By the same token do you know for a fact how many people were using the Kaperneick's kneeling during National Anthem as a
In your glory of anger you over looked the fact that I said he was one of the worst, not the worst. Kaepernick was not disgracing the Anthem because of what was happening in this country decades ago.....but what is happening in the present. If you think the oppression under Castro's regime is anywhere comparable to the level of oppression we currently have in this country.......well, I dont really need to continue other than to say good luck to you and hopefully you find peace in your life.
No not F*** the anthem, F*** you!!! Your just as bad as a red neck from Arkansas!! Your a lowlife!! And Castro by far was one of the worst brutal dictators of all time. Trying to play online Malcolm X ain't getting you shit!! The more you write the stupider you sound. Your shit is weak!Colin was not disgracing the Anthem but as I said earlier, keep your bullshyt narrative going to disguise your true agenda. Fck the Anthem! That shyt never represented black people. Black people were enslaved when that shyt was written so I could give a rats azz about it. And no, Castro wasn't one of the worst and not even close. The Miami Cuban back US embargo was largely to blame for much of the economic depression in Cuba.
No she's actually not!Actually Barr is a big Trump supporter. I brought Barr up because she is white and got tons of backlash in 1992 when she made fun of the Anthem while singing it. My point is that people arent hating on Kaepernack because of what caused him to was the manner in which he did it.
People who do charitable shit don't kill thousands and laugh when thousands die trying to flee him.People don't write shyt like this about ruthless dictators especially the worst of all time and ruthless dictators don't do charitable shyt world wide for years, fyi.
Which part? Where Castro is this great crusader of the people?It's truly baffling how little history some people know. Get off the internet and pick up a book.
She has to make up her she's actually not!
No doubt! I just remember I got stuck listening to her railing on Trump when I got stuck watching the View from dentist chair! Dentists are bad enough let alone they have the View on while your head getting drilledShe has to make up her
Maybe there is a valid point to the notion that not everyone wanted to flee Cuba. As a matter of fact I know two people that wanted to stay.....their names were Fidel and who do charitable shit don't kill thousands and laugh when thousands die trying to flee him.
Maybe there is a valid point to the notion that not everyone wanted to flee Cuba. As a matter of fact I know two people that wanted to stay.....their names were Fidel and
Show me where I've been racist! I have issues with the Muslim culture cutting off heads, killing people, raping etc. yet nobody who's called me a racist has been able to show or prove where I've been racist. So while most will try and play your game being scared of your online Malcom X game. And it's funny you slam white people yet call everyone else a racist! Your just as bad as a white redneck from Arkansas.I tell you what's a valid point, it's the fact that hypocrites like you stay quiet all the while that b*tch azz coward Ozona disparages every race of people except whites daily in the lounge. Then the minute I come on here to speak about the white power structure and racism, your coward azz and other other racist white dudes decide it's time to defend white supremacy. Then in typical racist fashion support the comments of that coward and racist mf because he agrees with you Castro point. None of you say shyt when he talks about Black people, Muslim people, Mexicans, etc. that's ok right?? You're a fckn hypocrite is what you are and fck the black white supremacist who makes racist post daily that you don't have a problem with.
Yeah that wasn't a good example of grammar however have you ever read your posts? You try to convey a gangsta and sound like an idiot. You've pulled a single mistake a make a post while you write slang nonstop? Lmfao your a clown!Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the word "stupider". Yes our beloved jackazz and canesport clown has once again blessed us with his supreme intelligence with the word "stupider" while simultaneously disparaging the intelligence of others. This, my friends, is what you call classic. Lmao! I don't usually harp on grammar but wtf??? Stupider??? You actually typed that shyt and it sounded O.k.??? I'm starting to think you're actually a 12 year old who stole your father CS passwords. Lol.
Move to Cuba it's so great!One Cuban historian gives a graphic description of the conditions faced by Black working people in pre-revolutionary Cuba:
“Blacks could not be tramway conductors, salesmen in department stores, . . . or employees of commercial and foreign (U.S.) enterprises. The found the doors closed to jobs as nurses, typesetters, hat makers, etc. Even in industries such as tobacco, the best paid jobs were closed to Blacks. For him, the only jobs – such as dockworkers – and the most menial positions such as bootblack, newspaper sales, . . . etc.”
However, the Black population was able to make some modest gains as a result of the nationalist revolution of 1933. The law that at least 50 percent of all jobs in commercial, industrial, service, and foreign-owned enterprises had to go to Cuban citizens. Black Cubans used this new law to create some cracks in the systematically-erected barrier of institutionalized job discrimination.
Repression of Blacks also extended itself to political representation. While Blacks and Mulattoes represented nearly 30 percent of the Cuban population in the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s, they occupied only 5 percent of the seats in the Cuban House of Representatives.
“Jim Crow” racism, enforced through unwritten laws, restricted Blacks to specific beaches, parks, “walk-throughs,” neighborhoods and schools. They were disproportionately represented at the bottom of the economic scale, had a higher illiteracy rate, and a higher rate of unemployment.
Blacks, Mulattoes and poor whites were effectively excluded from a decent education through underfunding of public schools and a proliferation of private schools that catered to the educational needs of the rich. In Havana, upper-class social clubs excluded Blacks as a matter of policy.
Like their counterparts in the United States, Cuban capitalists denied the existence of racism and discrimination and conveniently avoided every bringing up the subject. They would hypocritically point to the platitudes of rights and equality in the Cuban constitution, and call attention to individual Blacks who occupied official government and military positions. Meanwhile, a brutally repressive police apparatus was always standing by to make sure that the victims of racism were never permitted to organize protests against institutionalized inequality.
All this changed with the victory of the Cuban revolution in 1959.
One of the first symbolic acts that indicated a new day was coming in Cuba occurred one the first day Fidel Castro’s army entered Havana – tanks crushed the fences that had been erected on Havana’s hotelfront beaches to designate where Blacks couldn’t go.
Making racism illegal
In March 1959, only two months after the conquest of state power, Castro broke the conspiracy of silence on racism in Cuba by confronting it head on. In a speech given in Havana, Castro stated:
“One of the battles we must prioritize more and more everyday . . . is the battle to end racial discrimination at the workplace. . . . There are two types of racial discrimination: One is the discrimination in recreation centers and cultural centers; the other, which is the worst and the first one we must fight, is racial discrimination in jobs.”
But Castro didn’t stop there. His speech was aimed like a dagger at the old, racist structures of Cuba that had created two separate societies – one white, one Black. His first step was to abolish the old private school system and establish a well-funded public school system that was completely integrated.
“There is discrimination at recreation centers,” Castro said. “Why? Because Blacks and whites were educated apart. [But now] at the public grade school, Blacks and whites are together. At the public grade school, Blacks and whites learn to live together, like brothers. And if they are together at the public school, they are later together at the recreation centers and all places.”
Economic and social conditions for Blacks improved dramatically when the revolutionary government decreed the Agrarian Reform and Urban Reform Laws, which gave the land to small farmers, and lowered rents in the cities by 50 percent. Laws were enacted and enforced prohibition discrimination in jobs, schools, housing, and medical care. In Cuba, race prejudice would be a punishable offense.
A study by sociologist Maurice Zeitlin of industrial workers in Cuba in 1962 illustrates how quickly Black working people embraced the revolution. He found that 80 percent of Black industrial workers expressed enthusiastic support for the revolution versus 67 percent of white industrial workers.
Black workers, Zeitlin noted, frequently referred to the impact of the revolution on race relations in spite of the fact that no question was raised by the interviewer about this issue.
One outcome of the revolution has been the accelerated process of inter-marriage between the races. As Los Angeles Times writer Ingrid Peritz observed, “Cuba’s racial profile has turned several shades darker since 1959.”
Numerous inter-racial couples can be seen strolling the streets of Havana. Observers see this as the “most foolproof index [available] of a qualitative change in a society that in the past was based on a color-class system.”
The Cuban government has also essentially conducted a campaign to increase the number of Blacks, Mulattoes, and women in the mass organizations of the revolution.
In 1977, Blacks represented 36 percent of the membership of the National Assemblies, 400 percent increase over the level of Black and Mulattoe representation in state institutions before the revolution.
In 1986, as part of a “rectification” campaign to combat bureaucratic deformations, Castro launched an affirmative action campaign to increase the number of Blacks, Mulattoes and women on decision-making bodies in the Cuban Communist Party.
At a seminar of the London based Minority Rights Group, Black Cuban social researcher Lourdes Casal presented a balance sheet of what was accomplished in Cuba to end racism and discrimination.
“It can be unhesitatingly affirmed that racial discrimination has been solidly eradicated from Cuban society. Nobody is barred from access to jobs, education, social facilities of any kind, etc., for reasons of their skin color.
“The egalitarian and redistributive measures enacted by the revolutionary government have benefited Blacks as the most oppressed sector of the society in the pre-revolutionary social system.
“This does not imply that all forms of prejudice have been banned or that the consciousness of all the people has been thoroughly transformed. . . . The difference is that there is a tremendous cost in expressing such prejudicial opinions publicly.”
It should come as no surprise that Black Cubans are indeed the staunchest supporters of the Revolution. For them, the socialist revolution in Cuba represented a profound triumph for their democratic and economic rights. They won’t relinquish these conquests without a fight to the finish.
Replying to a question about what it would be like if the revolution was defeated, Andres Castillo told the L.A. Times, “It would be like it used to be. More discrimination, more hunger. Blacks would simply be worse off. And we don’t want to go backward.”
Blacks in the United States can certainly testify to what that would be like.
Race in Latin America doesn't have same tension as the US, did they have Slavery yes however it's not the same shitty way it dragged in the US. Not saying it's perfect down there however they don't have as many of our same problems/ issues.I know that's a lot for you to read and an impossibility for you to comprehend but read a couple of lines per day if you can.
Race in Latin America doesn't have same tension as the US, did they have Slavery yes however it's not the same shitty way it dragged in the US. Not saying it's perfect down there however they don't have as many of our same problems/ issues.I know that's a lot for you to read and an impossibility for you to comprehend but read a couple of lines per day if you can.
Honestly you posted some valid opinions from a single perspective. And I think you advocating for Castro is shallow. Castro brutalized and killed his own people. Again you'll find people that advocate for both sides. However facts are facts Castro was a brutal dictator!I see you're giving your famous 1 sentence answer in response to an array of facts. Lol. Is that your only response, Pee Wee Herman? That sounds like l know you are but what am I....
If you think I defend white supremacy thats on you. You're not going to get me riled up like the others because I know who I am and I dont look to you for judgment. Its also not my job to call out other people who you think are racist. You do a great job of that all by tell you what's a valid point, it's the fact that hypocrites like you stay quiet all the while that b*tch azz coward Ozona disparages every race of people except whites daily in the lounge. Then the minute I come on here to speak about the white power structure and racism, your coward azz and other other racist white dudes decide it's time to defend white supremacy. Then in typical racist fashion support the comments of that coward and racist mf because he agrees with you Castro point. None of you say shyt when he talks about Black people, Muslim people, Mexicans, etc. that's ok right?? You're a fckn hypocrite is what you are and fck the black white supremacist who makes racist post daily that you don't have a problem with.
Excellent pointsIf you think I defend white supremacy thats on you. You're not going to get me riled up like the others because I know who I am and I dont look to you for judgment. Its also not my job to call out other people who you think are racist. You do a great job of that all by
As for being a hypocrite, its kind of funny how you defend Castro to make your point that America is the king of oppression. Especially by spending time scouring the internet for pro-Castro articles. Is that your play here? While you're surfing the net dont forget to post the pro-Mussolini, pro-Hitler and pro-Stalin articles as well....because there are many.
You see, we do have some things in common.....I also can find articles.Pope grieving over a ruthless dictator????
If you think I defend white supremacy thats on you. You're not going to get me riled up like the others because I know who I am and I dont look to you for judgment. Its also not my job to call out other people who you think are racist. You do a great job of that all by
As for being a hypocrite, its kind of funny how you defend Castro to make your point that America is the king of oppression. Especially by spending time scouring the internet for pro-Castro articles. Is that your play here? While you're surfing the net dont forget to post the pro-Mussolini, pro-Hitler and pro-Stalin articles as well....because there are many.
You see, we do have some things in common.....I also can find articles.
You're placing a little too much importance on who you are to think that I am picking on you because I have some special interest towards I started this thread so maybe I have an interest for anything I think is relevant. As matter of fact I did address Zona earlier complimenting one of his posts because it didnt involve the name calling going back and forth between him and some others. Have I been a hypocrite at times on this board.....probably. But guess what......there is not one person here who hasnt been at a time. I am big enough to admit about you?Mf if it's not your job to call others out then why the fck did you pick the convenient time to come when I comment vs all the other disparaging shyt your b*tch azz buddy drops daily about other people/races. That mf spews every kind of stereo typical and hateful bullshyt he can about others nonstop but you pick my comments to respond to??? Why is that Mr. it's not my job to call out people? Why comment on my post then if "it's not your job"? Or is it only when you feel your interest getting shytted on. Mmmm, mighty peculiar, could it be you're a fckn hypocrite as I said. And yes, I posted positive articles that happen to be factual to prove my earlier comments that there are dissenting opinions as to who and what Castro was vs the one narrative of white Cubans in Miami. Nice try with the Hitler bullshyt to deflect. Not even in the same league nor discussion clown.
Welcome everyone to fake Gansgta writing 101 at CaneSport Communty college. Your profesor Azar is one bad man!! Lmfao! Again when you show me where I've been racist I'll shut up! Till then keep playing hard online!! But you said you owned a business. You talk to your dealer for product like that? You talk to your strawberries like that? Keeping it hard! And you don't know this MF in the least! I'll make your shit cry while talking human and speeding perfectly all while your fake ass will be begging for me to stop!! I'd call you a trick but I don't get down like that!!Mf if it's not your job to call others out then why the fck did you pick the convenient time to come when I comment vs all the other disparaging shyt your b*tch azz buddy drops daily about other people/races. That mf spews every kind of stereo typical and hateful bullshyt he can about others nonstop but you pick my comments to respond to??? Why is that Mr. it's not my job to call out people? Why comment on my post then if "it's not your job"? Or is it only when you feel your interest getting shytted on. Mmmm, mighty peculiar, could it be you're a fckn hypocrite as I said. And yes, I posted positive articles that happen to be factual to prove my earlier comments that there are dissenting opinions as to who and what Castro was vs the one narrative of white Cubans in Miami. Nice try with the Hitler bullshyt to deflect. Not even in the same league nor discussion clown.
Well, Krapernick turned his career from athletics into politics. He made that choice to politicize his job for himself and needs to live with it. The President is an elected official, a political official. Welcome to the world of politics.First, let me start off by saying that I did not agree with the manner in which Kaepernick protested. I am sure he knew there would be consequences because many people saw his disrespect towards the Anthem as the same as sh*tting where you're eating. I have also maintained an impartial stance on Trump......some things I like......some I dont. But to me, Trump's bragging a couple of days ago about how owners are not hiring Kaepernick because they're afraid of Trump was egregious since this will certainly instill more fear into the owners that may have been on the fence about taking Kaepernick. Trump basically implied during his speech that Kaepernick shouldnt be hired because he does not respect the flag.
Every fan base is made up of a sizable amount of strong Trump supporters who are influenced by everything Trump says and this will weigh on owners minds. There are many owners that wouldnt take Kaeprnick regardless of what Trump thinks and I am fine with that because I am sure Kaepernick knew there would be consequences for his actions. But for a sitting President to have influence over one athlete's career is over the top to say the least.
Welcome everyone to fake Gansgta writing 101 at CaneSport Communty college. Your profesor Azar is one bad man!! Lmfao! Again when you show me where I've been racist I'll shut up! Till then keep playing hard online!! But you said you owned a business. You talk to your dealer for product like that? You talk to your strawberries like that? Keeping it hard! And you don't know this MF in the least! I'll make your shit cry while talking human and speeding perfectly all while your fake ass will be begging for me to stop!! I'd call you a trick but I don't get down like that!!
It's even more ironic that youof all people with your fake Malcolm X lingo is attempting to discuss grammar with anyone! You want me to check my shit yet yours is impossible to comprehend? Yeah I'll keep that in mind the next time for you! And you are hard! FYI! Legit Chris Rock CB4 styleIt's pretty fckn comical that you would dare speak on grammar when virtually all of your post have grammatical errors. How bout you learn how to spell professor, dumbazz. Lol. Then maybe I'll listen your criticism about my grammar, NOT!!! I don't have to point out where you've been racist, basically everyone of your post are filled with negative stereotypes of every group of people except whites. In your many ignorant responses to my post you've used racist stereotypes about black people being lazy, wanting handouts, or eluding to black people having some inherent criminal propensity. You point yourself out daily, b*tch boy. Now carry on with suckin Trump's dck, you f*ggot mf!
You're placing a little too much importance on who you are to think that I am picking on you because I have some special interest towards I started this thread so maybe I have an interest for anything I think is relevant. As matter of fact I did address Zona earlier complimenting one of his posts because it didnt involve the name calling going back and forth between him and some others. Have I been a hypocrite at times on this board.....probably. But guess what......there is not one person here who hasnt been at a time. I am big enough to admit about you?
Here is the thing dude, I never agreed to take the responsibility to be an activist on this board. I will question who I want when I want. Was I wrong to assume that everybody here are grown ass men that can defend themselves without complaining about why others are not coming to their aid for their issues? I have seen many of your posts and they're filled with "fu*k you," fu*k this," "fu*k that," "fu*k anybody thats white." So look in the mirror, because the stuff you accuse everyone else of doing seems to be your calling card. They're your demons, not mine.
It's even more ironic that youof all people with your fake Malcolm X lingo is attempting to discuss grammar with anyone! You want me to check my shit yet yours is impossible to comprehend? Yeah I'll keep that in mind the next time for you! And you are hard! FYI! Legit Chris Rock CB4 style
You are a fukin idiot. Do you get my point after I use the word.I'm not placing importance on shyt. It's a fact that you claim that it's not your job to address people when it comes to these issues so my question was simple, why did you choose to come when I posted vs all the racist sh*t posted by Ozona? You cowards to the same shyt in every discussion, you avoid the points and constantly deflect or introduce irrelevant topics or comments. The point is, if you don't feel it's your place to do that then don't come when shyt gets thrown on your wall (i.e. your political interest). You see, it's typical for people to stand on the side line until shyt comes to their door. However, it makes you a hypocrite to say you don't get involved or it's not your duty to check people but somehow you found it compelling to address my post. Of course we've all been hypocritical about something in our lives but when it comes to serious matters of racial injustices, no I haven't. I stand on truth, fact and justice.
Now, regarding my use of the word fck, I do in fact use it to add emphasis to my comments. And as you can see, I enjoy it's use. However, you understood my comments and my points very well, I'm sure. If the profanity annoys you then I suggest you leave canesport because I see it used in posts all the time. When I speak of white people in reference to historical racism and white supremacy, I speak from a point of provable history and fact. The problem white America has is that the facts of it's history sounds like hate because it's a history filled with hate. The history of this country is no different than Hitler, Mussolini or any other ruthless dictator yet whites constantly attempt sanitize and justify all the sickness. It was just as murderous, torturous and horrific for black people yet they speak about "our forefathers" and other historical figures as if all the sick shyt involved in slavery was not happening. I say this to say that there's a difference between stereotypical rhetoric with nothing to support it vs real issues with supporting statistical data and based on historical facts. I presented you with many facts supporting my position that all people don't believe Castro to be a dictator and why. And facts about Cuba's history of racism which you never addressed. Whether you accept those facts are your issues. What you haven't proven is that Castro was a tyrant on the level of which you claim. So while you may not like the way in which I express myself in the excessive use of the word fck, it doesn't negate nor make any of those facts I drop before or after the word less truthful or relevant.
Ok brother Malcolm!! You have the worst grammar ever, and yet it's ok due to your "social" setting as you sell it!! Your a clownWould that be similar to your Buckwheat lingo above? IT'S YOU ARE, YOU DUMB MF, NOT YOU IS!!! Lmao.
I'll just make a few remarks, your a racist no better than some jerkoff white trash meth head from Kentucky. You want fairness and an even playing field yet rage over the past!! And no doubt you should be upset shit was a mess and wrong for a long time!! Yet there's zero you can do to control the past, to move on you got to look forward and let go of that or it's going to keep your mind so occupied by hate you'll not have enough space to grow. Control what you can control and let it play out. And honestly your in no position to throw the "you don't belong on CaneSport" at anyone. If you don't agree with the guy he needs to go? Yet you want dialogue with both sides? And the grammar or spelling don't phase me, however it don't play well and nobody will ever take you serious! You sound like a fake tough guy!! Your words are you bullets and your fake street talk are blanks!I'm not placing importance on shyt. It's a fact that you claim that it's not your job to address people when it comes to these issues so my question was simple, why did you choose to come when I posted vs all the racist sh*t posted by Ozona? You cowards to the same shyt in every discussion, you avoid the points and constantly deflect or introduce irrelevant topics or comments. The point is, if you don't feel it's your place to do that then don't come when shyt gets thrown on your wall (i.e. your political interest). You see, it's typical for people to stand on the side line until shyt comes to their door. However, it makes you a hypocrite to say you don't get involved or it's not your duty to check people but somehow you found it compelling to address my post. Of course we've all been hypocritical about something in our lives but when it comes to serious matters of racial injustices, no I haven't. I stand on truth, fact and justice.
Now, regarding my use of the word fck, I do in fact use it to add emphasis to my comments. And as you can see, I enjoy it's use. However, you have understood my comments and my points very well, I'm sure. If the profanity annoys you then I suggest you leave canesport because I see it used in posts all the time. When I speak of white people in reference to historical racism and white supremacy, I speak from a point of provable history and fact. The problem white America has is that the facts of it's history sounds like hate because it's a history filled with hate. The history of this country is no different than that of Hitler, Mussolini or any other ruthless dictator yet whites constantly attempt to sanitize and justify all the sickness. It was just as murderous, torturous and horrific for black people yet they speak about "our forefathers" and other historical figures as if all the sick shyt involved in slavery was not happening. I say this to say that there's a difference between stereotypical rhetoric with nothing to support it vs real issues with supporting statistical data and based on historical facts. I presented you with many facts supporting my position that all people don't believe Castro to be a dictator and why. And facts about Cuba's history of racism which you never addressed. Whether you accept those facts are your issues. What you haven't proven is that Castro was a tyrant on the level of which you claim. So while you may not like the way in which I express myself in the excessive use of the word fck, it doesn't negate nor make any of those facts I drop before or after the word less truthful or relevant.
So let me get this straight…….if I find and post articles that state that blacks are not oppressed or the issue of police brutality against blacks is a myth or overblown than am I showing you facts like you’re showing me facts with Castro articles? You know those articles are out there!! Are you trying to tell me that blacks in general are pissed by the treatment by whites because of some articles? GTFOH (You see, I used the word “fu*k). See where I am going with this? I have lived in Miami my whole life and have interacted with hundreds of Cubans who lived in Cuba on the issue of Castro and not one time has one have them said “gee, he is not that bad.” I don’t need a few articles to tell me what kind of person Castro was because I have better sources right here in Miami who have personal experiences they can draw from.I'm not placing importance on shyt. It's a fact that you claim that it's not your job to address people when it comes to these issues so my question was simple, why did you choose to come when I posted vs all the racist sh*t posted by Ozona? You cowards to the same shyt in every discussion, you avoid the points and constantly deflect or introduce irrelevant topics or comments. The point is, if you don't feel it's your place to do that then don't come when shyt gets thrown on your wall (i.e. your political interest). You see, it's typical for people to stand on the side line until shyt comes to their door. However, it makes you a hypocrite to say you don't get involved or it's not your duty to check people but somehow you found it compelling to address my post. Of course we've all been hypocritical about something in our lives but when it comes to serious matters of racial injustices, no I haven't. I stand on truth, fact and justice.
Now, regarding my use of the word fck, I do in fact use it to add emphasis to my comments. And as you can see, I enjoy it's use. However, you have understood my comments and my points very well, I'm sure. If the profanity annoys you then I suggest you leave canesport because I see it used in posts all the time. When I speak of white people in reference to historical racism and white supremacy, I speak from a point of provable history and fact. The problem white America has is that the facts of it's history sounds like hate because it's a history filled with hate. The history of this country is no different than that of Hitler, Mussolini or any other ruthless dictator yet whites constantly attempt to sanitize and justify all the sickness. It was just as murderous, torturous and horrific for black people yet they speak about "our forefathers" and other historical figures as if all the sick shyt involved in slavery was not happening. I say this to say that there's a difference between stereotypical rhetoric with nothing to support it vs real issues with supporting statistical data and based on historical facts. I presented you with many facts supporting my position that all people don't believe Castro to be a dictator and why. And facts about Cuba's history of racism which you never addressed. Whether you accept those facts are your issues. What you haven't proven is that Castro was a tyrant on the level of which you claim. So while you may not like the way in which I express myself in the excessive use of the word fck, it doesn't negate nor make any of those facts I drop before or after the word less truthful or relevant.
You are a fukin idiot. Do you get my point after I use the word.
Brother X your always calling people out yet you don't expect them to take a stand? You want everyone to lay down when you try your fake tough guy game. Brother X it don't work like dat(street hard core word I learned)Oh yeah, that hurt my feelings. Feel better fella?
So let me get this straight…….if I find and post articles that state that blacks are not oppressed or the issue of police brutality against blacks is a myth or overblown than am I showing you facts like you’re showing me facts with Castro articles? You know those articles are out there!! Are you trying to tell me that blacks in general are pissed by the treatment by whites because of some articles? GTFOH (You see, I used the word “fu*k). See where I am going with this? I have lived in Miami my whole life and have interacted with hundreds of Cubans who lived in Cuba on the issue of Castro and not one time has one have them said “gee, he is not that bad.” I don’t need a few articles to tell me what kind of person Castro was because I have better sources right here in Miami who have personal experiences they can draw from.
Speaking of cowards, since you live in Miami and are unwilling to address what kind tyrant Castro was just to defend Kaeperneck reeks of cowardice…….and that’s the fu*kin truth. (Damn, I just used fu*k again….I’m on fire).
Lastly, I am not sure why you can’t get it through your head that I don’t need, to call out people you want me to call out to satisfy your issues because it certainly doesn’t make my suggestions about what I see from you any less truthful.