Funny to see the mental elites of the left just assume everyone that doesnt think like them is a deplorable, racist, dumb or all 3.
Of course there are people like that who vote Republican but the dems have there own deplorables.
A lot of people, like myself, vote for Trump not becuase of him but becuase of the policies he will pursue. I dont give one flip for Trump as a person, I dont worship politicians.
I believe abortion is murder, I believe the libs will erode the 2nd amendment, attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the libs are soft when it comes to international relations and will gladly sell out America to globalism. I want conservative judges on the supreme court that will interpret the constitution as it is. I believe in the goodness of the US. I dont want my taxes to sky rocket and I want to curb ILLEGAL immigration. These are just a few things.
With that being said...why would I ever vote dem? They are the opposite of everything I just listed. So I vote for the policies a candidate will pursue. I dont vote on personality. If you think trump is evil but Biden is a good ole choir boy who isnt corrupt in his own ways then you might want to rethink your position as a mental elite.