Clown post. NIH says otherwise, but thank god for you and your sister spreading misinformation.
“The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection”
The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.
Common cold and other seasonal coronavirus also provide levels of immunity.
THE immune response from the common cold virus which offers some level of protection against Covid-19 “might have a population-wide effect”, according to a new study. Research from scie…
@CashvilleCane1 these fools don’t understand the difference between antibodies and t-cells. They’re idiots.
“and activation capability of the SARS-CoV-2 memory T cell pools of a large cohort of recovered COVID-19 patients, close contacts, and unexposed healthy individuals. Our results showed that the COVID-19 patients and close contacts developed SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell immune memory. In addition, comparable levels of SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells were detected in the samples of asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 patients.”
T cells compose a critical component of the immune response to coronavirus infection with SARS-CoV-2. Here the authors characterise the T cell response to SARS CoV-2 in patients and their close contacts, and show the presence of SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells in the absence of detectable virus...
ok. Let dismantle this for you and your lack of reading comphrehension.
the fact that your immune system recognize the original (wild type) Covid strain it doesn’t mean it will protect you forever. The number of cells that remember diminishes over time. That means after a period of time there become less. T cells help to create antibodies. The antibodies actually do the work. T cells are like generals sorta speak. They tell the antibodies what to do. The antibodies actually protect you. So when they say 95% of people have T cells that means they have some cells with memory on how to fight a disease. But in the study they said that over time the T cells dwindled with time. And you have to have a high number of T cells to create a large number of antibodies to fight off an infection. If there are not enough soldiers, even tho they know how to fight the enemy they will eventually get overwhelmed. So even if there are some T cells who recognize the disease there’s strong likelihood that there will not be enough to fight it off. That’s why having a lot of antibodies matters. And no one knows how long they hang around naturally after you are infected. Data right now says 90 days then they start to dwindle. Some stay around longer for some folks but it varies in many especially if you are immunocompromised (like having diabetes, cancer, or aids).
money line right here in the study:
the antibody production of asymptomatic individuals is lower than that of symptomatic individuals. This observation is consistent with the findings that there is a rapid decay of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and IgG antibodies in asymptomatic patients
The study showed that the T cells and antibodies while they remain steady for 48-86 days they rapidly leave after that especially in people who had a symptomatic Covid and people who have asymptomatic Covid produce less of those 2 cells which makes you even more susceptible to reinfection in the future because you have less soldiers to fight over time.
What the vaccines do is increase the amount of antibodies (more soldiers) that are produced by natural infection ESPECIALLY in those folks that had asymptomatic Covid which have less amount of tcells that recognize the disease and antibodies that fight the disease. The vaccines produce 10 fold the amount of antibodies that your body can create.
So if you’re exposed to Covid by someone like a family member who has a large dose of Covid you have many more soldiers there to fight therefore defeating the virus before it can even get going.
variants are dangerous because even if you’ve previously been exposed to Covid the body doesn’t recognize the mutation and doesn’t attack it as if it were the original (wild type) Covid strain.
so yes the article you posted is factual however you COMPLETELY misinterpreted what it meant and therefore you are COMPLETELY WRONG AND MISINFORMED!
I don’t know if I can break it down further for you, if you struggle to understand read what I wrote again and
this statement here supports what I said about the 90 days
Despite some subtle differences, most patients developed measurable amounts of SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ and CD8+memory T cells which were stably maintained between 48–86 days after convalescence.
Now crawl back into the hole you came from....