Raoul sorry to inform you but you have racist tendencies. All races do. There are whites that have pre conceived views of blacks, blacks that feel the same about whites, whites that have certain views of latins, blacks that feel the same, latins that feel certain views about blacks and whites, latins that hold certain views about other latins, people who have views about Jews and Muslims. I could go on. So lets stop this holier then thou nonsense already. It's utter nonsense. The real question is ; To what degree are these feelings? Are they so strong that you carry hate in your heart ? Feelings for people different then you is probably normal feelings but the small % of people that carry those feelings to the level of actually hating or wanting nothing to do with them or wishing harm, that's unacceptable. Tell me I'm wrong............Say it ain't so. Tell me how you love everyone and don't have stereotypes ingrained in your head. Anyone else?