Colin Kaepernick and Trump

What sort of video/information satifies your demand? I thought current info didn't demonstrate a history of this violence and you were looking for older archival video? Or are you seeking video from the 70's and 80's? Which decades are you looking for?

Or can we just acknowledge that there has been a relentless continuum of these issues and its not something new or old, but simply "is".

Such conceptual thinking is well beyond his feeble mind. If you could maybe find a way to express it in a nursery rhyme, you may have a chance at getting the point across to him.
I can concede the controversy. I think you are correct in a literal sense. Then I ask you. By definition, what form of protest would not be controversial. Controversy is implicit in protest isn't it? Protest must take a form of antagonism to some structural norm; its the essence of protest. Ghandi's peaceful protest was among the most controversial protests in colonial history (and successful) as was Tutu's and MLK. How was Kaep's silent protest demonstrably or substantively different?

On the scale of American protests where does it rank. Is there any controversy that it was peaceful? Did he attempt to demonstrate respect by modifying the protest after taking counsel of a vet?

I can concede that it was controversial in fact; but the connotation of controversy was expanded beyond its literal meaning and its those implied meanings I differ with.

You asked an honest question and I'll answer it honestly. I don't think Kaep was particulary informed about Castro. I do not think we hold ignorance to the same standard as malice. The author in your article implied that their was an intent and malice that I don't believe was ever present.

What you may or may or may not be aware of was that image had made a sort of resurgence in the black community.

Couple of dates that may inform:
“Fidel and Malcom X: Memories of a Meeting” published in paperback may of 2013


the book was published in spanish on 2016.03.16




A few months later Kaep is seen wearing the shirt, says he wore it for X and the rest is documented in both links we posted.

"ellu, are you saying that Kaepernick's words and tone do not show that he was trying to escape the accusation of hypocricy from the Herald reporter by pointing out what he thought were good things by Castro?"

No more so than our current President was by equating American Patriots with Russian murderers. It was an ill fitted false equivalency born of ignorance but not malice. However, the fact of mass incarceration remains.

(post script - The following is rhetorical and in no way is directed to you, but is a demonstration of the rhetorical device used by Armando.)

"I will close by saying that if someone in America is upset by the way they are being treated because of race...they have the option to leave. "

Unpack your statement. Unpack it the way that Armando unpacked the shirt. Ignore your stated intent in the statement (juxtaposition of inequality of Cuba and America) and focus on a singular side of the statement's union. Are you saying that if black's don't like racism they can leave? Are we to revisit the Liberian experiment (if unfamiliar google Liberia and it's history). Are you a Marcus Garvey enthusiast? Are you saying that we should follow the path of Abraham Lincoln and start a colony in Central America to deport blacks, the basic implication being that white and black can never coexist.

Are you implying that this unique set of completely homogenized folks should abrogate that forced history in lieu of fighting the wrongness from which it was born?

See what rhetoric can come from ignoring both sides of an argument to advance one?

During F Castro's reign I am sure you knew the consequences of leaving.....suffice to didnt mirror America's policy

There are 1.5 million Cubans in exile. 1.5 million that were able to leave; thats an aggregate figure. There are currently 750,000 black men in prison. They can't leave. That choice you offer does not exist. The 13th amendment does not apply to them. The aggregate number of blacks in the carceral state is exponential of 750k.

Its not close.

My ultimate point is the reaction to the protest is not a reaction on substance but is a reaction to either the form or awareness.

The t-shirt was rhetoric, rhetoric born of privilege by some, ignorance by the wearer and ignorance of those who were angered by the wearer's ignorance.

I do thank you for civil discourse, its absent often. We can disagree without being disagreeable (though that can be fun too).
Ellu, its controversial because the form of protest is rarely if ever done and many, many people in this country see the Anthem and the Flag as being sacred. Do you remember what happened to Rosanne Barr many years ago when she purposely butchered the Anthem at a baseball game? I was reading an interesting article on the other day where the author talks about how many years ago the NFL decided to inject more acts of patriotism into the NFL brand which according to many in the league had a tremendous impact on helping the NFL grow in popularity.

Let’s take an extreme example like flag burning. If for years burning the flag as a sign of protest was as common as marching with signs in the street for any cause then the action of flag burning probably wouldn’t be considered controversial anymore. Generally controversial acts are acts of rarity.

As for Kaeperick being misinformed I am not really buying that. Many people consider the guy a smart dude and if he is familiar with Cuba’s literacy rate then I am sure he was familiar with the tyranny under Castro. My bet is that he was just being stubborn and by being stubborn he was being hypocrite imo.

As for the references to Trump regarding his statements, I do not agree with everything he does and says. I am just not ready to head for the hills yet because he has only been in office for two months. As a matter of fact I am the one who started this thread by calling Trump out because his words about Kaepernick may have been the nail in Kap’s coffin.

As for civil discourse, it depends on what day of the week you catch me
What sort of video/information satifies your demand? I thought current info didn't demonstrate a history of this violence and you were looking for older archival video? Or are you seeking video from the 70's and 80's? Which decades are you looking for?

Or can we just acknowledge that there has been a relentless continuum of these issues and its not something new or old, but simply "is".
It's been acknowledged by everyone!! You act as this terrible history is today and live!! I'm looking for current video because unless the past is learned from nobody ever will move in and we will have this same problem over hand over. And why don't you read all the posts and not cherry pick one question I asked!!
Such conceptual thinking is well beyond his feeble mind. If you could maybe find a way to express it in a nursery rhyme, you may have a chance at getting the point across to him.
Yeah my mind is feeble for thinking you could learn from history and come up with ideas to nice on!! You so stuck in "kill whitey" you can't come up with solutions to the problem. Azar while I don't agree with anythung you say and I shouldn't do this because your so thick headed I'll regret giving you this advice however here goes: you expect everyone to bow down to you while you are throwing hate in their face? You want what? Your ideas to fix the problems are what? What advice would you give a young kid? To hate? Or to keep the past in mind and judge everyone on face value? Because while you want everyone to be judged as an individual you've grouped every other class! You come across as a total lowlife pants dragging fool who will play the blame game till they grow old enough to either die filled with hate or grow up and realize it was all a waste of time!
Ellu, its controversial because the form of protest is rarely if ever done and many, many people in this country see the Anthem and the Flag as being sacred. Do you remember what happened to Rosanne Barr many years ago when she purposely butchered the Anthem at a baseball game? I was reading an interesting article on the other day where the author talks about how many years ago the NFL decided to inject more acts of patriotism into the NFL brand which according to many in the league had a tremendous impact on helping the NFL grow in popularity.

Let’s take an extreme example like flag burning. If for years burning the flag as a sign of protest was as common as marching with signs in the street for any cause then the action of flag burning probably wouldn’t be considered controversial anymore. Generally controversial acts are acts of rarity.

As for Kaeperick being misinformed I am not really buying that. Many people consider the guy a smart dude and if he is familiar with Cuba’s literacy rate then I am sure he was familiar with the tyranny under Castro. My bet is that he was just being stubborn and by being stubborn he was being hypocrite imo.

As for the references to Trump regarding his statements, I do not agree with everything he does and says. I am just not ready to head for the hills yet because he has only been in office for two months. As a matter of fact I am the one who started this thread by calling Trump out because his words about Kaepernick may have been the nail in Kap’s coffin.

As for civil discourse, it depends on what day of the week you catch me

Hopefully this is another good day lol.

Roseanne Barr (argument could be made that it was satire) did things that were actively disrespectful. We can both agree that intentionally changing the melody to the song and tossing the flag interferes with other's who are singing the anthem. Kaep took a knee, silently, impacting no one who chose not to be impacted. Its a false equivalency and at a minimum, magnitudes of degrees apart.

I offered and I'm still offering the question, how could he have used his platform to bring light to his concerns that would have received a wider audience? I think its fair to say his minimalist approach had the widest impact that we could imagine. His jersey did go to number 1 in sales (a simple metric).

I think many are misinformed about Cuba, the great number of Americans have zero clue nor care. I linked you no less than 4 articles that were all prior to the Kaep shirt interview. Did you read any of them? If you did, can you at least see how these articles could have informed his thinking process? His comments mirror what was in them.

Did you yourself understand how big a story in the 60's and early 2016's that visit was to Black America?

I think its entirely reasonable to say that was the genesis of his opinion. You don't have to believe it; but it is compelling.

I only offered Trump as an analogy. It follows identical logic to the Kaep equivalency of US division of families with Cuba's.

It is always good to step out of echo chambers. When you only ingest and hear things that reinforce your opinion then you don't grow, to that end, thanks for engaging.
It's been acknowledged by everyone!! You act as this terrible history is today and live!! I'm looking for current video because unless the past is learned from nobody ever will move in and we will have this same problem over hand over. And why don't you read all the posts and not cherry pick one question I asked!!

Honestly? b/c it was the post directly before an after mine. So I was going to answer and provide what you were looking for. I wasn't interested in the obvious so i didn't go looking through topics, it was proximate, narrowly defined, and easily resolved; that's the honest answer as to why.

You are looking for current video of oppression? The Justice department released three reports I can link to if you wish. A google or youtube search and can provide you any number of videos from the last several years. Their are a myriad of academic articles with supportive sources.

If your question is intellectually honest I'd be more than happy to help.

The biggest truth is what you said; "unless the past is learned" . . . "we will have this same problem over and over". Those two quotes are the biggest truth, we would differ on moving on, but you nailed it with those two.
Yeah my mind is feeble for thinking you could learn from history and come up with ideas to nice on!! You so stuck in "kill whitey" you can't come up with solutions to the problem. Azar while I don't agree with anythung you say and I shouldn't do this because your so thick headed I'll regret giving you this advice however here goes: you expect everyone to bow down to you while you are throwing hate in their face? You want what? Your ideas to fix the problems are what? What advice would you give a young kid? To hate? Or to keep the past in mind and judge everyone on face value? Because while you want everyone to be judged as an individual you've grouped every other class! You come across as a total lowlife pants dragging fool who will play the blame game till they grow old enough to either die filled with hate or grow up and realize it was all a waste of time!

That kind of language causes the reader to discount other more salient thoughts, it speaks to motive bias and dog whistles. Unless you've met Azar, and know his pants to drag, you are intentionally calling forth a certain stereotype which belies your otherwise great point of "judging everyone on face value".
That kind of language causes the reader to discount other more salient thoughts, it speaks to motive bias and dog whistles. Unless you've met Azar, and know his pants to drag, you are intentionally calling forth a certain stereotype which belies your otherwise great point of "judging everyone on face value".
Have you read his posts????? The verbiage spells it out! You want to talk about saliency yet his are straight textbook ignorance!
ellu, controversial does not equate to being wrong. But to answer your question, yes, what Kaepernick did was controversial and I am sure he knew it would be from day 1.

Also, are you saying that Kaepernick's words and tone do not show that he was trying to escape the accusation of hypocricy levied by the Herald reporter by pointing out what he thought were good things by Castro?

Here is the article which I completely agree with, but there is a lot more stuff the reporter left out.

I will close by saying that if someone in America is upset by the way they are being treated because of race...they have the option to leave. During F Castro's reign I am sure you knew the consequences of leaving.....suffice to didnt mirror America's policy.

The above highlighted statement pretty much sums up what I spoke of earlier regarding the Cuban elitist and their adoption/internalization of white supremacist ideology. It's a fact that they practiced a system similar to apartheid in South Africa against the Black Cuban population prior to Castro. The author of the story focuses on the trials and tribulation of Cuban people as it relates to Castro. However as most Cubans tend to do in my experience, the author shows total disrespect and disregard for the plight of those who paved the way for Cubans to enjoy freedom in this country. Not one time did he speak in any detail about the basis of Colin's protest and totally disregards it as the majority of the white media has done. It's a helluva thing to accuse one of being a hypocrite while showing hypocrisy in the exact same article. As I said, the statement above is a text book display of white supremacist ideology, since we can no longer capitalize and exploit your free labor you're now a burden. Never mind the fact that this country's entire economic structure and success was built on the murder, torture, and exploitation of Black people. Never mind the fact that absolutely nothing of significance in the way of change or correction has ever been done to rectify or atone for these horrible crimes perpetrated. Nothing, not one restitution program, not one government or state training programs, not one educational program to address the racist culture, conditioning and ideologies that existed towards Black people. Never mind the fact that statics show that systemic racist persists in every social, economic, political, educational, and legal structure. Forget all that, it simply boils down to if you don't like injustice and shyt skewed in our favor leave. In addition what's systemically done is the attempt to "sweep it all under the rug" and deny existence of racism on every level. Let's remove as much of the historical accounts as is possible from history books and never tell the real story or the gruesome details of what really happened during the slave era (i.e. breeding farms, constant rape and molestation of not just the women but little girls and boys also, using black babies as alligator bait, mass hangings that were town events, and a host of horrific shyt not spoken about in addition to slavery). Ironic how Cubans will speak with so much passion and conviction yet eagerly join in the get over rhetoric and the oppression when it comes to Black. What's more ironic, is that someone would arrogantly speak about land stolen from the natives as they have indigenous ties to it. And lastly my question would be, doesn't it take more courage to stay and fight vs fleeing or "leaving"? Ijs.
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Have you read his posts????? The verbiage spells it out! You want to talk about saliency yet his are straight textbook ignorance!

You know that I conceded to only have read the posts adjacent to mine, if you missed that then I'll repeat, I responded to you b/c you were adjacent to me. Additionally, your post could be addressed in brevity.

I'm not into the tit for tat thing. I keep a level head, even tone and discuss. That's all.
Honestly? b/c it was the post directly before an after mine. So I was going to answer and provide what you were looking for. I wasn't interested in the obvious so i didn't go looking through topics, it was proximate, narrowly defined, and easily resolved; that's the honest answer as to why.

You are looking for current video of oppression? The Justice department released three reports I can link to if you wish. A google or youtube search and can provide you any number of videos from the last several years. Their are a myriad of academic articles with supportive sources.

If your question is intellectually honest I'd be more than happy to help.

The biggest truth is what you said; "unless the past is learned" . . . "we will have this same problem over and over". Those two quotes are the biggest truth, we would differ on moving on, but you nailed it with those two.
No my point was what I said it was! You posted videos of decades ago! There's more than enough on both sides which are current to make a point!!
You know that I conceded to only have read the posts adjacent to mine, if you missed that then I'll repeat, I responded to you b/c you were adjacent to me. Additionally, your post could be addressed in brevity.

I'm not into the tit for tat thing. I keep a level head, even tone and discuss. That's all.
no i didn't know that! That's a tough one to have known! I get why and where your coming from!
The above highlighted statement pretty much sums up what I spoke of earlier regarding the Cuban elitist and their adoption/internalization of white supremacist ideology. It's a fact that they practiced a system similar to apartheid in South Africa against the Black Cuban population prior to Castro. The author of the story focuses on the trials and tribulation of Cuban people as it relates to Castro. However as most Cubans tend to do in my experience, the author shows total disrespect and disregard for the plight of those who paved the way for Cubans to enjoy freedom in this country. Not one time did he speak in any detail about the basis of Colin's protest and totally disregards it as the majority of the white media has done. It's a helluva thing to accuse one of being a hypocrite while showing hypocrisy in the exact same article. As I said, the statement above is a text book display of white supremacist ideology, since we can no longer capitalize and exploit your free labor you're now a burden. Never mind the fact that this country's entire economic structure and success was built on the murder, torture, and exploitation of Black people. Never mind the fact that absolutely nothing of significance in the way of change or correction has ever been done to rectify or atone for these horrible crimes perpetrated. Nothing, not one restitution program, not one government or state training programs, not one educational program to address the racist culture, conditioning and ideologies that existed towards Black people. Never mind the fact that statics show that systemic racist persists in every social, economic, political, educational, and legal structure. Forget all that, it simply boils down to if you don't like injustice and shyt skewed in our favor leave. In addition what's systemically done is the attempt to "sweep it all under the rug" and deny existence of racism on every level. Let's remove as much of the historical accounts as is possible from history books and never tell the real story or the gruesome details of what really happened during the slave era (i.e. breeding farms, constant rape and molestation of not just the women but little girls and boys also, using black babies as alligator bait, mass hangings that were town events, and a host of horrific shyt not spoken about in addition to slavery). Ironic how Cubans will speak with so much passion and conviction yet eagerly join in the get over rhetoric and the oppression when it comes to Black. What's more ironic, is that someone would arrogantly speak about land stolen from the natives as they have indigenous ties to it. And lastly my question would be, doesn't it take more courage to stay and fight vs fleeing or "leaving"? Ijs.
Were you not advocating for Castro and this black utopia Cuba last week? Now you see the truth and flip your warped reality? And to question the courage of Cubans that didn't stay and fight? Starving a great motivator for fleeing! And what have you done for the cause besides bitch online? Don't sit here and preach courage when it's obvious you couldn't organize a post let alone a rally!
Azar of all the crimes that America has done to its black folks, I think the homogenization is the worst. We no longer have religions, cultures, languages, customs rooted in anything other than what the oppressors crafted via their oppression. The smallest vestigial remnant is ridiculed, lampooned or appropriated (AAVE, Roots/Hoodoo, signifyin') and the adoption of the homogenized version of Blackness applauded and or elevated.

You can overcome rape, murder, theft of resources and income disparity. Building a culture on customs derived out of oppression's necessity's is a great deal more challenging, most of all when some don't even acknowledge the absolute barbarism of homogeneous imposition.
Honestly? b/c it was the post directly before an after mine. So I was going to answer and provide what you were looking for. I wasn't interested in the obvious so i didn't go looking through topics, it was proximate, narrowly defined, and easily resolved; that's the honest answer as to why.

You are looking for current video of oppression? The Justice department released three reports I can link to if you wish. A google or youtube search and can provide you any number of videos from the last several years. Their are a myriad of academic articles with supportive sources.

If your question is intellectually honest I'd be more than happy to help.

The biggest truth is what you said; "unless the past is learned" . . . "we will have this same problem over and over". Those two quotes are the biggest truth, we would differ on moving on, but you nailed it with those two.

this is where I said it was adjacent.
Azar of all the crimes that America has done to its black folks, I think the homogenization is the worst. We no longer have religions, cultures, languages, customs rooted in anything other than what the oppressors crafted via their oppression. The smallest vestigial remnant is ridiculed, lampooned or appropriated (AAVE, Roots/Hoodoo, signifyin') and the adoption of the homogenized version of Blackness applauded and or elevated.

You can overcome rape, murder, theft of resources and income disparity. Building a culture on customs derived out of oppression's necessity's is a great deal more challenging, most of all when some don't even acknowledge the absolute barbarism of homogeneous imposition.
Seriously? You'd rather retain the culture left behind in Africa????
The above highlighted statement pretty much sums up what I spoke of earlier regarding the Cuban elitist and their adoption/internalization of white supremacist ideology. It's a fact that they practiced a system similar to apartheid in South Africa against the Black Cuban population prior to Castro. The author of the story focuses on the trials and tribulation of Cuban people as it relates to Castro. However as most Cubans tend to do in my experience, the author shows total disrespect and disregard for the plight of those who paved the way for Cubans to enjoy freedom in this country. Not one time did he speak in any detail about the basis of Colin's protest and totally disregards it as the majority of the white media has done. It's a helluva thing to accuse one of being a hypocrite while showing hypocrisy in the exact same article. As I said, the statement above is a text book display of white supremacist ideology, since we can no longer capitalize and exploit your free labor you're now a burden. Never mind the fact that this country's entire economic structure and success was built on the murder, torture, and exploitation of Black people. Never mind the fact that absolutely nothing of significance in the way of change or correction has ever been done to rectify or atone for these horrible crimes perpetrated. Nothing, not one restitution program, not one government or state training programs, not one educational program to address the racist culture, conditioning and ideologies that existed towards Black people. Never mind the fact that statics show that systemic racist persists in every social, economic, political, educational, and legal structure. Forget all that, it simply boils down to if you don't like injustice and shyt skewed in our favor leave. In addition what's systemically done is the attempt to "sweep it all under the rug" and deny existence of racism on every level. Let's remove as much of the historical accounts as is possible from history books and never tell the real story or the gruesome details of what really happened during the slave era (i.e. breeding farms, constant rape and molestation of not just the women but little girls and boys also, using black babies as alligator bait, mass hangings that were town events, and a host of horrific shyt not spoken about in addition to slavery). Ironic how Cubans will speak with so much passion and conviction yet eagerly join in the get over rhetoric and the oppression when it comes to Black. What's more ironic, is that someone would arrogantly speak about land stolen from the natives as they have indigenous ties to it. And lastly my question would be, doesn't it take more courage to stay and fight vs fleeing or "leaving"? Ijs.
Big difference between staying home and fighting via protests as opposed to staying home and fighting a decent trained army with shoot to kill orders.
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Seriously? You'd rather retain the culture left behind in Africa????

Not what I was saying. My point was the culture we have developed is purely and solely based in the oppression and suffering of literal centuries. The devaluation of our humanity and the homogenization of collective cultures.

Have you ever given thought to that?

The Holocaust is often pointed too as one of the greatest attempts at erasure. With regard to the Roma people, it was nearly complete. But Roma ways survive.

Any vestige of my ways are mocked, borrowed or disavowed. And even those remnants are often homogenized or reconciled.

Native Americans suffer the daily knowledge of theft, of a current President who praises the man most responsible for intentional infliction of suffering; perhap's the greatest thief.

Yet they know they are Creek, Blackfoot, Comanche. Some choose to learn the language of Choctaw, Pueblo or Cherokee. They have customs and beliefs that they can anchor themselves with or toss aside.

Ours is culture born of beatings, whippings, flesh stripped from backs. Of chattel; where ownership determined the severity of suffering. Familial bonds were unrecognized.
Your being was for labor. Your value your production. Your personage commoditized.

And from this a people were extracted.

So when you ask that question, it makes me wonder if you've pondered the reality of not being able to ascertain who your great grandparents were, not b/c your family didn't keep records, but b/c they were not human, mere sums of the work they could produce; and their trade was only recorded to the extent that value could be extracted from them.

I love the culture I have. But I also am fully aware its born of blood, suffering, pain and is mocked duly b/c of it.
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Not what I was saying. My point was the culture we have developed is purely and solely based in the oppression and suffering of literal centuries. The devaluation of our humanity and the homogenization of collective cultures.

Have you ever given thought to that?

The Holocaust is often pointed too as one of the greatest attempts at erasure. With regard to the Roma people, it was nearly complete. But Roma ways survive.

Any vestige of my ways are mocked, borrowed or disavowed. And even those remnants are often homogenized or reconciled.

Native Americans suffer the daily knowledge of theft, of a current President who praises the man most responsible for intentional infliction of suffering; perhap's the greatest thief.

Yet they know they are Creek, Blackfoot, Comanche. Some choose to learn the language of Choctaw, Pueblo or Cherokee. They have customs and beliefs that they can anchor themselves with or toss aside.

Ours is culture born of beatings, whippings, flesh stripped from backs. Of chattel; where ownership determined the severity of suffering. Familial bonds were unrecognized.
Your being was for labor. Your value your production. Your personage commoditized.

And from this a people were extracted.

So when you ask that question, it makes me wonder if you've pondered the reality of not being able to ascertain who your great grandparents were, not b/c your family didn't keep records, but b/c they were not human, mere sums of the work they could produce; and their trade was only recorded to the extent that value could be extracted from them.

I love the culture I have. But I also am fully aware its born of blood, suffering, pain and is mocked duly b/c of it.
I'll buy the fact the culture was devalued and lost its identity, however like any race, religion or creed they evolve and grow. The adaptation of man and living is one of our greatest abilities. Yes the Holocaust goal was not only to not only eradicate a culture but a people. The Jews have willed thru and also tragically were slaves for thousands of years yet now thrive!! Maybe no culture on earth has more to show for their efforts. Indians while did lose their land and culture to Europoeans however now are getting the greatest revenge of all time! Taking the white mans money at Casinos(joking) who is Trump praising daily? And I'd disagree the culture was born of "bearings and whippings" that was an event of epiclly horific proportion. However like the Jewish culture references above some have decided not to allow the events of the past become what they will be. While again I think it needs to be used as a school and itivatir however to allow it to determine an outcome for an entire race? I understand the lack of self identity causes a void, yet it's not something one can control therefore I try and focus on what I can control and not dwell on what happened in the past. While I do recognize these shitty facts I just can't allow the uncontrollable control my future.
I respect your engagement Ozuna. Your mistaken on a few things tho. It wasn't rhetoric it was just historical explanation.

First, slavery in the USA and in most of the America's was/is historically unique.

The Jewish comparison isn't an accurate or even applicable one. Other slavery in Africa, Europe, Asia, none reflect what happened in the America's.

The fact that you can identify Jews and Native Americans highlights my point. Those are distinct people's whose culture and ethnic identity remain in tact. Jews were enslaved and remain Jews. Cherokee's were displaced and remain Cherokee.

Slaves came from a number of people. They were nations, spread out over an area larger than the North America's

Mongo, Kongo, Burundi, Yoruba, Benin, Togo, Hausa, Mande and Fula.

They spoke Benue-Congo, Bambara, Wolof, Mande, Ashanti and Fante

Most think of Africa as a uniform small continent. Its the largest land mass in the world.

Those were multiple nations of people spread well beyond what the Natives of this continent were spread on.

I say this to say that you mention Jews as if Black Americans are tantamount to Jews. No for Jews to be similar you would have to blend them with Palenstinians, Syrians, Turks, Persians and Arabs till you had one new group.

That group would have to speak the language that you dictated they speak and any remnant of that language mocked.

That group could not know any of the traditions of the past nor could their be a culture that they maintain other than that they were told/taught and was reinforced for a century after captivity.

That group would need to be identifiable by distinct phenotype and anyone with those phenotypes; to whatever degree, marginalized.

The fact that you did not realize that Jews survived their thousands of years of slavery with culture intact either means you don't understand the difference between those forms of slavery or recognize that all of the aforementioned cultures were as distinct and persistent as Jews were.

And yes, the whip created this culture. If you spoke your tongue you were whipped; to be honest, whipped was the lucky result, frequent offenders had tongues removed, some were subjected to amputation and many were killed.

Its not overly dramatic to say that this culture was born from the whip. Your wife, your child and your parents were not yours. The whip reinforced this. Not for four years. Not for forty years. Try 300 years in some cases and 100 years in most. Centuries of generations where (unlike Jews) no traditions or identity was allowed to be carried forward. No history recalled. No past.

Just one homogeneous creation, born of blood and whips.

Thats the starting point, its ugly its true but its so.
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Map of Africa to scale.

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Reactions: Azar
Comparing one atrocity to another is always a tough unfair comparison. And your correct the Jewish example lasted hundreds of years and they kept their cloture intact and have thrived! While Jewish culture is intact I agree, however above previously you stated Indians had lost theirs? While I don't know any I'm sure they have pieces of their way of life however I'm sure the way they live now isn't what their elders would consider "native"! While many may think of Africa as one uniform culture I certainly do not. The Jewish analogy I utilized to show that another group was also enslaved and has not only become successful but one would argue the most successful, and I don't understand your argument they would blend into the Arabs Turks and Persians? It's a different culture, language etc!! Totally different! That example is untrue similar to the people that think Africa is one big tribe as you noted many do. And the fact that you say I don't understand the fact that Jews were slaves and have become successful in keeping their culture together is confusing. First of all I utilized the Jews for the exact reason you mentioned so what do you think I don't understand? You proved my understanding with your comments. It also proved the most successful group on the planet had been enslaved. Ok I'll use the Jews again, Jews were whipped and still kept their traditions, language and culture!! And again this gets back to my point the Jews have got over their history, have learned from it and have flourished!
Comparing one atrocity to another is always a tough unfair comparison. And your correct the Jewish example lasted hundreds of years and they kept their cloture intact and have thrived! While Jewish culture is intact I agree, however above previously you stated Indians had lost theirs? While I don't know any I'm sure they have pieces of their way of life however I'm sure the way they live now isn't what their elders would consider "native"! While many may think of Africa as one uniform culture I certainly do not. The Jewish analogy I utilized to show that another group was also enslaved and has not only become successful but one would argue the most successful, and I don't understand your argument they would blend into the Arabs Turks and Persians? It's a different culture, language etc!! Totally different! That example is untrue similar to the people that think Africa is one big tribe as you noted many do. And the fact that you say I don't understand the fact that Jews were slaves and have become successful in keeping their culture together is confusing. First of all I utilized the Jews for the exact reason you mentioned so what do you think I don't understand? You proved my understanding with your comments. It also proved the most successful group on the planet had been enslaved. Ok I'll use the Jews again, Jews were whipped and still kept their traditions, language and culture!! And again this gets back to my point the Jews have got over their history, have learned from it and have flourished!

Comparing one atrocity to another is always a tough unfair comparison. And your correct the Jewish example lasted hundreds of years and they kept their cloture intact and have thrived! While Jewish culture is intact I agree, however above previously you stated Indians had lost theirs?
I said Natives lost their lands; though many were stripped of their cultures the language and culture persists.

While I don't know any I'm sure they have pieces of their way of life however I'm sure the way they live now isn't what their elders would consider "native"!
Agreed; especially considering the theft of land and resources by the US.

While many may think of Africa as one uniform culture I certainly do not.
Lets come back to this.

The Jewish analogy I utilized to show that another group was also enslaved and has not only become successful but one would argue the most successful, and I don't understand your argument they would blend into the Arabs Turks and Persians.

and we are back. Blacks in America, before they were enslaved, were as diverse a group of people as the Semetics (Palenstinians/Jordanians/Jews), Arabs, Turks and Persians. You would need to combine all of those independent cultures to create some new thing that you called "Jew" or whatever you wanted to call it. The Jewish people are the same as they were prior to slavery in custom, language and religion not b/c they persisted but b/c the form of slavery to which they and historically took place, permitted the retainer of those customs and religions.

Did you not see me list the myriad of peoples above? All of those peoples are as distinct as Jews, Arabs and Turks. But through slavery they became a single group. A group with nothing but remnants of the multi-verse of cultures. Remnants that were as often ridiculed as destroyed.

Are you now clear?

you say you don't see African as a monolith; then ask yourself where are the cultural derivations in the descendants here? What you'll find is a difference between Brazil and US akin to Ashkanzi and Sephardic. Probably closer to Sephardic and Mizrahi.

The fact that you did not identify the corollary between Mongo, Kongo, Burundi, Yoruba, Benin, Togo, Hausa, Mande and Fula = Black and Jews, Palenstinians, Syrians, Turks, Persians and Arab = "Jewsx" means that you either don't understand the distinct difference in culture, custom, language, ethnicity and heritage that slaves had and that those listed above still have.

It's a different culture, language etc!! Totally different! That example is untrue similar to the people that think Africa is one big tribe as you noted many do.
That is entirely the point. Those were multiple cultures of very different languages and people. Those cultural and ethnic distinctions were erased in slavery by law, rape and violence. Blacks in America are a homogenous group created by that violence. We did not come into being distinct. Each of those nations was as different if not more so, than Jews and Arabs. I hope this ads some clarity.

And the fact that you say I don't understand the fact that Jews were slaves and have become successful in keeping their culture together is confusing.
I think we covered this. Forms of slavery differ. The one in the Americas is unique in that it forbade any transfer of customs, language, practice. It literally wholesale erased cultures. It raped out religions and it beat out the remnants of both. Jews were allowed to worship their gods, just like enslaved Africans, Basques, Estonians and Hmong were on various continents. Again, that's what makes what happened in the Americas historically significant and unique.

First of all I utilized the Jews for the exact reason you mentioned so what do you think I don't understand?
Are you clearer now on the origins of Blacks in the Americas and how by definition that is quite distinct from any group that transcends millenia?

You proved my understanding with your comments.
I did?

It also proved the most successful group on the planet had been enslaved.
This is dangerous ideology. First, its based in nothing like fact. Second it sounds like something from the Protocol of the Elders; it plays into historical tropes and stereotypes that on surface seem flattering but at their root are pernicious and have lead to more than one pogrom. You can inform yourself about that. Third its immaterial to the discussion which was born from my factual statement with regard to the historical facts of how Blacks in the Americas came to be.

Ok I'll use the Jews again, Jews were whipped and still kept their traditions, language and culture!!
This implies (yet again) that Jews were permitted to keep their culture. Which was actually true. Now had Jews had their language taken, were raped by their captors frequently (this actually did happen which is why the matriarchal line is paramount) but were stripped of their religion, customs and traditions and simultaneously, mixed indiscriminately mixed with multiple other people similarly stripped, for literal centuries, what you would have is a new people.

The implication in your statement is that somehow African slaves abdicated their customs language and religion. It is so factually incorrect its a non-starter.

And again this gets back to my point the Jews have got over their history, have learned from it and have flourished
Which goes back to my original statement. Seems to support it actually.
"... of all the crimes that America has done to its black folks, I think the homogenization is the worst. We no longer have religions, cultures, languages, customs rooted in anything other than what the oppressors crafted via their oppression. The smallest vestigial remnant is ridiculed, lampooned or appropriated (AAVE, Roots/Hoodoo, signifyin') and the adoption of the homogenized version of Blackness applauded and or elevated.
You can overcome rape, murder, theft of resources and income disparity. Building a culture on customs derived out of oppression's necessity's is a great deal more challenging, most of all when some don't even acknowledge the absolute barbarism of homogeneous imposition."

yes, your statement really does support mine.
Comparing one atrocity to another is always a tough unfair comparison. And your correct the Jewish example lasted hundreds of years and they kept their cloture intact and have thrived! While Jewish culture is intact I agree, however above previously you stated Indians had lost theirs?
I said Natives lost their lands; though many were stripped of their cultures the language and culture persists.

While I don't know any I'm sure they have pieces of their way of life however I'm sure the way they live now isn't what their elders would consider "native"!
Agreed; especially considering the theft of land and resources by the US.

While many may think of Africa as one uniform culture I certainly do not.
Lets come back to this.

The Jewish analogy I utilized to show that another group was also enslaved and has not only become successful but one would argue the most successful, and I don't understand your argument they would blend into the Arabs Turks and Persians.

and we are back. Blacks in America, before they were enslaved, were as diverse a group of people as the Semetics (Palenstinians/Jordanians/Jews), Arabs, Turks and Persians. You would need to combine all of those independent cultures to create some new thing that you called "Jew" or whatever you wanted to call it. The Jewish people are the same as they were prior to slavery in custom, language and religion not b/c they persisted but b/c the form of slavery to which they and historically took place, permitted the retainer of those customs and religions.

Did you not see me list the myriad of peoples above? All of those peoples are as distinct as Jews, Arabs and Turks. But through slavery they became a single group. A group with nothing but remnants of the multi-verse of cultures. Remnants that were as often ridiculed as destroyed.

Are you now clear?

you say you don't see African as a monolith; then ask yourself where are the cultural derivations in the descendants here? What you'll find is a difference between Brazil and US akin to Ashkanzi and Sephardic. Probably closer to Sephardic and Mizrahi.

The fact that you did not identify the corollary between Mongo, Kongo, Burundi, Yoruba, Benin, Togo, Hausa, Mande and Fula = Black and Jews, Palenstinians, Syrians, Turks, Persians and Arab = "Jewsx" means that you either don't understand the distinct difference in culture, custom, language, ethnicity and heritage that slaves had and that those listed above still have.

It's a different culture, language etc!! Totally different! That example is untrue similar to the people that think Africa is one big tribe as you noted many do.
That is entirely the point. Those were multiple cultures of very different languages and people. Those cultural and ethnic distinctions were erased in slavery by law, rape and violence. Blacks in America are a homogenous group created by that violence. We did not come into being distinct. Each of those nations was as different if not more so, than Jews and Arabs. I hope this ads some clarity.

And the fact that you say I don't understand the fact that Jews were slaves and have become successful in keeping their culture together is confusing.
I think we covered this. Forms of slavery differ. The one in the Americas is unique in that it forbade any transfer of customs, language, practice. It literally wholesale erased cultures. It raped out religions and it beat out the remnants of both. Jews were allowed to worship their gods, just like enslaved Africans, Basques, Estonians and Hmong were on various continents. Again, that's what makes what happened in the Americas historically significant and unique.

First of all I utilized the Jews for the exact reason you mentioned so what do you think I don't understand?
Are you clearer now on the origins of Blacks in the Americas and how by definition that is quite distinct from any group that transcends millenia?

You proved my understanding with your comments.
I did?

It also proved the most successful group on the planet had been enslaved.
This is dangerous ideology. First, its based in nothing like fact. Second it sounds like something from the Protocol of the Elders; it plays into historical tropes and stereotypes that on surface seem flattering but at their root are pernicious and have lead to more than one pogrom. You can inform yourself about that. Third its immaterial to the discussion which was born from my factual statement with regard to the historical facts of how Blacks in the Americas came to be.

Ok I'll use the Jews again, Jews were whipped and still kept their traditions, language and culture!!
This implies (yet again) that Jews were permitted to keep their culture. Which was actually true. Now had Jews had their language taken, were raped by their captors frequently (this actually did happen which is why the matriarchal line is paramount) but were stripped of their religion, customs and traditions and simultaneously, mixed indiscriminately mixed with multiple other people similarly stripped, for literal centuries, what you would have is a new people.

The implication in your statement is that somehow African slaves abdicated their customs language and religion. It is so factually incorrect its a non-starter.

And again this gets back to my point the Jews have got over their history, have learned from it and have flourished
Which goes back to my original statement. Seems to support it actually.
"... of all the crimes that America has done to its black folks, I think the homogenization is the worst. We no longer have religions, cultures, languages, customs rooted in anything other than what the oppressors crafted via their oppression. The smallest vestigial remnant is ridiculed, lampooned or appropriated (AAVE, Roots/Hoodoo, signifyin') and the adoption of the homogenized version of Blackness applauded and or elevated.
You can overcome rape, murder, theft of resources and income disparity. Building a culture on customs derived out of oppression's necessity's is a great deal more challenging, most of all when some don't even acknowledge the absolute barbarism of homogeneous imposition."

yes, your statement really does support mine.
I'll need to get in shape physically before I respond to this entire post! Like an endurance test. While I'll agree and support some there are areas I don't and won't. However the one habit you've got into like another here is the "are you now clear" or " I don't think you understand" phrase which implies I'm to only listen! The myriad of different ethnic groups in Africa you've stated I missed is simply due to the fact I didn't realize we were to cover them all. Also Jews weren't allowed to continue their religious and cultural lives under all conditions as slaves while sometimes yes others no. I offer Moses as an example.
I'll need to get in shape physically before I respond to this entire post! Like an endurance test. While I'll agree and support some there are areas I don't and won't. However the one habit you've got into like another here is the "are you now clear" or " I don't think you understand" phrase which implies I'm to only listen! The myriad of different ethnic groups in Africa you've stated I missed is simply due to the fact I didn't realize we were to cover them all. Also Jews weren't allowed to continue their religious and cultural lives under all conditions as slaves while sometimes yes others no. I offer Moses as an example.

The are you now clear, is are you now clear with my position; not yours. The way you were repeating the same error of logic made it apparent you didn't understand the analogy or actually the initial statement itself (last statement in my last post as well).

Please explain what you mean with regard to Moses as either I don't understand or you do not. I'm not sure which, so out of respect for the civil discourse we've had, I'll defer and wait for clarification.

I'll posit that my confusions re: Moses is that you can identify him as a Jew. You can't point to any American descended from slaves in America and identify any specific people that they come from. Given that you have identified Moses as a Jews and you use this an example of erasure of culture/history/tradition, leads to my is Moses applicable.
The are you now clear, is are you now clear with my position; not yours. The way you were repeating the same error of logic made it apparent you didn't understand the analogy or actually the initial statement itself (last statement in my last post as well).

Please explain what you mean with regard to Moses as either I don't understand or you do not. I'm not sure which, so out of respect for the civil discourse we've had, I'll defer and wait for clarification.

I'll posit that my confusions re: Moses is that you can identify him as a Jew. You can't point to any American descended from slaves in America and identify any specific people that they come from. Given that you have identified Moses as a Jews and you use this an example of erasure of culture/history/tradition, leads to my is Moses applicable.
I don't understand your first sentence. It doesn't make any sense? Repeating the same error? What didn't I understand? Your not being clear about what your saying? Again with your bullshit line about what I don't understand. You don't understand why Moses was cast into the river? Why would you want an explanantion when you seem to think you have all the answers? Most likely as usual when someone who thinks they have all the answers they do not!! And "civil discourse"? Let me ask you a question to ensure I'm not wasting my time and your as well read as you like to come across. How was Moses conceived? By whom? Why did he end up in a river?
Big difference between staying home and fighting via protests as opposed to staying home and fighting a decent trained army with shoot to kill orders.

Yeah there's a difference but didn't Castro do just that?
I don't understand your first sentence. It doesn't make any sense? Repeating the same error? What didn't I understand? Your not being clear about what your saying? Again with your bullshit line about what I don't understand. You don't understand why Moses was cast into the river? Why would you want an explanantion when you seem to think you have all the answers? Most likely as usual when someone who thinks they have all the answers they do not!! And "civil discourse"? Let me ask you a question to ensure I'm not wasting my time and your as well read as you like to come across. How was Moses conceived? By whom? Why did he end up in a river?

From your tone its seems your less interested in both of us understanding what we are saying and coming to agreement or mutual disagreement.

You mentioned my repetition of "are you now clear". I was clarifying what I meant. Me asking are you now clear was not me asking you to accept my thoughts, it was me asking do you understand the premise of my thoughts. It felt like you were engaging and debating a topic that I neither offered or were engaged and debating. So I wanted to make sure you were clear with what I was saying, not that you were simply reconciling what I was saying with what you were saying. Let me add punctuation (quotes actual as the semicolon is there) and context is above.

The "are you now clear", is are you now clear with my position; not yours.

I don't understand how Moses is relative. I'm asking you to help me understand your position. I've gone through great lengths and detail to express mine.

Are you skimming it? Processing it? Ignoring it?

I think my deconstruction of your statements demonstrate that I'm giving them actual consideration, thought and intellectually honest responses.

Either you are not doing the same or we are simply not having the same conversation, which I have pointed out 3 times now.

If you are looking for a troll, I'm not the best target. If you are looking for intellectually rigorous conversation, I'm here to engage.

Why would you want an explanantion when you seem to think you have all the answers? Most likely as usual when someone who thinks they have all the answers they do not!!
I am giving rationale non-inflammatory fact based discourse. The only answers I have are answer that butress my initial statement. You challenged that statement, not me. I don't need to undercut my statement but I certainly am willing to buttress it. This isn't having all the answers, its simply having the ability and knowledge to defend something I've said and meant. Is that a bad thing? Should we not all be held to that account? I hold my self to the standard of being able to support what I say with facts, if that is offensive then the issue rests with the offended, not me.

Ad hominem gives me no joy.

Let me ask you a question to ensure I'm not wasting my time and your as well read as you like to come across. How was Moses conceived? By whom? Why did he end up in a river?

First, my understanding of Moses is not material, or at least that is what I stated prior, I asked you to explain how it is, your answer is again to pose the same question to me. Now if the implication is that Moses was a descendant of slaves from multiple races, cultures and customs; whose knowledge of those customs had been forcibly erased for centuries and he neither had knowledge of them nor could identify with any one specific group, then sure, Moses is applicable.

Futher, where have I tried to come across as well read? And when on this planet did coming off as well read become some sort of an insult. Assuming arguendo that I am well read, for whatever that means, then would this not be something to applaud? It seems as if you are denigrating the very thought that I would imply the same. Are we venturing towards the trope of the uppity negro? I see no other reason to have made the statement, especially since I've yet to denigrate a statement you've made. Deconstruct, yes, denigrate, not in the slightest.

However, my understanding was Moses was born a Jew, enslaved by non-Jews, and freed as a Jew who also rallied other Jews to freedom.

This is antithetical to my initial statement and at all relevant to anything I've offered.

So again, please explain your point re: Moses and/or Jews and how it relates at all to the following:

"... of all the crimes that America has done to its black folks, I think the homogenization is the worst. We no longer have religions, cultures, languages, customs rooted in anything other than what the oppressors crafted via their oppression. The smallest vestigial remnant is ridiculed, lampooned or appropriated (AAVE, Roots/Hoodoo, signifyin') and the adoption of the homogenized version of Blackness applauded and or elevated.
You can overcome rape, murder, theft of resources and income disparity. Building a culture on customs derived out of oppression's necessity's is a great deal more challenging, most of all when some don't even acknowledge the absolute barbarism of homogeneous imposition."

because that is the quote you engaged me on and have been attempting to divorce from the underpinnings of fact I've presented to support it.
I'll buy the fact the culture was devalued and lost its identity, however like any race, religion or creed they evolve and grow. The adaptation of man and living is one of our greatest abilities. Yes the Holocaust goal was not only to not only eradicate a culture but a people. The Jews have willed thru and also tragically were slaves for thousands of years yet now thrive!! Maybe no culture on earth has more to show for their efforts. Indians while did lose their land and culture to Europoeans however now are getting the greatest revenge of all time! Taking the white mans money at Casinos(joking) who is Trump praising daily? And I'd disagree the culture was born of "bearings and whippings" that was an event of epiclly horific proportion. However like the Jewish culture references above some have decided not to allow the events of the past become what they will be. While again I think it needs to be used as a school and itivatir however to allow it to determine an outcome for an entire race? I understand the lack of self identity causes a void, yet it's not something one can control therefore I try and focus on what I can control and not dwell on what happened in the past. While I do recognize these shitty facts I just can't allow the uncontrollable control my future.

I see Ellu eloquently addressed the ignorance of you comparing the history of so-called Jewish people with that of Africans who were kidnapped, removed from their native lands, and enslaved for hundreds of years. Now, let's getting into some REAL historical fact. As I mentioned earlier, many issues including this sick mentality called racism
that persist in this country are due to the lies, mis-information, and historical inaccuracies that have been perpetuated. I regret to inform you that your entire premises is bullshyt because there was no Jewish enslavement. There's no documented history anywhere that confirms a Jewish enslavement in North Africa (i.e. Egypt), let alone caucasian or white skinned Jews. This story is a complete fabrication and is as fake account of history as is the bible. The ridiculousness of Europeans having any historical roots in Kemet or any significant roll in it's history or creation prior to the Greek invasion in 332 BC amounts to nothing more than sensationalized Hollywood bullshyt written by the Jews who created and control that industry. Beyond that, it's a fairytale fella. There was no Jewish enslavement. There were no white folks in Africa being forced to build pyramids, trust me on this..Lol. And I'll gladly debate anyone on this fact or non-fact depending on which way you look at it.

So above and beyond what Ellu explained to you regarding the significance of African culture being disrupted via restricting any practice of language, ritual, worship, god concept, family, etc. which all make the African experience of chattel slavery unique, your comparisons show just how ridiculously mis-informed and ignorant you are. Lastly, regarding the Natives, they were only awarded their own land which is fully governed by them, tax free status, grants, and exclusive casino rights and sell other tax free shyt in addition to never being enslaved and culturally destroyed. Yeah, damn shame black people couldn't recover after being given all those forms of reparations. Oh that's right, we were never given a fckn thing, you jackazz so stop the dumbazz comparisons and educate yourself
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This article is indicative of the very sickness I speak of when it comes to systemic racism. So the NFL owners call CK a traitor, a traitor, REALLY? Wait, so a peaceful protest, nothing disrupting the team or game but a peaceful protest against the unjustified killing of unarmed black men and kids, donating his time and money to inner city programs/charities, donating to meals on wheels that Agent Orange de-funded, and sending a plane full of food and water to starving people gets you compared to a low life mf who has his pregnant gf killed??? All the low life mf's they've allowed to play in the NFL beyond any of the egregious shyt they've done (i.e. rape, murder, assault, spousal abuse, etc), yet never have I heard anything to this extent about a player from the owners. And you fools think black people can't see through the smoke screen. This shyt has nothing to do with the flag, kneeling or none of that shyt. This is text book response of white supremacy being challenged not unlike the way many of you clowns stay silent on these lounge post till you feel whiteness is being challenged. Meanwhile Clayton Bisby spouts racially insensitive shyt daily and it's all good.

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