to him today? Cash says no and El says it doesn’t matter cuz he’s a creep like Romney. Majus is confused.

* if you do believe he said what he said, your assessment?

Thanks Ed.

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
You should vote for Kanye
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Honestly not surprising. Anyone with a brain understands these facts about Trump. The difference is some people will die like a cuck trying to defend them and others will put the country first.

I have recorded both Town Halls and am not watching tonight. Will watch highlights over the weekend after reading reports.

As to Hunter, I don’t believe he’s on the ballot. I read my ballot today and noted that Kanye West is on my crazy Cali ballot as well as 3 other fringe party candidates. Hunter is a creep. Glad I’m not voting for him.


* do you believe Sen Sasse said the things attributed to him today? Cash says no and El says it doesn’t matter cuz he’s a creep like Romney. Majus is confused.

* if you do believe he said what he said, your assessment?

Thanks Ed.

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
Should have known you live in La La Land, California. Only state that would think to put up a sign in front of Disney.
“Warning, entering may be hazardess to your health.”
Left wing nut job state, that wants to be their own country.
They should require a passport to enter.
I pray that happens, Hopefully before it sinks.
The book is in on Trump. He's a racist, lying and corrupt president. It's too late.
Should have known you live in La La Land, California. Only state that would think to put up a sign in front of Disney.
“Warning, entering may be hazardess to your health.”
Left wing nut job state, that wants to be their own country.
They should require a passport to enter.
I pray that happens, Hopefully before it sinks.


You gotta wake up, Majus. My residence in California has been very clear on this site for years. And, to fully complete your stereotypes, I make and drink wine, including Chardonnay. Can you believe it? A libtard sipping Chardonnay? That’s me. Where have you been?

California was a thoroughly Republican State for many, many years. Don’t forget that Nixon and Reagan were California guys and carried this state regularly. The state remained a Republican bastion until Bill Clinton’s victory in 1992. Now, Dems dominate and Republicans are nearly dead. Fun fact: registered Independents outnumber Republicans in Cali.

Also, Cali has the 5th biggest economy in the world, trailing only US, China, Japan and Germany. On its own, it’s economy is bigger than France, Italy, Spain, UK and even India. Housing prices are outrageous cuz people want to live and work here!

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
You guys are trying to teach hyenas how to ride skate It's not possible.
You gotta wake up, Majus. My residence in California has been very clear on this site for years. And, to fully complete your stereotypes, I make and drink wine, including Chardonnay. Can you believe it? A libtard sipping Chardonnay? That’s me. Where have you been?

California was a thoroughly Republican State for many, many years. Don’t forget that Nixon and Reagan were California guys and carried this state regularly. The state remained a Republican bastion until Bill Clinton’s victory in 1992. Now, Dems dominate and Republicans are nearly dead. Fun fact: registered Independents outnumber Republicans in Cali.

Also, Cali has the 5th biggest economy in the world, trailing only US, China, Japan and Germany. On its own, it’s economy is bigger than France, Italy, Spain, UK and even India. Housing prices are outrageous cuz people want to live and work here!

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
Sorry not knowing your from Cali, NOT. Do you know where I am???
Cali hasnt been republican since BEFORE you were born. Enjoy your chardoney, I’ll stick with manly shots.
Exactly Cali is America’s biggest deficient deficit.
Keep funding illegal immigrants
“cali hasn’t been Republican since BEFORE you were born.”

Wrong again, Majus. You’ve chided me regarding research. Let me return the favor.

Fact: The Republican candidate for president carried California in:

1952, 1956, 1960, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984 and 1988.

The movement towards the Dems began in 1992 with Bill Clinton.

No, I don’t know where you live. Want to share?
You gotta wake up, Majus. My residence in California has been very clear on this site for years. And, to fully complete your stereotypes, I make and drink wine, including Chardonnay. Can you believe it? A libtard sipping Chardonnay? That’s me. Where have you been?

California was a thoroughly Republican State for many, many years. Don’t forget that Nixon and Reagan were California guys and carried this state regularly. The state remained a Republican bastion until Bill Clinton’s victory in 1992. Now, Dems dominate and Republicans are nearly dead. Fun fact: registered Independents outnumber Republicans in Cali.

Also, Cali has the 5th biggest economy in the world, trailing only US, China, Japan and Germany. On its own, it’s economy is bigger than France, Italy, Spain, UK and even India. Housing prices are outrageous cuz people want to live and work here!

Go Canes. Beat Pitt!
Sanctuary State. Mass illegals mass crime mass homelessness San Fran & LA once great cities now are shitholes. One of the most progressive Gov in the country. Rolling Blackouts. And BTW there’s a mass exodus going on. Including Tesla headed to Texas. Very sad all those great wineries burning down due to forest maintenance neglect for years. The Sierra club and all those other environmentalist nut jobs won’t let them clean up the forest of all the dead trees. Cali is a mess only gonna get worse with liberals in charge.

Please don’t buy that “managing forest” crap pushed by DJT. Total BS.

Fact: The US Govt manages 57% of the forests in California. So, if they’re not being well managed, ask Trump to do his job.

Fact: The great majority of devastating fires in California are grass fires ignited in the vast areas of rolling dry and crispy hillsides. These fires have been around forever. Now, however, development is denser and closer to these grassy areas so susceptible to fires. So when they burn, more building go up in flames than previously

Fact: Our warming climate is making things much worse. The fire season in California used to be in Aug-Sept after hot summers dried things out. Now, the fire season extends from May-November. It’s 100 degrees today in Napa. Hasn’t rained since April. Dry as a bone. The fire risk continues.
I really think Trump did well tonight even with a hostile moderator. The tide is turning I think the polls will reflect this next week

Trump did well? Really? Here are some of Trump's responses.

1) 85% of the people who wear face masks get the virus
2) I'm good with masks. I tell people to wear masks.
3) I don't remember if I tested for the virus on the day of the 1st debate
4) I'm in debt for $400,000,000+
5) I will let you know who I owe this money
6) We have cures for covid
7) Our death rate is better than other countries
8) We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had the greatest economy we ever had........The reality is Trump produced fewer jobs in his first 3 years than Obama in his last 3 years.
9) We're always protecting people with pre-existing conditions
10) He's a champion of DACA...LOL...LOL
11) Blamed Gold Star families for infecting him
12) Refused to denounce QANON
13) Lockdown of the country is not meant to slow covid but instead meant to hurt him. Lockdowns will end on November 4th.
14) He said thousands of ballots were found in the trash can with his name on them.
15) Obama spied on his campaign

He was very defensive, loud and as usual lied nonstop.
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I was in Newport Beach for 2 weeks June 2019!- tents in Beverly Hills on Wilshire Blvd - didnt bother going into LA - had seen enough

I’m going to Newport Beach (VRBO on Balboa Island) next week. Got family there. Can’t wait.
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I’m going to Newport Beach (VRBO on Balboa Island) next week. Got family there. Can’t wait.
Be careful man. They are Releasing violent criminals in Cali quicker than Castro in the eighties during the boat lift. Not honoring any ICE detainers. Be safe. Are you allowed to Carry in Cali?? I hope so!!

Please don’t buy that “managing forest” crap pushed by DJT. Total BS.

Fact: The US Govt manages 57% of the forests in California. So, if they’re not being well managed, ask Trump to do his job.

Fact: The great majority of devastating fires in California are grass fires ignited in the vast areas of rolling dry and crispy hillsides. These fires have been around forever. Now, however, development is denser and closer to these grassy areas so susceptible to fires. So when they burn, more building go up in flames than previously

Fact: Our warming climate is making things much worse. The fire season in California used to be in Aug-Sept after hot summers dried things out. Now, the fire season extends from May-November. It’s 100 degrees today in Napa. Hasn’t rained since April. Dry as a bone. The fire risk continues.
Even Gavin Newsome Conceded forest management was a big problem man. Are you that caught up in the Fake news?? How come they are fine in Canada?? No problems up their?? Is global warming only happening in California?? Why aren’t their fires going crazy in the forests in Europe?? Because Canada & Europe maintain their forest. Are you a Sierra club member? I bet you are. I’m not buying any DJT BS. You on the other hand are all in on the loony left propaganda. The sky is falling. More Fires more hurricanes more tornados. the sea levels are rising. Ok AL GORE?? Lol
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Please don’t buy that “managing forest” crap pushed by DJT. Total BS.

Fact: The US Govt manages 57% of the forests in California. So, if they’re not being well managed, ask Trump to do his job.

Fact: The great majority of devastating fires in California are grass fires ignited in the vast areas of rolling dry and crispy hillsides. These fires have been around forever. Now, however, development is denser and closer to these grassy areas so susceptible to fires. So when they burn, more building go up in flames than previously

Fact: Our warming climate is making things much worse. The fire season in California used to be in Aug-Sept after hot summers dried things out. Now, the fire season extends from May-November. It’s 100 degrees today in Napa. Hasn’t rained since April. Dry as a bone. The fire risk continues.
Here’s a Gavin Newesome Quote
“I am not going to say that the forest management practices in California over the last 100 years have been ideal,” Newsom admitted, with a nod to President Trump’s frequent criticisms of the state’s work in that area. “Not for one second.
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Is this any different from Ga Dem Rep, Vernon Jones, completely trashing Biden and Harris any time he gets the chance?

Please don’t buy that “managing forest” crap pushed by DJT. Total BS.

Fact: The US Govt manages 57% of the forests in California. So, if they’re not being well managed, ask Trump to do his job.

Fact: The great majority of devastating fires in California are grass fires ignited in the vast areas of rolling dry and crispy hillsides. These fires have been around forever. Now, however, development is denser and closer to these grassy areas so susceptible to fires. So when they burn, more building go up in flames than previously

Fact: Our warming climate is making things much worse. The fire season in California used to be in Aug-Sept after hot summers dried things out. Now, the fire season extends from May-November. It’s 100 degrees today in Napa. Hasn’t rained since April. Dry as a bone. The fire risk continues.
You know who else is making it worse ?? The Arsonist. And of course The Tree hugging sierra club
Cortez. I’m not saying I don’t think we should continue to strive for alternative energy but the Harsh restrictions that are coming your way will destroy CA economy. Here’s one article you can find on Google out of 100 that actually gives a conservative view on the Wildfires. I’m asking you to read it and give me your thoughts. I’m not expecting to change your mind but hope you will at least see the bias that is out of control on the left. Big Tech is all in to restrict differing viewpoints. It really should concern every American.

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