Trump is Losing It....Someone Help Him

I still can't believe this guy was voted in as the president of the USA.

It's a combination of things. Of course you have the "deplorable" segment, which unfortunately is pretty large. But beyond them you have some good people that also support this man. The only answers I can come up with is some are scared of changing demographics and some are just plain dumb. In a nutshell that's the Trump base.
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Funny to see the mental elites of the left just assume everyone that doesnt think like them is a deplorable, racist, dumb or all 3.

Of course there are people like that who vote Republican but the dems have there own deplorables.

A lot of people, like myself, vote for Trump not becuase of him but becuase of the policies he will pursue. I dont give one flip for Trump as a person, I dont worship politicians.

I believe abortion is murder, I believe the libs will erode the 2nd amendment, attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the libs are soft when it comes to international relations and will gladly sell out America to globalism. I want conservative judges on the supreme court that will interpret the constitution as it is. I believe in the goodness of the US. I dont want my taxes to sky rocket and I want to curb ILLEGAL immigration. These are just a few things.

With that being said...why would I ever vote dem? They are the opposite of everything I just listed. So I vote for the policies a candidate will pursue. I dont vote on personality. If you think trump is evil but Biden is a good ole choir boy who isnt corrupt in his own ways then you might want to rethink your position as a mental elite.
Funny to see the mental elites of the left just assume everyone that doesnt think like them is a deplorable, racist, dumb or all 3.

Of course there are people like that who vote Republican but the dems have there own deplorables.

A lot of people, like myself, vote for Trump not becuase of him but becuase of the policies he will pursue. I dont give one flip for Trump as a person, I dont worship politicians.

I believe abortion is murder, I believe the libs will erode the 2nd amendment, attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the libs are soft when it comes to international relations and will gladly sell out America to globalism. I want conservative judges on the supreme court that will interpret the constitution as it is. I believe in the goodness of the US. I dont want my taxes to sky rocket and I want to curb ILLEGAL immigration. These are just a few things.

With that being said...why would I ever vote dem? They are the opposite of everything I just listed. So I vote for the policies a candidate will pursue. I dont vote on personality. If you think trump is evil but Biden is a good ole choir boy who isnt corrupt in his own ways then you might want to rethink your position as a mental elite.
I’m a black man in Amerikkka..i always have to take a lesser of the 2 evils approach when it comes to this shyt because we’re always at the bottom of either party’s totem pole!! That being said, I could never vote for an unapologetic b*tchazz racist...(it’s the ultimate non starter for me) Had he run as a DEM, I would’ve been a GOP MF’er
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So Biden says racist stuff all the time and has a almost 50 year history of doing the wrong thing for black people. Oh and you live in America, the most free, tolerant, culturally diverse nation the world has ever seen. You have every freedom and opportunity known to mankind...whatever you want to do today (within the bounds of law) you can do it. Go grab the immense opportunities this nation affords its citizens...its there for the taking.
Did you not read what I said....I have to always choose from the lesser of 2 evils in Amerikka!! DT is an UNAPOLOGETIC RACIST!!
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I’m a black man in Amerikkka..i always have to take a lesser of the 2 evils approach when it comes to this shyt because we’re always at the bottom of either party’s totem pole!! That being said, I could never vote for an unapologetic b*tchazz racist...(it’s the ultimate non starter for me) Had he run as a DEM, I would’ve been a GOP MF’er
Us white folks are left with picking the lesser of two evils too, m.dan. It's a shame that in a country of 328 million people that we are always left with 2 people that most of us wouldn't vote for if there were better choices.
Funny to see the mental elites of the left just assume everyone that doesnt think like them is a deplorable, racist, dumb or all 3.

Of course there are people like that who vote Republican but the dems have there own deplorables.

A lot of people, like myself, vote for Trump not becuase of him but becuase of the policies he will pursue. I dont give one flip for Trump as a person, I dont worship politicians.

I believe abortion is murder, I believe the libs will erode the 2nd amendment, attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the libs are soft when it comes to international relations and will gladly sell out America to globalism. I want conservative judges on the supreme court that will interpret the constitution as it is. I believe in the goodness of the US. I dont want my taxes to sky rocket and I want to curb ILLEGAL immigration. These are just a few things.

With that being said...why would I ever vote dem? They are the opposite of everything I just listed. So I vote for the policies a candidate will pursue. I dont vote on personality. If you think trump is evil but Biden is a good ole choir boy who isnt corrupt in his own ways then you might want to rethink your position as a mental elite.

So I'll interpret this.

I want to curb illegal immigration. Translation is i don't want any more people of color in this country. This would fall into the scared of changing demographics category.

I hate "globalism." This falls into the dumb category. Like it or not the economy and national security are highly dependent on the rest of the world. We tried isolationism over a hundred years ago. Didn't work then and it certainly won't now regardless of how loud you can yell America First or f*ck everyone else. There is one easy example of total isolation from the international community and that is North Korea. I hear its lovely. You should check it out.

Democrats will take away our religious freedom and our guns. Dumb. I never have and still don't have any problem finding a church service. This whole anti-christian narrative is complete bullshit. I also know plenty of people that own firearms. Nobody from the deep state has come to take them away. These are two decades long arguments that dumb people eat up over and over again.

Lastly you can try to divorce yourself from Trump the person. Another common trumper line that is bullshit. Like it or not, you support a president that is actively trying to overturn an election that he lost, publicly threw our intelligence community under the bus while standing next to Putin, called our fallen service members suckers, told the public that COVID-19 was just the flu while telling a journalist on tape that it was much worse than the flu etc. I can go on but no need. Groupies will do what groupies do.
So I'll interpret this

I want to curb illegal immigration. Translation is i don't want any more people of color in this country. This would fall into the scared of changing demographics category.

I hate "globalism." This falls into the dumb category. Like it or not the economy and national security are highly dependent on the rest of the world. We tried isolationism over a hundred years ago. Didn't work then and it certainly won't now regardless of how loud you can yell America First or f*ck everyone else. There is one easy example of total isolation from the international community and that is North Korea. I hear its lovely. You should check it out.

Democrats will take away our religious freedom and our guns. Dumb. I never have and still don't have any problem finding a church service. This whole anti-christian narrative is complete bullshit. I also know plenty of people that own firearms. Nobody from the deep state has come to take them away. These are two decades long arguments that dumb people eat up over and over again.

Lastly you can try to divorce yourself from Trump the person. Another common trumper line that is bullshit. Like it or not, you support a president that is actively trying to overturn an election that he lost, publicly threw our intelligence community under the bus while standing next to Putin, called our fallen service members suckers, told the public that COVID-19 was just the flu while telling a journalist on tape that it was much worse than the flu etc. I can go on but no need. Groupies will do what groupies do.

None of what you say has any merit and just comes from your own sad twisted mind.

Your just another sad angry liberal that hates everything and projects that on to others. I feel sorry for you but life goes on. I'm sure you'll come back with a condescending angry douche reply but I wont be bothered to waste any more of my time.
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None of what you say has any merit and just comes from your own sad twisted mind.

Your just another sad angry liberal that hates everything and projects that on to others. I feel sorry for you but life goes on. I'm sure you'll come back with a condescending angry douche reply but I wont be bothered to waste any more of my time.

Seems like I hit a nerve. Don't worry. You aren't the only one who hides behind the fox news and NRA talking points. Have a Merry Christmas.
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Seems like I hit a nerve. Don't worry. You aren't the only one who hides behind the fox news and NRA talking points. Have a Merry Christmas.

You got me. Angry guy on internet thinks I'm dumb. Not sure how I will carry on. I decided your anger is entertaining. Happy Hanukkah.
You got me. Angry guy on internet thinks I'm dumb. Not sure how I will carry on. I decided your anger is entertaining. Happy Hanukkah.

You're probably more in the scared category. Dumb but more scared than anything.
Funny to see the mental elites of the left just assume everyone that doesnt think like them is a deplorable, racist, dumb or all 3.

Of course there are people like that who vote Republican but the dems have there own deplorables.

A lot of people, like myself, vote for Trump not becuase of him but becuase of the policies he will pursue. I dont give one flip for Trump as a person, I dont worship politicians.

I believe abortion is murder, I believe the libs will erode the 2nd amendment, attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the libs are soft when it comes to international relations and will gladly sell out America to globalism. I want conservative judges on the supreme court that will interpret the constitution as it is. I believe in the goodness of the US. I dont want my taxes to sky rocket and I want to curb ILLEGAL immigration. These are just a few things.

With that being said...why would I ever vote dem? They are the opposite of everything I just listed. So I vote for the policies a candidate will pursue. I dont vote on personality. If you think trump is evil but Biden is a good ole choir boy who isnt corrupt in his own ways then you might want to rethink your position as a mental elite.
Trump has and is
attacking freedom of speech
literally campaigned anti a specific religion
has done his business exclusively globally, surrounded himself with others who do business globally and eschews our global allies while embracing our global enemies..its global none the less.

Conservative Judges happen with Kasich, Cruz or anyone else McConnell can get to sign, Trump wouldn't know these Judges from his ass, don't conflate the two. They are rubber stamps. Reince came up with the idea of releasing a list to bolster his appeal. Any R would have accomplished the same.
Trump has and is
attacking freedom of speech
literally campaigned anti a specific religion
has done his business exclusively globally, surrounded himself with others who do business globally and eschews our global allies while embracing our global enemies..its global none the less.

Conservative Judges happen with Kasich, Cruz or anyone else McConnell can get to sign, Trump wouldn't know these Judges from his ass, don't conflate the two. They are rubber stamps. Reince came up with the idea of releasing a list to bolster his appeal. Any R would have accomplished the same.

I'm not a Trumpy. I dont even believe Trump is a real conservative. He saw an opening and took it. If the path was thru the dems he would have been a dem. My point is I didnt vote for Trump because of Trump. In my opinion the GOP policies are aligned with my beliefs and I'm not going to vote for the lib agenda. I'm not on board with overthrowing the election and I hope Trump disappears after Jan and doesnt run again in 2024.
I'm not a Trumpy. I dont even believe Trump is a real conservative. He saw an opening and took it. If the path was thru the dems he would have been a dem. My point is I didnt vote for Trump because of Trump. In my opinion the GOP policies are aligned with my beliefs and I'm not going to vote for the lib agenda. I'm not on board with overthrowing the election and I hope Trump disappears after Jan and doesnt run again in 2024.
Agree with a great deal of your post, real talk, cogent post and makes logical sense. As a centrist I vote belief not party, the GOP drifted so far right that I don't align there anymore, I'm left of Rubio (current Rubio) more of a Kasich/Scott/Romney type, Jack Kemp and John McCain were my guys, old school Lindsey (this new Lindsey character is unrecognizable).

so I get your point, that being said, Trump is literally unAmerican.
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Agree with a great deal of your post, real talk, cogent post and makes logical sense. As a centrist I vote belief not party, the GOP drifted so far right that I don't align there anymore, I'm left of Rubio (current Rubio) more of a Kasich/Scott/Romney type, Jack Kemp and John McCain were my guys, old school Lindsey (this new Lindsey character is unrecognizable).

so I get your point, that being said, Trump is literally unAmerican.
I fux with Kasich.....Lindsey has shown himself to be an azz kissing clown!
So Biden says racist stuff all the time and has a almost 50 year history of doing the wrong thing for black people. Oh and you live in America, the most free, tolerant, culturally diverse nation the world has ever seen. You have every freedom and opportunity known to mankind...whatever you want to do today (within the bounds of law) you can do it. Go grab the immense opportunities this nation affords its citizens...its there for the taking.
I'm black, I disagree. The 50 year history especially. Biden is a good old Northern white dude who doesn't really get black folks but does his level fugking best to do so. He is intentional in his effort and sincere even though he probably like raisins in his potato salad and does the water sprinkler at the dance.

Biden and the black community were cool long before he became VP and now he's family, BBQ invite fully extended.

He's definitely been one of the good ones, not to mention folks grow, McCain was vocally against Dr. King holiday, and he's a hero of mine and yes he evolved on the issue. Trump used to be an actual American and now he's a Russian asset...wait that's a different kind of example.
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Kasich is that dude, Lindsey used to be tho. Scott straight!
I’ve never seen someone kiss more azz...if he was ever 1/2 the guy you’re describing, it has to be hard for him to sleep at night!
I'm not a Trumpy. I dont even believe Trump is a real conservative. He saw an opening and took it. If the path was thru the dems he would have been a dem. My point is I didnt vote for Trump because of Trump. In my opinion the GOP policies are aligned with my beliefs and I'm not going to vote for the lib agenda. I'm not on board with overthrowing the election and I hope Trump disappears after Jan and doesnt run again in 2024.
Mungo - you are being attacked by a group of Left Wing libs that are the sh-t of my shoe. Just look at who and what is coming into office and reality sets in. I am confident that many of these attackers are low income low IQ Democratic slurpers. Let the scum bring it on. We got
Low IQ Trump supporter has the audacity to talk smack. I wouldn't publicly acknowledge I supported a pussy grabbing, lying, corrupt POS president. Trump is a treasonous buffoon who only cares about himself and surely not this country.
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Mungo - you are being attacked by a group of Left Wing libs that are the sh-t of my shoe. Just look at who and what is coming into office and reality sets in. I am confident that many of these attackers are low income low IQ Democratic slurpers. Let the scum bring it on. We got

Yeah, it's all good. Angry Lou doesnt bother me one bit. I honestly do feel sorry for him.

I'm completely confident in my beliefs. I was a grunt in the Army, jumped out of planes and done sh!t most have only seen in the movies. So an internet troll doesnt frighten me. They can think I'm dumb, scared or whatever. If it makes them feel better then whatever.
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Yeah, it's all good. Angry Lou doesnt bother me one bit. I honestly do feel sorry for him.

I'm completely confident in my beliefs. I was a grunt in the Army, jumped out of planes and done sh!t most have only seen in the movies. So an internet troll doesnt frighten me. They can think I'm dumb, scared or whatever. If it makes them feel better then whatever.
The problem is ,is that fools like those have a vote. That's what we fight for supposedly.
Trump is losing it because the Republican party did nothing to stop his corruption. Many on this site supported this corruption. He feels entitled to the WH but the American people saw otherwise.

There is quite a lot of concern about”What he will do next”..This man, who has now completely lost any semblance of a balanced mental state, is capable of making rash decisions that could severely and negatively impact not only the incoming administration but the entire country..It might be time to revisit the 25th amendment...
Seems like I hit a nerve. Don't worry. You aren't the only one who hides behind the fox news and NRA talking points. Have a Merry Christmas.
This stuff u say is a joke...first thing u know what that word means....has nothing to do with has to do with doing the right thing...most of America has no idea what is right and wrong anymore...we are going downhill and fast
This stuff u say is a joke...first thing u know what that word means....has nothing to do with has to do with doing the right thing...most of America has no idea what is right and wrong anymore...we are going downhill and fast
I'm not sure what side of the political aisle you are on but...when did America have an idea of right and wrong in your opinion.
This stuff u say is a joke...first thing u know what that word means....has nothing to do with has to do with doing the right thing...most of America has no idea what is right and wrong anymore...we are going downhill and fast

I thought Trump made America great again? Now we're going downhill fast under his leadership. Make up your mind. Oh and don't be naive with the "illegal" bullshit. If the GOP has proven anything, it's they only support "law and order" when it suits them or when they want to scare people like you.
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Really? That's a good question? So the implication is that America is evil? What is America...its government? Its citizens? Your an American...are you evil? Do you have an idea of right and wrong?

The American government has done evil things to its citizens and especially those of African decent. A lot of these evils and wrongs have never been made right. With that said this is still my country and i have served to defend it (11b 1997-2003) and still love it. That doesn't mean wrongs and atrocities havent occurred. Nor should they be dismissed. America is a great country but it can and should be better. Does that answer your question(s)?
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The American government has done evil things to its citizens and especially those of African decent. A lot of these evils and wrongs have never been made right. With that said this is still my country and i have served to defend it (11b 1997-2003) and still love it. That doesn't mean wrongs and atrocities havent occurred. Nor should they be dismissed. America is a great country but it can and should be better. Does that answer your question(s)?

In a way it does. I served too...11 bang bang 2000 - 2003 and then 2005 -2007 ( I got called back in thru the IRR for my second stint). The question implies that America is evil, which it isn't. Its impossible to look at history, especially American history, without context and perspective of human history and the evolution of societies. Conquest, slavery, etc wasn't invented in 1776. That was the way of the world and every culture and race had their hand in the pot. America and our constitution was revolutionary at that time. The seeds of the liberty we have today were planted and it took many years (and blood) to grow and change the world. Bad and heinous things have happened...but how did they stop? Just as slavery and Jim crow is Americas history so are over 600K Union casualties in the civil war fighting to end slavery and preserve the country, so are the people in the south that risked everything to help slaves escape thru the underground railroad and so are the people of all colors who faught for civil rights. You cant end evil without prevailing good. That's is Americas history too.
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