DOminion Software was unsafe

I think most Americans want to know that our elections are legit. We will know in a few weeks if it was, Without fair elections there is no country. There are troubling signs that need to either be explained away in a provable way or a great fraud was committed.
Bro, you have your answer today. This election was fair and free of voter fraud. Take your head out of the sand.
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Yes!! Now lets prepare for President Elect Joe Biden's inauguration.
Ok you answered the last ? But not
Yes!! Now lets prepare for President Elect Joe Biden's inauguration.
Ok so you agree about vote total but what about the other statements

Cems do you think a voter should have to present ID to vote?

Do you think they should prove citizenship to vote

How bout residency in state they try to vote in

Mail in ballots only safeguards are
They need to be requested
You have to be registered to request then your signature on request form than has to match signature on ballots,
Do you disagree with that?
If you do then this election is tainted because those rules were waved in the states in question

And I couldn’t agree more your right we better prepare for a Biden presidency
Because it ain’t going to be pretty because the media is going to now lie like hell to you even more so to convince u everything is going well.
Ok you answered the last ? But not
Ok so you agree about vote total but what about the other statements

Cems do you think a voter should have to present ID to vote?

Do you think they should prove citizenship to vote

How bout residency in state they try to vote in

Mail in ballots only safeguards are
They need to be requested
You have to be registered to request then your signature on request form than has to match signature on ballots,
Do you disagree with that?
If you do then this election is tainted because those rules were waved in the states in question

And I couldn’t agree more your right we better prepare for a Biden presidency
Because it ain’t going to be pretty because the media is going to now lie like hell to you even more so to convince u everything is going well.
If election rules were waved by a jurisdiction, it was their legal right to do so. If not, SUE!!
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I think most Americans want to know that our elections are legit. We will know in a few weeks if it was, Without fair elections there is no country. There are troubling signs that need to either be explained away in a provable way or a great fraud was committed.
And by the way there are two different forensic auditors now who have found new program code that was entered into the machines during voting hours. The code tampering is a big eye opener.
You’ll have to forgive my ignorance as computer programming isn’t in my wheel house but if there were some code written for the algorithm wouldn’t that show up in the forensic analysis of either the server or system on the machines themselves? Dominion is a Canadian company by the way so I’m sure that could interesting if there’s further evidence exposed.

At issue is that the software has numerous back doors that allow anyone with basic admin rights to modify results. I have been told by good source that Dominion's own documentation lists (I heard on pg. 455) this as a high security risk. It is kind of like Quick Books which allows after the fact changes with a very limited paper trail. It is my understanding that most of the coding for the Dominion Software is done in Serbia.
At issue is that the software has numerous back doors that allow anyone with basic admin rights to modify results. I have been told by good source that Dominion's own documentation lists (I heard on pg. 455) this as a high security risk. It is kind of like Quick Books which allows after the fact changes with a very limited paper trail. It is my understanding that most of the coding for the Dominion Software is done in Serbia.
Where did you hear this? Let me guess, Fox Fake News.
If election rules were waved by a jurisdiction, it was their legal right to do so. If not, SUE!!
Ok cems you ever hear the quote “ the mind is like a parachute, if it won’t open it’s worthless “
You wouldn’t jump out of a plane if 72 million people told you the parachute your wearing has a glitch and if 76 million told you their crazy it works fine ,
Would you jump ?
Or might you say hey what’s it going to hurt to double ck the parachute just to make sure that everything is ok?
Ok cems you ever hear the quote “ the mind is like a parachute, if it won’t open it’s worthless “
You wouldn’t jump out of a plane if 72 million people told you the parachute your wearing has a glitch and if 76 million told you their crazy it works fine ,
Would you jump ?
Or might you say hey what’s it going to hurt to double ck the parachute just to make sure that everything is ok?
Bro, there was no voter fraud. Trump's own Director of Cyber Security said so. Stop the madness.
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The hand count and audit in GA will show if the software was wrong or not, correct? Once we see the results we will know. Curious to see what we find.
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The hand count and audit in GA will show if the software was wrong or not, correct? Once we see the results we will know. Curious to see what we find.
Once the hand count is done and Trump loses again, watch those right wing nutjobs say there was fraud in the recount. They are so predictable.
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The tabulating software used in 28 states including all the highly contested ones has been shown to be hackable through the media feed from Clarity systems owned by SCTYL . An MIT scientist scraped the real time feed of the election and found many instances of vote switching -enough to give Trump the states of Michigan ,PA ,Georgia and Wisconsin and several others.Here is the link to the video about Michigan Trump may not even have to contest the massive fraud with mail in ballots in these states. The scientist said the Algorithm did the switching to more of a degree in highly Republican counties which makes sense.
There are major recognized statisticians who have come up with similar analyses. The hubris of the Democrats here smacks of a supreme arrogance. Committing fraud on a massive scale is very hard to do without getting caught.Because of massive Trump turnout they were forced to take chances in their hysterical need to defeat Trump. It will backfire in the coming days all the facts will come out.
Andrea Mitchell


: "This is most irresponsible leadership during a transition I think any of us have seen in our lifetimes if not in the history of the republic. Donald Trump has lost the election. It's clear. His legal challenges are failing & he's running out of rope."
There is irrefutable evidence of massive fraud .Its real. It has been censored by the leftist media. Decent Democrats will be horrified that their party was capable of this kind of law breaking on such a large scale. You can whine and moan before the fact but the truth is coming. You can riot all you want when Trump is elected and you will be controlled and imprisoned. Its what is going to happen .
We are effectively already in a civil war. The Republicans are not responding with violence. They are responding with sunshine on a corrupt election. They have watched an attempt at a bloodless coup the last 4 years ,now they have seen massive fraud .Its all illegal and corrupt behavior by the Democrats.
There will be many arrests including some higher up in the Democrat party .Its coming. It isn't some right wing conspiracy .Cems prepare thy posterior and take it like a man.
Here is only one of the many Cybersecurity affidavits that have neen entered as evidence in the coming court cases
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Andrea Mitchell

: "This is most irresponsible leadership during a transition I think any of us have seen in our lifetimes if not in the history of the republic. Donald Trump has lost the election. It's clear. His legal challenges are failing & he's running out of rope."
You publishes a Susan Rice quote? I have one word in reply..Bengazi. Rice was the coverup POS regarding that situation. She is garbage like most of the people closest to Obama.
There is irrefutable evidence of massive fraud .Its real. It has been censored by the leftist media. Decent Democrats will be horrified that their party was capable of this kind of law breaking on such a large scale. You can whine and moan before the fact but the truth is coming. You can riot all you want when Trump is elected and you will be controlled and imprisoned. Its what is going to happen .
We are effectively already in a civil war. The Republicans are not responding with violence. They are responding with sunshine on a corrupt election. They have watched an attempt at a bloodless coup the last 4 years ,now they have seen massive fraud .Its all illegal and corrupt behavior by the Democrats.
There will be many arrests including some higher up in the Democrat party .Its coming. It isn't some right wing conspiracy .Cems prepare thy posterior and take it like a man.
Here is only one of the many Cybersecurity affidavits that have neen entered as evidence in the coming court cases
You and the rest of Trump's minions are a bunch of dumbasses. My background is IT. With such knowledge it is so easy to prove or disprove your nonsense. Subpoena one "suspicious" precinct, count the ballots and see if the results match the official results.
Where did you hear this? Let me guess, Fox Fake News.
Actually CNN did a report on it in 2006 after the Venezuelan election fraud that occurred and that particular software and machines were used.

Here’s another story from 2016-2017
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Actually CNN did a report on it in 2006 after the Venezuelan election fraud that occurred and that particular software and machines were used.

Here’s another story from 2016-2017

We don't need more "stories" from you and the Republicans. Just the facts. Can you do that?

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