grbcane GREAT post ! That's a very touchy subject, within the subject. He brought up real concerns, that would normally be addressed in a mandated research study over x-years, which will now be answered by retrospective studies from pathology evidence. It's disturbing to say the least. We had to deal with an acute setting where people were dyeing and it was happening world wide. We actually shut it all down, which is as serious as a society can get. I can understand the push to protect. Now we know there have been consequences due to the vaccines, and we will know much much more in the future (ie retrospective studies) including the how's and why's. I have taken the vaccine, and I don't regret it, but I wouldn't force it on anyone. A simple risk vs reward made by the person considering the vaccine is all that's needed . Are you allergic, do you have a health issue that will worsen, are you pregnant, do you already have immunity, are you around people much, how much, how many ?
We don't need to take away a citizen's rite to self governance and the ability make their own life choices. We aren't government property nor herded sheep, and while we are free we should be treated that way. I will be watching if the FDA approval comes with evidence based research attached to it, or if its just social pressure.